A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 80: Lupin was fooled!

Professor Lupin lifted the black cloth to reveal a semi-circular golden birdcage, with a large bird standing on the perch angrily.

The bird, with unusually gorgeous pink feathers, raised its pointed beak and opened and closed its mouth, but could not hear a sound.

Professor Lupin turned to the crowd of curious students and asked, "Who knows what magical creature this is?"

Several Ravenclaw students raised their hands.

"So few?" Professor Lupin pretended to be surprised.

All Ravenclaw students raised their hands, as did some Gryffindor students.

"Obviously, Ravenclaw knows more, do you know why?" Professor Lupin looked at the lion cubs in Gryffindor.

"They\'re all freaks who like to read books!" someone shouted.

The Ravenclaw student glared angrily, and he closed his mouth immediately.

"Ravenclaw dead reading?" Professor Lupin smiled.

"No, although I am also a Gryffindor, I have to admit that the outstanding wizards raised by Ravenclaw are no better than Gryffindors.

Here\'s a wizard, the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal, and the Medal of Valor..."

Everyone looked at William.

"Mr. Kirk, can this be done by dead reading?"

Andrew Kirk shook his head hastily.

"Reading more is never wrong, and reading less is not something to be proud of." Professor Lupin said calmly.

"I have never advocated using a labelled perspective to look at students from other colleges."

Professor Lupin looked around and asked again, "So, which student can tell you what kind of magical animal this is?"

Marietta raised her hand and said, "Evil bird! The eccentric Uric has tried to prove that the song of the evil bird is good for people\'s health."

"Yes, very good, five points for Ravenclaw," said Professor Lupin happily.

"The eccentric Uric is a student of Ravenclaw, a very famous wizard... I think the prefect of Ravenclaw will introduce him every year, right?"

The eagles all nodded. It was because of the repeated introductions by Prefect Robert that they could remember the eccentric Uric and the Evil Bird.

"Our prefect will not introduce interesting wizards from other courtyards." Professor Lupin looked regretful. "Of course, it was the same when I was a prefect."

"However, I like to collect chocolate frog cartoons. I have several sets at home. Uric the eccentric is the wizard in the picture. I learned the story of him and the bad bird from above."

Professor Lupin lowered his voice and whispered in a cautious tone: "I\'ll tell you a little secret, and you must keep it for me..."

Everyone held their breath.

"I learned most of the history of magic from chocolate frog pictures...I never took Professor Binns\' class..."

The students couldn\'t help laughing.

Several little wizards in Gryffindor shouted, "Neither have we heard of it!"

Another shouted: "I don\'t like Professor Binns."

"Don\'t...you don\'t like Professor Binns, I like him a lot...I have a little insomnia. I used to rely on his voice in class to make myself fall asleep...the effect is very good.

So don\'t be surprised if you see me in a history of magic class, I really just went to... sleep! "

Everyone laughed and applauded desperately.

In just a few words, Professor Lupin used his humor to make everyone fall in love with him.

Professor Lupin walked to the birdcage and continued: "Let\'s go back to the topic of the evil bird."

"After listening to the chirping of the wicked bird for three months straight, the eccentric Uric presented his findings to the Wizarding Council.

The council was unmoved, because when Uric arrived at the council, he was wearing nothing but a small wig, but when people walked in and took a closer look, it turned out that the wig turned out to be a dead badger. "

"So everyone knows that the chirping of the evil bird has a bewitching effect, and it will make your head mess up and become like a troll."

"Then, if I come across a bad bitch, who can tell me how to subdue it...Miss Eloise?"

"Block your ears?" Eloise hesitated.

"Well, it\'s an idea, but when you\'re fighting, you don\'t want to block your ears."

Professor Lupin shook his finger and said, "This way you can\'t hear other people\'s voices, so you can\'t judge the other party\'s magic, right?"

"Then... block the mouth of the wicked bird."

"Yes, we usually keep the demon birds out." Lupin tapped the cage. "For example, this wicked bird, you can\'t hear its sound."

"The same magic that can be used to deal with a wicked bird can be used to deal with a wizard.

We all know that in battle, spells are important, if you can\'t read them, you can\'t cast spells, and you have an advantage in an instant.

Of course, this is for wizards who can\'t make silent spells.

I believe someone in our class has mastered the Silent Spell..."

Everyone looked at William again, and if anyone had mastered something they couldn\'t, it could only be Stark.

McLaggen raised his hand and asked, "Professor, can you teach us the Silent Spell?"

"I\'m afraid not," said Lupin regretfully. "You have to study hard for two years before you are eligible to touch the Silent Mantra. You have to study very seriously, I don\'t think..."

"What?" cried McLaggen. "It\'s too much to underestimate us!"

Professor Lupin pretended to think about it, then shook his head and said to them jokingly: "I\'m sorry, it\'s not everyone\'s talent and hard work that I doubt, but myself.

At that time, I had probably left... All kinds of accidents... No one can hold on for more than a year, right? "

Everyone is happy again.

"Come on, let\'s go back to the bad bitch," Professor Lupin said.

"The spell to shut up is simple, but requires willpower. A magic cast, willpower is very important.

The moment you hear the sound of the wicked bird, you must also use willpower to resist the bewitching voice. Otherwise it will definitely fail and do something weird.

Let\'s start with the spell without using a wand. Please say \'silent\' to me! "

"Silence!" the whole class said in unison.

"Very well," said Professor Lupin. "Before I unwrap the witches, each wears a pair of earmuffs, borrowed from Professor Sprout."

There was a lot of looting, and no one wanted to get a pink one.

"Come on!" Professor Lupin gestured for Andrew Kirk to come first.

Kirk walked over to the cockroach, then removed the earmuffs, and the chirping of the cockroach echoed in his ears.

In everyone\'s field of vision, Kirk picked up his wand and stared at the bad bitch, but after two seconds, the wand fell to the ground.

He suddenly fell on the ground, his palms on the ground, shoulder-width apart, his feet stretched back, his toes touched the ground, and his elbows were bent.

Then he stretched his elbows and pulled his body forward ~www.novelhall.com~ and raised his head up, making a clucking sound from his mouth, like a big toad doing sumo wrestling.

Hey, is this the toad kung fu of the legendary Kongtong sect?

Professor Lupin frowned slightly, faintly realizing that something was not right.

Are you saying that the foundation is solid? How did this Andrew Kirk go down so quickly?

He must be a scumbag, right?

It must be so!



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