A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 82: Professor Bablin, are you running? !

A bed,

two rolls of paper,

Four minutes and three seconds of video,

How can you fight against him, women are enchanting?

If it is just "appreciation" of this mode, the twins probably won\'t have an accident. After all, they are entertaining themselves. Except for hurting themselves and wasting paper, they have not hurt anyone else.

But if you were selling Snape\'s women\'s clothing photos like selling pirated CDs, you might be killed by the bedside one day.

The double meaning of magic and science!

William has been away from the twins recently, so he can\'t be affected by them. Stay away from Professor Snape... no one wants to bear his wrath!

When William walked into the library, and didn\'t see Hermione, she was still in class.

William took out the note from the forbidden area and handed it to Mrs. Pince.

Obviously they are old acquaintances, and Mrs. Pings is still looking left and right, it seems that William took the fake note that he forged.

She waved her feather duster and muttered, "I\'ve been in the library for so many years, and all the little wizards have added a piece, and you haven\'t entered the forbidden area by yourself as many times!

I don\'t know what Professor Flitwick is thinking, but I give you approval every time..."

In her opinion, Stark, who frequently went to and from the restricted area of ​​the library, was undoubtedly a bad student, and sooner or later he would become a dark wizard.

William didn\'t dare to say anything, who let someone be a librarian.

Don\'t mess with the librarian because you never know how powerful he might be in the future!

Under Mrs. Pince\'s scrutiny, William hurriedly ran towards the forbidden area, fearing that he would be a step behind, and the other party gave him a magic wand.

The restricted area is an area at the back of the library, separated by a rope.

William followed the search and stopped at the corner.

He picked up a large black book from the bottom of the bookshelf.

- "The Glory of History - (Pure Blood Family

When the book was picked up, it screamed, "Don\'t touch me, you **** mud..."

William waved his wand, and the book shut up at once. The books in the forbidden area are very temperamental, in short, they are not clean up!

If William was the headmaster, he would never allow this to happen, and he would be directly trained by the fairy books.

Guaranteed to come so many times, these books are obedient, like a little daughter-in-law quietly.

William waved his wand, red flames flashed in his hand, and he pressed it on the book. The book was finally completely honest, and automatically turned to the table of contents.

He followed the index and quickly found the Peverell family.

The last conversation with Dumbledore gave William a lot of information.

The principal never liked to tell others about everything. He used to be dumb and let others decipher it by himself.

Euphemistically called: test!

"Dumbledore is testing you"... This is a sentence that sounds very bloody, but it is actually very bloody.

Mr. Newt has been tested by the organization many times. Now in his 90s, he is going to go to the United States for the test.

How miserable... The one he got when he was young was definitely not a protagonist template, it was estimated that he was a tool person to promote the development of the event.

William tapped the word Peverell with his wand, and the book automatically turned to the Peverell family.

Dumbledore mentioned that Grindelwald had been to Godric\'s Hollow, where the two started their pilgrimage.

Because Ignotus Peverell\'s tomb is buried there, he is rumored to have a legendary invisibility cloak, similar to the one in the story of the Three Brothers.

William found a table at random, took the book carefully, and read it.

As described in this black book:

Ignotus Peverell had three sons, the first two died young, and the third son had only one daughter, Aiolans Peverell.

Aiolans married Hadwin Potter, and since then the surname Peverell has completely disappeared from history.

"So the invisibility cloak, one of the nine Deathly Hallows, is in the hands of the Potter family?"

William thought for a moment, and he did hear Hermione mention that Harry had an invisibility cloak.

The dress was given to him by Dumbledore for Christmas in first grade, saying it was a relic of Harry\'s father James.

Thinking about it this way, it\'s a bit of a problem.

Invisibility cloaks in the conventional sense, made from the hair of invisible beasts.

The peeled fur will gradually fail over time, become opaque, cracked, and even counteracted by appearance-type magic spells.

And Harry\'s invisibility cloak has been worn for at least two generations, with a span of more than ten years in between.

It is in line with the "permanently effective, continuous invisibility, unbreakable" characteristics of the Deathly Hallows.

