A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 71: Wolf Venom Potion

"William, I heard that you were beaten by Hermione?"

In the first potions class, while Snape was preparing the potion materials, Qiu turned his head and asked in a low voice.

Although her voice was small, the little snakes and little eagles around her all raised their ears, like radar, trying to listen for gossip.

This is a magical passive that automatically fills up without training.

"Nothing!" William firmly denied. "Don\'t believe those stupid rumors, this is someone deliberately smearing me..."

"But Myrtle advertised everywhere that Hermione was outside her bathroom, attacked you, and cast a curse on you." Qiu gloated.

"Fighting training can\'t count as an attack...Fighting training!…What happened between me and Hermione, can it count as an attack?"

One after another is difficult to understand, what "time manager", what "law of time travel", etc., caused Qiu to be confused for a while.

Qiu was confused for a while, and then excitedly asked: "But I also heard Cedric say that when you were in the auditorium in the morning, Hermione asked you who \'that girl\' was... So, who is that girl?"

"Cedric!" William gritted his teeth.

Saying that I didn\'t see or hear anything, I didn\'t expect to turn around and tell Qiu... This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes has also betrayed the revolution? !

William began to mutter about "inadvertently making friends".

Qiu is still chattering, fully showing her gossip nature, a gesture of never giving up until she achieves her goal.

Soon, with the two at the center, their chat content quickly spread to every corner of the classroom.

There was an instant buzz in the classroom.

"Stark admitted it, he\'s a scumbag."

"...Isn\'t this recognized long ago?"

"No, it used to be just a rumor. After all, the French are used to lying, and now it\'s a real hammer..."

William sighed silently, because Hermione\'s two operations really completely destroyed his character.

Once with a heart,

Once it was unintentional!

What a **** professional.

At this moment, two pairs of big hands suddenly came over. The hands were fast and accurate, and they directly pressed William and Qiu\'s heads down, almost knocking them on the table.

"Quiet!" Snape said coldly, standing behind them.

Professor Snape didn\'t need to keep everyone quiet at all, he was like an iceberg, just sticking there, it would automatically have the effect of muffling the sound.

The whole class became silent, and all small movements stopped, as if they had entered a state of panic.

William and Qiu also bowed their heads and remained silent.

"We all know that Mr. Big Shit has a rich history of love, and both men and women can kill..." Snape began to spray "venom".

"I also heard an interesting rumour this morning that he was attacked by our \'Savior of Paris - Mademoiselle Knowles\'.

Tsk tsk... Look at how many people you have hurt invisibly! "

William: "..."

"If you want to pursue Miss Qiu Zhang, I suggest you do it after class, don\'t let me find you two whispering and whispering!" Snape said coldly.

"Ravenclaw, ten points!"

William and Qiu looked at each other, feeling that Snape was not normal.

Before the summer vacation, William was still negotiating with Professor Snape, and the two sides had an important speech on the division of the eight-eyed giant spider.

It can be said that it is currently in the honeymoon period.

Why did Professor Snape\'s temper suddenly become so bad?

So angry, who provoked him to provoke him?

Is it because Dumbledore and William talked late into the night and drove him away last night?

This... is simply the king of vinegar in England!

William didn\'t have time to think about it, and saw Snape hurried to the podium, looked at everyone sternly, and said:

"Put away your textbooks, we are going to make some new things in this class, potions that are not in the textbooks!"

He waved his wand, and a new row of production steps appeared on the blackboard. The steps are dense and dense, and it is not something that ordinary wizards should touch.

William was no stranger to it, he recognized it at a glance - Wolf Poison Potion!

"Isn\'t this something we can cook?" William\'s roommate, Marcus, questioned in a low voice.

"Not even many potion masters..."

"Mr. Marcus," Snape said, his voice deadly calm.

"This is a potion invented by your uncle. If you have half of his talent, you know that the process of brewing this potion is very simple!"

"But, Professor, this is not in the exam syllabus. We are going to take the o.w.ls exam in fifth grade." Judy Crouch said anxiously.

"There are still two years until o.w.ls, which is 730 days and 17,520 hours!

Thanks to my consistently high standards, your foundation is the strongest of any subject.

Even if I don\'t study this year, I will have the confidence to get a passing grade for the whole year next year! "

"As long as you\'re not troll-type idiots like Longbottom, Weasley, and Potter, of course."

Many in the class burst into laughter, and Snape\'s serious joke amused everyone.

"Okay, now, who can tell me the conditions for a wizard to become a werewolf?" Snape asked.

No one answered him.

"No one really knows? No? No?" Snape scoffed.

"It\'s unbelievable, you are all fourth graders, I am really disappointed... I was bitten by a werewolf one day, and I don\'t know if I have become a werewolf.

Of course, it\'s best to ask your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin.

He is a werewolf expert, and no one knows werewolves better than him. \' Snape smiled maliciously.

Everyone could hear the yin and yang of Snape, and it seemed that he hated Lupin.

It\'s normal. He hated Tywin the year before last, Quirrell the year before, and Lockhart last year... All Defence Against the Dark Arts professors are within the scope of his hatred.

There\'s even a school lore: the Defence Against the Dark Arts position\'s curse was imposed by Snape... just to drive away the wizards who robbed him of his position.

"Come on, Stark, I heard you killed a lot of werewolves with the Aurors in France, tell them!" Snape called out.

All eyes were on William. The news was reported, but everyone paid more attention to Black and Paris and ignored it.

Now that Snape suddenly mentioned it, everyone looked at William even hotter.

For a time, no one cared about his personal style.

"Werewolves are caused by a magical virus of mad wolf disease.

It is spread among people through saliva and blood contact. So when a deformed werewolf bites, the bitten person also becomes a werewolf.

If a werewolf in human form bites the victim, they will only exhibit some werewolf characteristics, such as a penchant for eating **** flesh.

A bite or scratch caused by a werewolf, no matter what form the werewolf was in at the time, will leave a permanent scar on the victim. \' said William.

The little wizards took a breath, increasing their fear of the werewolf.

"Very good, very good." Snape was satisfied with the attitude of the students, and he asked again, "How to heal the wounds bitten by the werewolf?"

"Fresh wounds heal with a mixture of silver powder and fresh white," William said.

"Why don\'t you write it down?" Snape roared. "If you are attacked by werewolves, these are the things that will save your life!"

Marcus murmured in a low voice, "It\'s as if there were werewolves in our school."

No one in the class made any sound after that. Everyone sat and listened to Professor Snape explaining the main points of the wolf poison potion.

William was surprised to find that ~www.novelhall.com~ Snape had improved the wolf\'s poison potion... He was indeed a little improvement expert.

William quickly copied it down, ready to go back and try it.

Others don\'t know the goods, but he still knows the goods. After all, most of William\'s cooking methods are in the time loop, stealing from Snape.

William was also very puzzled. Why did Professor Snape always want to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Honestly, potions professor, isn\'t this promising career bad?



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