A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 61: Persuade the master dementor

The Hogwarts Express, a nineteenth-century-style museum-grade train, was not built by wizards, but by Muggle engineers in Crewe, Cheshire, England.

More than 160 years ago, when it was put into use, it was opposed by some pure blood families.

They refuse to use this Muggle-built device as transport for wizards. It even claimed that this method was "unsafe, unhygienic, and degrading."

Inexplicably, there is a kind of "Lafayette, foreigners come to build our high-speed rail".

In order to stop the mouths of these people, and to protect the safety of the students, Otarion Gamble, then the Minister of Magic, asked the Aurors to cast a lot of protection spells on the train.

It takes a lot of labor each time, so the act of casting protective spells gradually stopped, and instead let the professors at Hogwarts draw a lot of ancient runes on the body.

Compared with the protection spell, the defensive magic composed of ancient runes can exist for a longer time and the protection effect is better.

Therefore, for a long time, a professor will remain on the Hogwarts train to prevent attacks.

Even more so when the Death Eaters were at their most rampant!

However, with the fall of Voldemort, he gradually stopped sending professors.

William wondered if Professor Lupin was taking the train, and while revisiting his memories, he was deliberately protecting his students.

But this professor, who has not had time to enter Hogwarts, absolutely does not know how to activate the ancient Rune defense magic.

But the Sorting Hat knows. He is a know-it-all at Hogwarts, and is called "Little Hermione" by Anne.

Before the professors of the past dynasties became presidents, they all came to the Sorting Hat to say goodbye to the pier, and by the way, learn some little-known inside stories.

And William happens to be proficient in ancient runes, which can perfectly replace the professor\'s responsibilities and activate defensive magic.

So he\'s so angry... With such a good thing, let him spend magic power to resist for a long time?

With the rune appearing on the train. Outside the car, the rain was still beating. Inside the car, it shines brightly!

The thunderbolt slammed down in the air, as if hitting a stone, sparking a burst of sparks and lightning, and then annihilating them all.

The defense effect is higher than that of the super armor and bodyguard that William hastily cast, I don\'t know how high it is!

Those little wizards looked at each other in shock, and their hearts were even hotter. They didn\'t know the goods and thought it was William\'s magic!

The ancient rune covering a train, such a large amount of engineering, how could William arrange it in a short period of time!

Even if he can arrange it, his own magic power cannot support the operation of the defense system.

Without the pressure of resisting the Thunderbirds, William breathed a sigh of relief.

He put the sorting hat on Annie\'s head, walked to the window, bent over and picked up the string of shell wind chimes, and hung it lightly around his waist.

They still picked up the shells on the beach in Biarritz, and Anne gave them to Luna, who were made into wind chimes by the girl.

"I\'m going to lead the Thunderbird away. It\'s been attacking like this, and it\'s not a solution." William rubbed Hermione\'s hair and said.

The girl nodded slightly and whispered softly. "Be careful."

Lupin was slightly distracted, and for a moment seemed to see James and Lily back then.

"Mr. Stark, how do you lead it away?" Professor Lupin said hurriedly. "Child! Don\'t be impulsive..."

William has Apparated away, appearing on top of the train.

He stretched his waist, let the raindrops fall on his robe, and then arrogantly raised his **** to the sky!

Lupin was stunned, a little unsure whether the child was Ravenclaw or not. The little eagles in his impression were not in this style.

William disappeared and appeared not far away. The place where he had settled down had already been angered by the thunderbird, and a lightning bolt had fallen.

William continued to Apparate seven times in a row, blasting out thunder light step by step, looking from a distance, it was like the Dharma King of Thunder and Lightning had descended into the world.

He was unrestrained and unrestrained, and the string of wind chimes hanging on his waist made a ding-dong sound, which made the little wizards in the train sway!

William glanced slightly from the corner of his eye, and found a group of Slytherin snakes below, all crowded in one carriage.

Pansy was hiding in Malfoy\'s arms, looking terrified. Malfoy hid in Crabbe\'s arms and seemed more frightened. Crabbe squeezed into Goyle\'s arms...

Is this a doll?

"William, I\'m here, here it is!" Daphne shouted, waving her hands hard.

She was emotional, but because she was too crowded and had difficulty breathing, she went into shock directly.

Then he looked at Daphne. The girl probably owed money and was knocked unconscious by her sister Astoria.

Wait...Astoria is kissing Daphne.

Oh Merlin! What kind of magical sister flower is this? ! William seems to have discovered a new world, and strange knowledge is increasing.

William\'s eyes flashed across the corner of his eye, and he stopped observing the group of little snakes. He jumped up and jumped out from the top of the train.

He turned into a sea eagle, swept forward diagonally, and flew straight towards the thunderbird.

Fire dragons have been killed, you are a distant relative of the phoenix, what is it? !

Killing you is like killing a chicken!

William flew into the air, swollen, ready to kill the Thunderbird first... but after only five seconds of being handsome, he turned around and ran.


In the clouds, a large number of dementors suddenly appeared. No less than two or three hundred. Densely packed, obscuring the sky.

The Dementors charged straight for the Thunderbirds. Thunderbolt is useless to the Dementors, and Thunderbird immediately admits to it, turns around and flees without delay for a second.

Oh roar, Dementors aren\'t useless, at least when it comes to persuading fights... the only one!

Wait... some of the dementors are coming towards William.

William landed on the roof, transformed back into a human, and Apparated back into the car.

Everyone also saw the Dementors in the sky. Ron shouted in horror: "So many ghosts!"

"It\'s not a ghost, it\'s a Dementor," explained Professor Lupin.

"Sound loud!" He said loudly after aiming his wand at his throat:

"None of us are hiding Sirius Black, let\'s go, it\'s all students here, go and search elsewhere."

Professor Lupin\'s "fruit of face" is useless to the dementors, not only did they not leave, but they also followed the train and lingered outside the window.

But the defensive magic composed of runes, like an iron wall, blocked them.

They hissed and looked like they didn\'t stop checking.

The train suddenly jolted and stopped. There was a bang, bang, and bang in the distance. It seemed that the luggage had fallen off the shelf~www.novelhall.com~ Professor Lupin said: "I\'m going to negotiate with the Dementors, let me They leave, you stay here."

Professor You Qi glanced at William before leaving.

William shrugged. That\'s what\'s wrong with the UK, where the Dementors have been ordered by the Ministry of Magic to search Black, which currently has the authority to search anywhere.

In France, it\'s different. If you don\'t agree with each other, you will do it directly, and you will not be accused of assaulting the police. You can even get a good citizen award.

It seems that trying to catch a Dementor is a bit difficult!



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