There is a high probability that Aorance Peverell married Hadwin Potter, and this invisibility cloak became a Potter family heirloom.

With all the details, William could conclude that the invisibility cloak was indeed one of the Deathly Hallows.

But he didn\'t care too much, even without an invisibility cloak, he could still be invisible.

William rubbed the book and continued to think carefully.

Dumbledore made it very clear: the Deathly Hallows are the most powerful weapons, and the prehistoric artifact is the most powerful magic.

Of course William is...all of it!

In Nico\'s account, there are three versions of the story of the three brothers, the nine Deathly Hallows.

In the first story: Elder Wand, Resurrection Stone and Invisibility Cloak;

In the second story: the phalanx of the **** of death, the garland of infinite wisdom, and the cauldron for making any potion.

In the third story: the strongest python, the goblet of death, the book of alchemy.

Nico owns the alchemy book, and he is collecting the python and the goblet to unlock the back of the alchemy book.

The python bit the wand and turned into a Slytherin wand, possibly in the US now. Tom is looking.

And the whereabouts of the goblet, Nico also has clues.

William has a Ravenclaw ring made of finger bones, and a wreath of infinite wisdom, much like a Ravenclaw crown.

The Invisibility Cloak was in Harry\'s hands, and as for the Elder Wand... William felt vaguely in Dumbledore\'s hands.

Hagrid\'s wand was broken, but it was actually hidden in a little pink umbrella. William asked Hagrid, and he said that Dumbledore used the "Recovery Charm" to restore it.

But that\'s impossible, Cedric said, and even Ollivander couldn\'t fix a broken wand.

Nico has also said more than once that as long as Dumbledore holds a wand, he will always be the strongest wizard.

William could conclude that the Elder Wand was in the Headmaster\'s hands.

Therefore, according to the current clues, what is really clueless is the cauldron for brewing any potion and the resurrection stone.

William rubbed his brows and suddenly remembered another thing.

According to the Hogwarts Castle building records, Corvinus Gaunt once repaired the plumbing system of Hogwarts.

It\'s not surprising to see this alone, but think of the secret room... Corvinus must have discovered the secret room and wanted to hide it better.

Tom found the Sanctuary in the Chamber of Secrets, which contained Slytherin\'s notes, and there was no reason why Corvinus Gaunt couldn\'t find it.

William quickly found the entry for Corvinus Gaunt, glanced over, and stopped at the last few sentences.

Corvinus Gaunt disobeyed the family\'s orders by abandoning his cousin and marrying a veela named Babbling. The two had a daughter who died at an early age.

Corvinus Gaunt was last missing in the "city of seven hills".

"The City of Seven Hills"...where?

And Babelin... William suddenly remembered that his ancient Rune professor was also named Babelin.

at this time,

Phoenix\'s chirping sounded.

William hurriedly took out the Phoenix Book from the safety table. He gently held down the phoenix on the cover, and the tweet finally stopped.

After William opened the book, the page turned over and a beautiful face appeared.

A violent panting sounded in the library hall, and all the students stared at William.

He\'s stupid...really!

This is not the first time William has experienced such a big scene.

In his previous life, William, who was still fresh and young, sat quietly in the auditorium. The principal on the stage was giving a speech, expressing his welcome to the new students.

William quietly took out his mobile phone, looked at the group of classmates, and opened a 700k app, and suddenly a wheezing sounded.

He lowered the volume in a panic, and found it useless. The people around looked at him in surprise, and the principal got stuck~www.novelhall.com~William decided to turn off the power, but found that it could not be turned off, so he could only let the voice echo in the auditorium, his smile gradually Disappeared, ready to go to the balcony on the tenth floor.

Finally, the voice stopped, and William silently changed the name of the apk to the Advanced Mathematics Exercise Book and sent it to another group.

Unexpectedly, he has crossed over to Hogwarts, and he still hasn\'t escaped this **** bad luck!

William raised his wand, pointed it at the delicate face, and asked coldly:

"Professor Babbling, are you... running?"



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