A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 83: Slytherin's Protector

Professor Babbling\'s sudden rioting caused William to be kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince.

And let him not enter for three days!

Fortunately, William ran fast, otherwise Mrs. Pince might have waved a feather duster and resorted to a set of Golang gossip sticks to let him know the majesty of the librarian.

William found an empty classroom again. After sitting down, he took out the Phoenix Book.

The cover of the book, with a lock and raised part, has a cute sticker of Phoenix Fox.

William first saw the Phoenix book in Dumbledore.

After the Chamber of Secrets incident, Dumbledore used the Book of the Phoenix to contact Eulalie Hicks, the headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This kind of book is a kind of precious alchemy item. Its function is very similar to that of a double-sided mirror.

Dumbledore had established an international network to fight against Grindelwald.

William also found a Phoenix book in his safe house in Paris, and with Nicole\'s consent, he took it away.

Otherwise, Babbling wouldn\'t be able to contact him.

After William opened the Phoenix Book, he found Professor Babelin again.

Babu Ling seemed to be observing something, her mouth curled into a charming smile, no longer panting.

The witch in front of her was definitely the most beautiful woman William had ever seen, and she was even a bit prettier than Fleur.

Delicate facial features, burgundy eyes, long silver hair in curls, draped over his shoulders like a waterfall.

She also had the conspicuous lapis lazuli amulet hanging around her neck—the pattern on it was a snake wrapped around a scepter.

"William, long time no see." Babelin greeted familiarly.

"Where are you, not at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?" William frowned and asked cautiously.

He didn\'t quite know why Professor Babling was suddenly looking for him.

William was very familiar with Babrin, and during the second time loop, the woman once tutored him one-on-one with ancient runes for several years.

Like a scumbag, William squeezed out this treasure "grandma". After the time loop was over, he felt that he had learned almost the same, and he never went to her again.

Last year, the kind that didn\'t even go to the ancient rune class!

But looking at Babu Ling like this, it seems like she has a memory of him.

This is strange.

Dumbledore knew about the time loop because he had an ancient Pensieve left behind by Hufflepuff.

That Pensieve was as important as the Sorting Hat, it was a memory of what past Headmasters thought was important.

The Ravenclaw Ring runs on the magic of Hogwarts Castle, and so does the Pensieve.

So as long as Dumbledore saves memories in the Pensieve every day, those memories will not disappear directly due to the reset of the time cycle.

But Babu Ling should have no memory.

"William, I\'m at the U.S. Ministry of Magic Capitol."

Professor Babbling gently turned the Phoenix Book in a different direction.

A brightly lit hall, some 700 feet high, with a cathedral-like ceiling, appeared in William\'s sight.

William hadn\'t been there, but he was pretty sure it was the Congressional Hall of the US Ministry of Magic.

Especially the ceiling, full of large areas of crystal, the exaggerated lighting device casts vivid light, skimming the pearly polished paint on the inner wall.

Only the U.S. Ministry of Magic Capitol has such a rich and rich nouveau riche decoration.

The question is...why is that huge monument that towers over the hall smoking?

William soon knew why.

With a bang, a brilliant flash passed by, and a bolt of lightning suddenly landed on the smashed monument, and a large amount of black smoke completely drowned the surroundings.

Babbling closed her burgundy bangs and chuckled, "Are you pretty? Let\'s go!"


Babbling turned away from the US congressional boss.

screen stops,

It reappeared five minutes later.

Babbling had already appeared in a house, she changed into a purple court dress, and after standing the Phoenix book on the shelf, she picked up the crystal goblet and sat on the gold velvet sofa.

She took a sip of the scarlet liquid. Elegance in action.

"I have fifteen minutes to go to class. I\'m looking for you to explain something to you." Babelin explained.

"What?" William had a bad premonition.

"Newt took a Thunderbird from France to America, but halfway through, the Thunderbird disappeared.

The Magical Congress of the United States was frightened by what happened in Paris, so Newt was controlled by the Aurors before he went through customs. "

William was speechless... It turns out that Mr. Newt was really fooled by Clegane to send the Thunderbird back to North America.

But the ptarmigan escaped in the middle, and it flew all the way to England to find William!

Newt was also detained by the American Aurors because of poor care. They have to conduct a risk assessment of Newt\'s black box before they can let him into the United States.

"Then why are you going to the Magical Congress of the United States?"

"Of course I brought out Newt\'s things, such as this Phoenix book that I\'m chatting with you now.

But I\'m on my own, so I had a little conflict with the American Aurors. "Bablin shrugged.


So the lightning just now was the magic released by Babbling?

When she was out of breath, she was also fighting the Aurors?

Is this a skirmish? This is a terrorist attack!

"Then why are you looking for me?" William asked in confusion, "I can\'t let me go to the Magical Congress of the United States to go to prison, right?"

"No." Professor Babbling shook the glass and said softly:

"Dumbledore should have told you that I came to America in place of Newt.

He\'s been arrested again now, and he won\'t be able to get out for a short time, so I can only stay at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and keep an eye on Tom.

But the incident happened suddenly, Dumbledore did not find a new teacher in advance, and other professors had to temporarily teach for me. "

"There are not many professors who are really proficient in ancient rune. For a dean like Mag, she has a lot of her own affairs, and it\'s okay to substitute for a short time..."

"Don\'t you want me to take a substitute class?" William couldn\'t help interrupting.

Babbling blinked, she snapped her fingers, pointed her green finger at William, and pursed her lips and smiled: "Congratulations, Mr. Stark, you got it right!"

"No, sir! I\'m only in the fourth grade, and I\'m still an ordinary student."

"You dare say you\'re just an ordinary student?" Babelin raised her eyebrows.

"Can a student go to the French Ministry of Magic to rob prison, escape the city of Aurors, and stop Arya Grindelwald?"

William shrugged. "Even if you say that, I\'m just a student, how can I teach other people ancient Rune?"

"At Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the professors usually have young assistants, and the assistants can occasionally help the professors in classes." Babelin leaned lazily on the sofa.

"When you cycled through time, I taught you ancient runes for so many years, and your level is definitely enough to teach them."

"...You know the Ravenclaw ring?" William asked in surprise~www.novelhall.com~ Of course he knew. "Babling showed a mysterious smile: "When you came to me for the first time, I found something abnormal.

It\'s not just Hufflepuff\'s Pensieve that can store memories. "

Babbling gently tugged at the amulet around her neck, and she twirled.

On the back shines a gorgeous, serpentine s.

William\'s eyes flickered.




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