A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 78: Dead Malfoy?

Draco Malfoy...dead! !

The herbal medicine class had just ended, and it was not far from the greenhouse. A group of passing Gryffindor wizards brought this "interrupted news" that could be called bad news.

The news was really exciting, but William didn\'t make any waves, just calmly sighed.

Then, what came to his mind was the sentence: Today\'s wind is even noisy.

It seems indifferent, but, since William entered the school, Prefect Robert, Professor Tywin, Quirrell... In what year did no one die? !

When the time looped, the basilisk swept around the Quidditch field, and there were piles of dead, like dumplings!

William was a little numb, even used to it. Anyway, dead people at Hogwarts are not uncommon, not dead people, that is a strange thing.

So William is puzzled: this year\'s death... did it come so early?

In previous years, at least it had to be after Halloween... Now it\'s just the first day of school, don\'t even dead people obey the Basic Law?

Raiders, do you know what is Hogwarts tradition?

When Qiu heard the news, Hua Rong turned pale with fright, while William calmly comforted: "Smooth the aura, learn to be calm in every major event."

Fart calm! William can do whatever he wants because of the Ravenclaw ring.

William thought it was the Thunderbirds that attacked Malfoy, or that the Dementors were responsible for the security attacks on the students.

But after inquiring carefully, I found out that it was the hippogriff in Hagrid\'s class who gave Malfoy a hard blow.

Everyone\'s descriptions are vivid and vivid, and it seems that they were at the scene and witnessed this human tragedy with their own eyes.

At first, several Gryffindor students told William that Malfoy had just died in the school hospital, and his body was still warm;

After a while, several Ravenclaw students said: Malfoy died on the spot, even his pancreas was eaten, his intestines were dragged on the ground, and hundreds of liters of blood flowed.

Miserable old!

Later, the little Hufflepuff wizard said: Malfoy became a ghost after his death, became a couple with Myrtle, and lived happily in the bathroom.

Well, the tragedy reversed and it turned into a happy ending!

This is definitely a rumor that Myrtle is looking for someone to spread.

She was probably the one who most expected Malfoy to die and turn into a ghost.

Myrtle also had a list of dead students in her head. Every time, she will pick a few handsome guys who are pleasing to the eye and write them down, just like the Death Note.

People still don\'t know who the hidden big brother is.

After listening to more than a dozen versions of the rumors, William finally confirmed that Malfoy was not dead, just slightly injured.

He and Cho walked into the Great Hall and saw Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table at a glance.

Too conspicuous.

Because Ron was sobbing, Harry hugged him and whispered comfortingly, looking responsible.

Harry caught a glimpse of Qiu out of the corner of his eye, like an electric shock, and immediately let go of Ron, as if afraid of her misunderstanding.

Harry is simply thinking too much, and there will be no misunderstanding at all. Cho had understood Harry and Ron\'s relationship.


The one with no prejudice!

"What\'s the matter with them?" William sat down at the Gryffindor table.

Ron cried like a man, and when he was linked to the rumors of Malfoy\'s death, he didn\'t know that he thought he was sad for Malfoy.

"Just after class, a few of them went to see Hagrid," Fred explained.

"As soon as Ron entered the house, he found a **** dog."

George continued: "Ron thinks it\'s ominous! He\'s terrified now and keeps saying he\'s going to die."

"Da Hei is not unknown, it is Annie\'s pet dog." William said speechlessly.

"What?" Harry asked, looking up. "Whose dog?"

"I put that dog in Hagna at noon. It\'s Anne\'s pet." William spread his hands.

"Okay, Ron, did you hear that? Cheer up!" Harry exclaimed.

"Just a pet, Annie\'s pet, not unknown."

"No...you don\'t understand, Harry, it\'s a coincidence, isn\'t it?" Ron shivered.

"Professor Trelawney said that I had bad luck in the morning, and I met a black dog in the afternoon... This is a bad omen, a bad omen of death!"

"Ron, if it\'s really ominous, it\'s not Malfoy who was attacked, it\'s you." George frowned.

"Yeah, and in the morning, did you hear what Professor McGonagall said?" Harry patted Ron on the shoulder. "Professor Trelawney predicts one death each year and you\'re just... unlucky.

If the prediction were me, I certainly wouldn\'t believe it. "

"No..." Ron still insisted: "I wanted to ride that hippogriff, but I didn\'t see it at the time, so Malfoy took the lead."

"And that black dog, did you see it, it bit me like crazy, if it wasn\'t locked in a cage, I would have been bitten to death by it!

My little heart is still beating non-stop, I don\'t believe you can touch it! "

Harry had to reach out and touch it.

Ron, who was pale, grabbed Harry\'s hand and muttered to himself, "I can already feel it, Harry! A malice hangs over me... The footsteps of death are getting closer..."


Ron sobbed again, already thinking about taking a break from school.

Hogwarts is too dangerous.

William and the twins glanced at each other, thinking that Ron\'s current mental state had some problems.

"How\'s Malfoy?" asked Cedric as he approached.

"We just sneaked into the school hospital and found that he was almost fine, but he was still crying," Fred said.

"He\'s pretending!" said George. "Let\'s take a look now, Dumbledore is probably there, and by the way, listen to what they do with Hagrid."

The twins left.

William, Cedric, and Autumn left the auditorium and crossed the lawn to visit Hagrid.

Harry also wanted to follow, but Ron\'s mental state was not normal, so he had to continue to comfort his good friend and give him some sense of security.

Anne and Hermione were at the door taking care of Darkness when William walked to the hut.

Annie was bandaging it across the cage, circle after circle, like a mummified dog.

The bandage on his head has oozing blood, and Da Hei\'s spirit is also very dispirited.

It seemed that it really wanted to bite Ron, and it even bleed from the head.

Is there really something unknown about Ron?

The three of William left the room, and Hagrid was packing. He forced a smile and said, "William, are you here?"

Hagrid\'s hands trembled, squeezing the iron bowl where Fang was eating.

Fang raised his head and whimpered, then lay down on the ground with his ears drooping.

"I\'m afraid this is a new record," Hagrid sat down in his chair sullenly.

"I don\'t think they\'ve ever seen a teacher who only worked for a day."

"They won\'t fire you, Hagrid." Qiu reassured. "It\'s not your fault."

"No...is it all the same, that\'s Malfoy, his dad..."

Hagrid covered his face. "School managers also knew about it and they thought I was too aggressive.

Should have brought the Hippogriff later...after the Flobber Caterpillar or something...thought I was careful enough.

I may not even be able to keep the key keeper job. "

Hagrid was obviously overthinking~www.novelhall.com~ He couldn\'t possibly be fired, much less be kicked out of Hogwarts.

Last term, after Dumbledore kicked Malfoy out of the school board, the whole school became the headmaster.

Malfoy had no right and could not decide whether a teacher would go or stay.

It wasn\'t his position that Hagrid should be worried about, but the hippogriff... it was sure to be sentenced to death.

After all, it\'s not managed by Hogwarts, but by the Ministry of Magic\'s Office of Beasts!



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