A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 69: stupid flying Hermione

early morning,

When William came to the auditorium, he was a little lethargic, and Bobo Tea followed behind him, yawning.

On the first day of class, you should be so unmotivated. It really shouldn\'t be.

But there was no way. Last night, Dumbledore had a long conversation with him late at night. Among them, the principal was in a daze for almost two hours.

This is the real "charge for two hours, talk for five minutes!"

William was really scared, the principal didn\'t have this habit before!

The next time he goes to the headmaster\'s office, he must have a full meal and drink less water. It is best to go during the day, otherwise he will not be able to consume Dumbledore.

Hermione arrived earlier than William, and was helping Professor McGonagall distribute Gryffindor\'s timetable, acting like a good student and an excellent class leader.

Crookshanks followed Hermione with a bewildered expression, and Poposa with her short legs beside it.

Crookshanks seemed intrigued by Poposa, and stuck his head out to sniff its **** for a taste of saltiness.

William has speculated on this, a cat is an elegant animal, if the **** can\'t be wiped clean, what else can you talk about!

Poposa was very scared, especially the ugly face of persimmon, just poked over it like this, it was three points uglier than Hagrid\'s teeth!

It caught a glimpse of Bobo Tea, and immediately fled as if flying, running towards Bobo Tea.

Bobo Tea is drinking Shuhua milk with his head down, tons, tons, tons! No time to talk to Poposa.

Poposa meows a few times, and stretches her head out to lick her.

Popocha raised her big paw and patted it, and Poposha was knocked to the ground with a slap.

"..." I\'m sure it\'s my father!

William got up and picked up the pitiful kitten. It feels good in the hand, just like the Bobo tea in the first grade.

William suddenly didn\'t know where the bad taste came from. He grabbed Pobosha with one hand, patted it twice in the void, and made a small left crotch dribble.

step back,

Three point shot!

Lore! !

Bobo Tea suddenly meowed, and William turned his head quickly to find Hermione behind him, looking at him resentfully.

William relentlessly returned Poposa to Hermione.

The two sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

Hermione asked, "William, are you doing some magic?"

William smiled awkwardly.

As we all know, when boys are walking on the road, they will suddenly start to make emergency stop shots... Damn, who is not a little Kobe!

"You can dribble with Bobo tea." Hermione opened her divination textbook "Poke the Mist and See the Future".

"It\'s too fat, I can\'t move." William said, spreading his hands.

Bobo Tea quietly raised his head, glanced at William, and ate faster.

"Then you can use Annie\'s pineapple head." Hermione smiled.

"Need to feed Crookshanks and Poposa?"

William resolutely diverted the subject and did not get involved in the war between the two women.

"The two of them have already eaten, and they can\'t eat a second meal, otherwise they will be as fat as Bobo tea."

"Are you here so early, Hermione?" William asked suspiciously.

Hermione didn\'t speak, but suddenly stretched out her hand with a domineering expression.

"What about the little Silmarillion you took yesterday?"

"What\'s wrong?"

"I have to keep it, or I might give it to someone!" Hermione said coldly.

William was stunned, it was the first time he had seen Hermione like this. The last time Furong kissed his forehead, she was not so angry.

"What\'s the matter with you?" William asked cautiously.

Hermione stared at William and said angrily: "You were sneaking with a girl this morning, and she hugged you!"

"Who did you hear?" William asked with a black face.

"Someone saw it anyway, told me!" Hermione glared at William.

"Where\'s the gem?"

"The gem is gone."

"No?!" Hermione\'s voice was sharp.

"Professor Dumbledore took it for research." William said quickly.

Looking at Dumbledore\'s appearance, it seems that he does not intend to pay it back. This is the rhythm of black and black!

Unexpectedly, the principal was openly corrupt and began to degenerate.

William is not unwilling to give gifts.

If the headmaster opened his mouth and asked him for one million Galleons, William would definitely be willing to give it without saying a word; if he wanted a Silmarillion, of course he would not...because he really has a Silmarillion!

