A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 75: I am against this marriage!

It rained in the sky, and there was another fish.

So Hogwarts had lunch.

Electric fish is illegal, but not in the Hogwarts rules.

Therefore, William not only did not violate the school rules, but also effectively alleviated the problem of the flooding of fish in the Black Lake, saving the school a lunch fee.

Professor McGonagall decided to eat the fish from Black Lake...for half a month.

As for whether the students will get tired of eating... It doesn\'t exist, you see how happy everyone is eating now, especially Professor Sprout, whose mouth is grinning to the back of his head.

Besides, frying, steaming, boiling, stewing... house-elves know various cuisines from various countries.

In this way, a large amount of ingredients can be saved, and the budget can be used for more meaningful things.

Look at what is a small financial expert? (tactical lean back)

Some people are born to be (deputy) headmasters, which some people (Snape) can\'t be jealous of.

Everyone ate happily, but Hagrid was a little uncomfortable. At noon, he didn\'t even show up in the auditorium.

The first class caused the little wizard to drown, which is understandable.

But it\'s no wonder Hagrid, the root of all evil is McLaggen. Therefore, he was deducted 50 points, and the whole school reported criticism, and recorded a major demerit!

So on the first day of class, the little lions miraculously discovered that they were meowing again... at the bottom!

It\'s really a Gran Fondo! !

Professor McGonagall, who was in a good mood at first, suddenly turned cloudy, and she punished McLaggen to go to confinement every weekend until the Christmas holiday.

The news isn\'t good or bad, but Wood is happy.

He is in seventh grade and is about to graduate. The problem is, since joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I haven\'t won a Quidditch Cup!

When he became captain two years ago, he also swore under the Gryffindor statue:

If he doesn\'t get the Quidditch Cup, he won\'t find a girlfriend for the rest of his life!

Wood wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was so thrilling... Fortunately, he only said that he was not looking for a girlfriend.

Of course, Wood doesn\'t care about this, he just wants to win a trophy.

Otherwise, every time I meet Professor McGonagall, or hear Li say that they are the platinum generation, I feel inexplicably flushed and smelly!

Fortunately, McLaggen, an annoying spirit, was locked up, so he couldn\'t participate in the weekend Quidditch trials.

If he can\'t participate in the selection, it will not cause injury to the players.

You know, in his first year of school, he cracked Charlie\'s skull, almost causing him to lose his memory.

Likewise, McLaggen is in solitary confinement, and he doesn\'t have to listen to him, bragging day and night that no one knows Quidditch better than him!

William saved quite a few little wizards, and Hagrid gave him fifty points. So Ravenclaw began to lead the four colleges and started their parkour journey again.

Hagrid looks like a novice, and has no teaching experience. If it is another professor, William will add 10 points at most for such a saving action!

A professor who has no bottom line like Snape will only add one point frivolously.

After the addition is completed, various reasons will be found immediately, and two points will be deducted.

Not many deductions, purely for disgusting people!

At lunchtime, William and the twins did not sit down at their own academy, but went to the Hufflepuff table.

They stared at Cedric seriously.

They didn\'t have much contact with the mermaid, but the mermaid princess could still remember Cedric, or even know his name, which was strange.

To say that the two did not know each other in private, William would definitely not believe it!

Everyone is going to marry Cedric, and I don\'t know... how about a liar? !

Cedric was stared at his scalp numb, and immediately confessed from the broad road:

"During the summer vacation, I spent a period of time at school and met the mermaid several times in Black Lake.

Once she nearly drowned, I saved her and got to know…”

Wait... something seems wrong, a mermaid almost drowned in the black lake? !

"I saved her. She came to me every day. When I had an idea, I asked her to help me get some magical animal hairs..."

"Fuck it, and you two are together?" Fred asked, taking a bite of the bun.

"Cough cough." Cedric was almost hit by a fishbone in his throat.

"Don\'t say it so ugly, it\'s not good for Qiu to hear it! I just want to make friends, very simple..."

No one believed Cedric\'s explanation, they believed that Cedric used a masculine trick to lure the merman for his ulterior purpose.

George asked earnestly, "Can a mermaid and a wizard marry?"

"Yes, although we discriminate against this kind of marriage ... but in terms of the law, this kind of marriage is recognized." William explained.

Mermaids are classified according to the types of wizards, and they belong to \'human beings\'.

They did reject the status of "human" and chose the status of "beast", but how could the wizard care about the opinion of the merman?

Therefore, as human beings, wizards and mermaids can intermarry. Like a wizard can marry a werewolf.

This is enough to find cases in the magic world. Take Mirabella Plunkett, a 19th-century witch who fell in love with a merman living in Loch Lomond, Scotland.

After her family rejected the marriage, she turned herself into a haddock and disappeared.

According to the sorcerer, she was intoxicated.

After all, mermaids in warm waters have beautiful appearances, but mermaids living in cold waters are ugly. Such as the Mermaid Princess of Black Lake.

"If it\'s true love, even if it looks ugly, so what?" George said.

"Would Cedric care? He likes funny souls, not pretty skins."

"But I\'m still against this marriage," Fred said solemnly.

"There are two talented women Bao, it\'s your turn to object to this monster?" William rebuked.

"Okay, William, you\'re right." Fred laughed, "Then I will bless them and pay for it.

As for being a godfather, forget about it! "

"Fuck off!" Cedric said angrily.

"Autumn..." George shouted.

"Okay! I was wrong!" Cedric hurriedly covered George\'s mouth.

William was surprised: "Cedric, you just went to the toilet and didn\'t wash your hands, why are your hands full of water now?"

George quickly broke free, blah blah.

Cedric was also panicked, he sighed: "It\'s okay, I will never go to Black Lake again in the future. I will never go in this life, let alone enter the bottom of Black Lake."

William pushed the glasses that didn\'t exist on his face and rolled his eyes.

Cedric started rambling strangely again.

At this moment, there was a commotion on the Gryffindor table.

Ron passed out and Harry picked him up and ran towards the school hospital.

"Hey, our little brother seems to be in some trouble," Fred said.

"Isn\'t that the liar of Professor Trelawney?" George laughed. "She predicted that Ron would see the unknown and die."

Cedric shook his head. "He doesn\'t really believe it, does he?"

Fred winked and said: "Sure, I tell you, little Ron is very superstitious, so we will comfort..."

George continued: "Don\'t be afraid of Ron, our uncle Billyers met one before and died twenty-four hours later. You still have a long time to say goodbye to us!"

"..." Really my brother.

After the meal, the twins went to find Li, ready to continue spreading rumors and confirm Professor Snape\'s identity as a werewolf.

Cedric went to find Cho at the Ravenclaw table.

Having already thought of an excuse, he decisively put all the blame on William.

It\'s William!

It was he who took the compound decoction~www.novelhall.com~ and turned into himself, and went to soak in the mermaid princess.

Anyway, William is already recognized as a scumbag, and he doesn\'t care about another pot.

Cedric\'s face returned to a silly, badger-like honest smile.

William didn\'t know that Cedric was going to pit him, so he carried a load of food alone, got rid of Annie, Ginny, and Luna who were trying to follow him, and quietly went to the Room of Requirement.



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Thanks to "Master\'s Study" and "Niya Haiyudaga" for their rewards. )

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