A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 76: green cedric

In the house upon request,

After Hermione ate the food that William brought, she stretched out, rested her elbows on the table, rested her head with her palms, and looked up at William\'s profile.

William was flipping through the transcribed steps of the wolf\'s poison potion.

"It\'s weird, isn\'t it, William?" Hermione stared at it for a long time, then suddenly squinted:

"Professor Snape has no reason to teach you the wolf poison potion. This is obviously beyond the class. I always feel that he is intentionally implying something."

"How?" William glanced at Hermione.

"I mean, he certainly can\'t expect everyone to cook successfully, but he still mentions werewolves repeatedly.

Is he implying that there are werewolves around everyone, let us be on guard early. "

"Who knows, but he helped us a lot."

William quill sketched out several of these steps, exclaiming:

"Professor Snape is really a genius. The mixture of terra rat juice and laurel leaves effectively solves the problem of difficult to solidify."

"Well, I\'ll try this operation tonight." Hermione said happily: "But does Mormont really need so many wolf poison potions?"

"Yes, with this, she will be able to gather a large group of werewolves. You must know that there is no wolf poison potion, werewolves are actually very painful on a full moon night."

Mormont did not follow William to England, but gathered some female werewolves on the island and formed a new group of forces.

William and Hermione brewed the wolf\'s poison potion, leaving nothing, and all of them would be sent to France and handed over to Mormont.

As for leaving some wolf poison potions for sale... let\'s forget it, if you want to make money from this, you might as well set up a street stall!

The wolf poison potion is complicated and expensive, and the werewolves are discriminated against by wizards. Most of them are poor and cannot afford it at all.

"William, why are you helping Mormont?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Hermione, it\'s not so much that we are helping her, it\'s better that she is helping us." William turned a page of the book and said in a calm tone.

"Voldemort\'s resurrection is inevitable. After he is resurrected, the first step is to gather the Death Eaters, and then the dark forces. The werewolf is one of them.

They attack Muggles, attack little wizards, and cause more panic and deterrence than most dark creatures.

If there is a person of his own who is among the wolves, and even with our help, Mormont can become the leader of the werewolf, and it will be of great help to us in the future. "

Dumbledore has his own plans, but William can\'t do nothing at all, and he has to start developing his own power.

Mormont is a **** on a whim.

William doesn\'t expect this idle move to be able to slay the dragon, but even if it can only provide information, it is a useful investment!

In the same way, werewolves are too dangerous, as can be seen from the French party.

Just like stray dogs in the city, from any point of view, it needs to be effectively controlled.

Continuing to let them go will only cause more little wizards to suffer.

But at the Ministry of Magic\'s Werewolf Registration Office, few werewolves went to register. This also made the Ministry of Magic unable to conduct effective surveillance on the night of the full moon.

On the one hand, William hopes to reduce the cost of wolf poison medicine, and on the other hand, he wants to register the werewolves.

It was naturally the job of a potion master like Professor Snape to reduce costs, and the registration list... external forces were not enough, so we could only rely on werewolves to deal with werewolves.

Effectively solving the werewolf problem is even more significant than gathering this power to deal with Voldemort!

It would be a brilliant political resume, whether William helped Hermione, or one of her own, to become Minister of Magic.

William has already begun to pave the way for the future. And his goal is to personally train the youngest Minister of Magic.

This is far more fulfilling than being a minister yourself.

Hermione rubbed her cheeks hard to wake herself up, and started doing her Transfiguration homework again.

Taking advantage of the noon time, the girl has already solved the three homework assignments.

So she was so busy that she didn\'t go to the auditorium at noon, and William helped bring the meals.

Hermione was only half-written, then she straightened her legs, her arms hung down weakly and her body leaned forward, half of her face resting on the textbook, looking like she was not motivated.

She turned her eyes to one side, and couldn\'t help staring at William\'s side face in a daze.

William raised his hand and touched Hermione\'s forehead, "I don\'t have a fever."

"Just a little sleepy."

Hermione yawned, rolled up her drooping bangs, and gently wrapped around William\'s fingers, knotting them seriously.