William throws out the silver lighter. After Hermione took it, she pressed the button and found no response.

"This is the deluminator, and the professor took the Silmarillion and gave it to me for now.

Only at night, go to the Room of Requirement at night, I\'ll show you, very interesting gadgets. \' William blinked.

Hermione snorted and didn\'t answer.

She observed it carefully again and found that there was a line of small characters written in ancient rune under the base.

William explained softly: "Where the treasure is, there is the heart."

William soon told Hermione of his conversation with Dumbledore yesterday.

"To be honest, despite being prepared, I still have a hard time believing that Dumbledore...will be friends with someone like Gellert Grindelwald!"

Hermione shook her head, as if her idol had been disillusioned.

Her attention was finally taken away from the girl who was hugging William.

"Are the two just friends?" William narrowed his eyes and revealed a mysterious smile.

Rozier said that the two were friends, and when Arya was at Notre Dame, she also said that the two had a blood alliance, and fooled William into making a deal with her.

What is a blood alliance?

Fingers clasped,

blood flow.

Remember my love forever,

Never hurt Iraq.

Take it literally, swear to never hurt each other!

The exchange of bodily fluids is not necessarily just "replenishing the devil", it may also be a blood alliance.

And this kind of magic is usually concluded between couples or husbands and wives.

When did friends start to form blood alliances?

Oh...Merlin\'s pants, the headmaster was so wild when he was young.

Hermione didn\'t think about this level, only thought that Dumbledore was rude and made friends when he was young.

Just as William was about to say something, Hermione lowered her head again and began to continue the cold war, as if she would not pay attention to him again.

Hermione picked up the parchment again from her bag, ready to do her divination homework.

William glanced and said, "Hermione, you should learn how to manage time with me."

"Yeah, who can manage your time well and secretly stay with another girl." Hermione said calmly.

William was speechless, "I mean, there must be selective classes, not all classes.

For example, Muggle research, divination, and arithmetic divination at the same time... just go to the last one.

I know you have a time changer, but don\'t abuse that thing, like now... you\'ve used a time changer, right? "

"Yeah, have you found out?" Hermione looked surprised. "How did you know I used a time shifter?"

"Nobody knows time-turners better than me!"

This is really not William\'s bragging, he is really in the realm of "understanding the king", after all, in the first time loop, he tracked Professor Tywin who had been following him for a long time.

Tywin used the time-turner three times in one period of time, and four of his men appeared at the same time.

Hermione still looked at William curiously.

William pushed the glasses that didn\'t exist on his face and reasoned: "Too many details tell me the truth, Hermione has to learn to observe with her eyes."

"First of all, you don\'t feed the two cats, but Bobosa wants to eat Bobo tea food.

If it\'s just finished eating, it\'s impossible to do that and you\'re still doing your divination homework..."

"This can only mean that I have used the time converter. This may be the second time I have used it. Why do you think it is the first time?" Hermione asked sharply.

"It\'s very simple, you are very energetic now, if you have taken two courses in a row, you will be tired and hungry.

Instead of being like now, I have no appetite and still have the energy to do my homework. "

William smiled: "So I suggest you eat more and bring some food by the way.

After the second class, it\'s actually lunchtime for you, and you\'re going to be hungry for two more classes..."

William frowned, as if he suddenly understood something. He smiled and couldn\'t help shaking his head and sighing.

William rolled up a piece of pie and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione didn\'t answer, but rolled one herself, looking still angry.

But she really didn\'t think about eating. If there was no reminder from William, she would probably be hungry all morning.

"Hermione, you eat first," William said. "I\'ll go find Professor Dumbledore~www.novelhall.com~ and come back later."

William picked up a large pile of food and walked towards the second floor.

He picked up a map of Hogwarts and looked at it.

One Hermione in the Gryffindor common room, one Hermione in the Great Hall, and a third Hermione...in Myrtle\'s bathroom!

William\'s forehead.

This little girl almost had a problem using the time converter for the first time!

Really stupid fly away.



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