A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 70: The Magic Academy with the No. 1 Market Value!

"Eat it slowly, be careful not to burn it."

Before William could finish speaking, Hermione took a bite and immediately scalded the pie\'s pumpkin juice.

Seeing that William gasped for air, he quickly picked up the warm water and handed it over.

This kind of feeling is very strange. A few minutes ago, Hermione didn\'t seem to have much appetite, but this Hermione was as hungry as a fat tiger Bobo tea.

"William, how did you know I was here?" Hermione asked after drinking the water.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of William\'s mouth: "As I said, no one knows the time changer better than me."

"By the way, didn\'t I remind you? Let you eat more and bring some food." William said strangely, "Otherwise, you will be hungry."

"I wasn\'t very hungry at the time, so I didn\'t eat. If I brought food with me, it would be cold and not fresh." Hermione said aggrievedly.

"I thought I could use the time changer to come back for breakfast."

"It\'s only after you came back that you remembered yourself using the time switch for the first time. You\'ve already been in the auditorium?" William said.

Hermione nodded.

The whole process is actually quite simple.

After Hermione finished her divination class, she used the time converter for the first time and returned to breakfast time and met William in the auditorium.

After that, I went to the digital divination at the same time as the divination class.

After the digital divination get out of class, according to Hermione\'s timeline, it was actually lunch time.

But she had to use the time-turner to go back in time and go to Muggle research.

After Muggle studies, there was a Transfiguration class taught by McGonagall before the real lunch time.

If such a set of procedures is followed, it is equivalent to eating only breakfast, and then having a day of class without rest or meal.

No one can stand it!

So after the digital divination class, Hermione thought about going back to breakfast time again, finishing the "lunch", and then going to Muggle research.

But she found that "she" was in the auditorium, which was Hermione who had been chatting with William in the auditorium.

The time shifter has a basic requirement that it cannot be discovered by itself. Tywin has told William the consequences of being seen by himself at the cost of his life.

Do you think the most tragic situation is to be killed by yourself? If it is wrong, it may also cause confusion in the timeline.

Hermione didn\'t know this, but it didn\'t prevent her from obeying Professor McGonagall\'s instructions and strictly abiding by the "can\'t be seen by herself" rule.

So she could not enter the auditorium to eat, and could not go back to the common room, so she had to hide in the bathroom and wait.

"Hermione, you are the smartest witch I know." William teased. "Why are you being stupid this time?"

"It\'s not all your fault!" Hermione glared at William.

For the first time using the time converter, Hermione didn\'t need to go back to breakfast time at all, she only needed to switch to five minutes before the digital divination class.

My own person is not in the auditorium, and after using the time converter for the second time, I can stagger it perfectly and have a smooth meal.

Hermione adjusted the timeline so early, not wanting to take a look, who is the girl hugging William!

It\'s just that I didn\'t see anything, and it also caused this embarrassing situation.

William naturally understood Hermione\'s thoughts, and he didn\'t break it. Instead, he shook his head and smiled: "Hermione, you still don\'t understand."

"What do you mean?!" Hermione wrinkled her delicate nose.

"I won\'t tell you, the secret!" William took out the paper and gently wiped the corner of Hermione\'s mouth.

The girl didn\'t dodge, and when she raised her face, she didn\'t forget to stare at William, the culprit, very childishly.

William asked, "How did the number divination class feel?"

"It\'s great." Hermione happily patted the textbook and said, "This is the most interesting class I\'ve ever had, and I like Professor Creevey very much... She\'s so beautiful.

Divination class is different. It seems to be confused, and there are many things that rely on guessing... Professor Trelawney is like a liar. "

"I told you that there is no need to take a divination class, just take the exam at the end of the term." William said.

Hermione still said indignantly: "Professor Trelawney also said that the halo around me is very small, and my ability to accept future resonance is very poor, and I am a little witch with no talent!"

The last person who dared to say that Hermione was just "an ordinary little witch" was Clegane.

So his office was destroyed by Hermione, and there was a riot at the French Ministry of Magic.

"You must have contradicted Professor Trelawney in class," William asked.

"It\'s not contradictory either!" Hermione said angrily. "It\'s the pattern of the tea leaves, I think it\'s a bit different from what she said.

I said it was a mouse, she insisted it was a big dog. "

"Oh...unknown." William said with interest. "So, who is she predicting to die this year?"

In the course of divination, it is popularly believed that the big dog represents bad luck - an omen of death!

Trelawney is good at predicting a person\'s death every year.

Last year, she took Heloise\'s teacup and predicted that William would have a bad omen.

But it can\'t be considered wrong. Heloise was attacked. Both Ron and Tom have the letter l in their names!

"Well, she predicted Ron would die," Hermione said.

"Who, Ron?" William raised his eyebrows, and he had thought that Professor Trelawney would predict Harry\'s unknown.

After all, the more famous a person is, the more nervous they are to predict, and can attract the attention of all students. Didn\'t expect her to target Ron.

"I\'ve started thinking about it now, and I won\'t go there in the future."

Hermione said happily again: "The next class is Muggle research. It will be interesting to see Muggles from a wizard\'s point of view!"

"Yes, of course it\'s interesting." William smiled.

Hermione\'s imagined Muggle studies teacher was an old wizard who "learned the magic trick".

The knowledge of magic is comparable to Dumbledore\'s, and he has received several Muggle doctorates, preferably a tenured professor emeritus at Oxford.

But actually...

Professor Keridi Boubajee is probably the most Muggle-literate professor at Hogwarts.

He told Cedric last semester that the nukes were such a beautiful firework that the twins almost bought them.

Afterwards, William went to a few lessons and found Professor Bubagi explaining the Muggle steam engine.

He said that the Muggle landing on the moon, all kinds of space shuttles, and rockets all flew up by steam engines.

He also repeatedly claimed that he was developing a perpetual motion machine. The blueprints are all designed, but the Muggles have no vision and lack of angels.

He\'s pulling sponsorship now, hoping Dumbledore and the school board approve the project,

He also promises: to break even within three years, to double profits within five years, and to raise funds for listing in ten years, making Hogwarts the number one wizarding school by market value!

William understood at the time that Professor Boubaji was not an outstanding alumnus of Clayton University, but a "civil science" in England.

So after Hermione finished Muggle studies, she would definitely be more disappointed.

If she becomes Minister of Magic, she will definitely re-evaluate the teaching at Hogwarts.

But at that time, Professor Trelawney and several others are estimated to have retired with honor.

After Hermione finished eating, the two dawdled in the toilet for a while before leaving the bathroom.

"William, who the **** is that girl, tell me, I\'m not angry." Hermione had a smile on her face, as if she was really not angry.

"You haven\'t figured it out yet, Hermione?" William laughed. "That person is you. What you see...you are yourself!"

"William, what are you doing?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from the far end of the corridor.

Hermione\'s body suddenly stiffened, and then she remembered herself in the common room, now going to the auditorium for breakfast.

Hermione was about to turn around subconsciously and look at herself, but William suddenly held her armpit and directly picked it up,

turn around.

between the two Hermiones.

"Don\'t be discovered by yourself." William said with a smile: "See you at noon!"

Hermione was instantly enveloped by the Illusory Charm and disappeared into the air.

Hermione came slowly in the distance, and that section of the corridor seemed to be longer than a marathon.

Her head was a little confused~www.novelhall.com~ After a while, she couldn\'t help but ask:

"William, where was the girl just now? Who is she?"

"Sorry, that\'s my secret and hers, I can\'t tell you."

Hermione snorted and bowed her head in silence for about three minutes.

She suddenly raised her head and waved her wand suddenly:


William: "..."



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