A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 81: Snape

Bewitched by the chirping of the wicked bird, the little wizards made abnormal actions one by one.

Marietta waved her arms, trying to spread her wings, and she pouted like a goofy Duck Duck.

Bradley lay on the ground, hunched over, crawling forward like a happy Flobber caterpillar.

Eloise played hip-hop, and she came in for an Armstrong-accelerated jet 720-degree Thomas slalom.

This flexibility... Tsk tsk, it turns out that Eloise is the softest girl at Hogwarts!

Hermione shouldn\'t be messing around with Annie in yoga, this is the master.

Soon it was William\'s turn, who had removed the earmuffs, but was barely affected.

Compared with the charm of Furong\'s Veela, the charismatic power of the wicked bird is really not worth mentioning.

Even if William does not use Occlumency, he can get rid of it with strong willpower.

Do you think William died in vain in the time loop? Having died too many times, he has long forged a heart of steel.

This is the traditional art of the Stark family.

Besides, under the influence of Furong\'s charm, doing some irreversible wrongs would be called a beast at best.

Not being seduced by Hibiscus, but being seduced by the chirping of a vicious bird... That\'s the real beast!

William certainly does not want to be inferior to animals.

Professor Lupin suddenly felt cheated.

Because the results were not very good, only some of the students successfully resisted the Evil Widowmaker and successfully cast the Silent Charm.

Okay, everyone has a solid foundation for Defense Against the Dark Arts, right?

From Lupin\'s point of view, the average magic level of this group of children is at most the level of the second grade of their era!

Can\'t get any higher!

They are all students. How did Stark and Granger learn?

Professor Lupin has some headaches. If his syllabus needs to be changed, the difficulty must be reduced, and the basics must be solidified first.


After class, William and Qiu separated, and he went to the library alone.

Walking on the promenade, I suddenly heard an explosion in the distance.

William walked over and found that the door of Filch\'s office was directly blown open. A puff of white smoke came out.

Filch is in trouble again?

Black attacked him?

William made up a string of Black murders in his mind.

He took out his wand and walked over quietly. After seeing the scene in the house, he was suddenly stunned.

The room was dark and dirty, with no windows except for a solitary oil lamp hanging from the low ceiling.

under the lamp,

Hang two people!

The twins were suspended just like that, white spider silk entangled them.

The two struggled to break free, but the trap made by the eight-eyed giant spider silk became tighter and tighter!

"William, hurry up and save us!" Fred said in surprise when he saw William.

William waved his wand, and four blue rays of light flashed past, cutting the spider silk, and the two fell down.

"What are you two doing in Filch\'s office? Being Spider-Man, or playing bondage?"

William walked into the office and chuckled. "Kind of looking for a place...in Filch\'s office...for excitement?"

"No, we just wanted to sneak in and steal something."

George stood up, patted the dust on his body, and picked up his wand on the ground.

Fred continued: "I didn\'t expect Filch to be in the office, setting a prank trap.

Never before. We opened the door this time and didn\'t care. We were caught by accident. Damn! "

"He must have been used against us," said George angrily. "Only the two of us would sneak into his office."

Fred glanced at the spider silk on the ground and said thoughtfully, "George, why does this look like the spider silk of an eight-eyed giant spider?"

William suddenly felt a little itchy throat, and he coughed a few times in a guilty conscience.

"Indeed!" George picked up a piece of spider silk and said with narrowed eyes:

"William, I remember you said that you should use spider silk to make a prank trap that binds people?"

"I invented it, but the product is not yet mature, and I don\'t plan to sell it."

William seemed to suddenly remember something, and he said angrily: "Cedric definitely stole it, he sold it to Filch, and deliberately tricked the two of you!"

The twins looked in disbelief.

Well... this thing was indeed sent to Filch by William.

He wasn\'t quite there yet, but Filch approached him and said he needed a prank trap that would trap people.

William gave Bobo tea a few spider trap eggs for his **** life.

William thought Filch was using it to catch Blake, but it was to guard against the twins.

Sure enough, only mischief products can deal with mischief!

"What are you two trying to steal?" William changed the subject.

"Boggart, William." Fred laughed. "We are only one step away from Snape\'s beautiful women\'s clothes."

"Have you found Boggart?"

"Yes." George nodded, "We have been searching carefully in the castle for the past few days.

Luckily, I got a tip from Hufflepuff\'s little wizard that Filch had a boggart in his filing cabinet. "

"What about the Filchs?"

"He went to get your Bobo tea, and there\'s news that Bobo Cha and Mrs. Norris were seen on the grass...well, you get the idea."

"The rumors you spread?"

"No." George laughed: "This is not a rumor at all, but a real thing."


"We\'re helping out too, a Boggart who attacks Filch every day," Fred said.

"What about Boggart?"

"It\'s still there just now, it seems to be in the closet."

William looked up, and there were many wooden filing cabinets lining the walls; judging from the labels, the cabinets contained details of each student Filch had punished.

On the wall behind Filch\'s desk was a set of shiny ropes and handcuffs, candles, whips and the like.

The box on the far right suddenly shook violently.

All three took up their wands.

The box was opened, and Mrs. Weasley, who was fat and angry, walked out quickly.

She pinched her waist with her hands and glared at the twins.

"Oh, that sucks." Fred took two steps back in fear.

Boggart is a special kind of magical creature that sees through the heart and becomes what wizards fear most.

So Boggart became Professor McGonagall.

Both Mrs Weasley and Professor McGonagall were the women the twins feared the most.

George waved his wand. "Funny!"

Professor McGonagall becomes a tabby cat, her Animagos form.

"Sure enough, the cat girl Mag is more cute." William nodded.

"The next step is to find Neville." Fred laughed.

"It\'s fine, there\'s no need to find Neville," William said. "I can help too."

Seeing that William\'s eyes were dull, he tried to picture Professor Snape\'s appearance in his mind.

It is not difficult for him to cover up his memory with Occlumency, or to fake it.

Soon, the "fear" in William\'s heart was reflected in Bogut\'s mind.

Tabby became Professor Snape, and he pressed aggressively towards the three.

"Women\'s clothes!" cried George. "First, a Mrs Longbottom suit."

"Funny!" Fred waved his wand.

There was a noise, like the sound of a whip. Professor Snape stumbled. He was wearing a long, lace-embroidered dress and a tall hat with a moth-eaten stuffed eagle on top, and dangling in his hand a huge Scarlet handbag.

George took out his camera, and with a click, the flash came on...

So professional, all the cameras are here?

"Colin Creevey\'s, we borrowed it from him," Fred explained.

Colin is a well-known candid cameraman, and he is famous for stalking Harry.

When he was attacked last term, everyone found a lot of private photos of Harry in his camera.

"Change to jk uniform this time." Fred laughed wickedly.

He waved his wand again: "Funny, funny!"

William doesn\'t want to watch anymore~www.novelhall.com~ Too hot eyes.

When people wear jk uniforms on the street, at most, they will be sprayed by "jk policemen" as "copycats bought after the trend".

The great thing is to rip off the clothes with a few beatings...Professor Snee will probably be wiped out humanely.

George was still shouting excitedly: "Oh hoo hoo, legs up, splits, bigger! Ah!!"

William hurriedly ran away, he was just passing by to make soy sauce, this matter really has nothing to do with him...




(Thanks to the "Xiaobai is a cloud" boss for the reward.)

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