William had to continue to put his left hand on Hermione\'s forehead, close the notebook with his right hand, and follow her example, leaning one side of his face on the table.

The two stared at each other.

look at each other.

"You must be tired. You have had so many classes in the morning. After all, you have actually passed the day, and you can go to bed now." William said.

"But I don\'t want to sleep."

Hermione seemed to feel that the table was too hard, so she raised her head slightly and placed William\'s hand under her face.

"How was Hagrid\'s class?"

"It\'s okay, but he\'s in a hurry." William quickly recounted what happened in the class.

"It\'s not Hagrid\'s fault!"

"I don\'t blame him, but riding a sea monster on the Black Lake is really dangerous."

"What about Big Black?"

"When school was over at noon, I left it in Hagrid\'s hut. He said that in the evening, he would send it to Lu Wei..."

William\'s voice was getting lower and lower, as Hermione\'s eyelids were fighting, and she was drowsy about to fall asleep.

William held Hermione\'s head in his left hand and gently pulled her into his arms.

Hermione hummed softly in her nose, turned her head, and found a more comfortable position.

William put his arms around the girl and closed his eyes.

He was going to take a nap too.

Just a moment!


William and Hermione are late!

When William walked through the wet vegetable field and came to Greenhouse No. 3, it was already twenty minutes of class.

Everyone looked at William, and William pretended to be nothing and walked towards Qiu. It seems that he was not late, but everyone came... a little earlier.

"Come on, Mr. Stark," said Professor Sprout gently. "It\'s just you."

She was just explaining how dangerous the magical creatures in the Black Lake are, and let everyone really love life and stay away from the Black Lake.

She also talked about what happened in the morning, thinking that the merman was too much.

"The mermaids not only attacked the little wizards, but also ate the precious seaweed magic plants.

I think this behavior is wrong, they can eat only meat, there are so many fish in the black lake! "

Listen... is this human?

"Why are you late?" Qiu asked in a low voice.

"Annie looked for you for one noon and said that you and Hermione were missing. Everyone thought you were killed by Hermione and dumped your body in Black Lake."


"Don\'t listen to her nonsense, Hermione and I are very serious at noon... studying." William explained.

Qiu obviously didn\'t believe it, she squinted and glanced at William, as if she had seen everything.

"You must have gone to find the mermaid princess, and I will tell Hermione that you hooked up with the mermaid princess behind your back... What a scumbag!

Fortunately, I don\'t have a sister, otherwise I would definitely tell her to stay away from you. "

what the hell! William had a black question mark on his face. I haven\'t seen each other for a noon, is he hungry enough to hook up with the mermaid princess?

That\'s obviously Cedric\'s fiancee!

William must green him!

Professor Sprout finally finished criticizing the mermaid and began to take everyone to observe a very ugly plant.

They were not like plants, but more like big black, slimy slugs, burrowing stiffly out of the black grass.

These plants are still shaking slowly, a bit like a Mongolian death worm.

"Babo tubers," Professor Sprout told everyone cheerfully, "you need to squeeze it with your hands, and you have to collect its pus."

"Oh! That\'s disgusting," complained Marietta.

"Learn to appreciate, boys," exclaimed Professor Sprout, "the pus is of great value, so don\'t waste it.

You have to collect them in bottles, not a drop is left, and drain them all! "

William put on a pair of dragonskin gloves, undiluted Babo tuber pus, which would cause unusual damage to the skin.

The process of squeezing the tubers is disgusting, but also produces a strange sense of satisfaction.

Every time a bulge burst, it spewed a thick, greenish-yellow liquid with a pungent smell of gasoline.

The technique that William taught in the morning came in handy at this time~www.novelhall.com~ Everyone was desperately trying to "pick off the tubers".

"Mrs. Pomfrey should be happy now."

Professor Sprout, who plugged all the bottles, said, "The pus from the balbo tuber is the best remedy for stubborn acne and pimples."

Everyone thought of Eloise, and her face was covered with all kinds of pimples.

It seems that she is about to start a counterattack.

Sure enough, every acne patient is a potential stock before disfigurement!



(Thanks to "Yes, I have read it over and over again", fellow Taoist, please stay behind", the reward of the two big brothers.)

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