A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 60: 1 beautiful landscape

Man, you can\'t trust politicians too much, especially an old yinbi of Clegane\'s level.

What has secured the Thunderbird; what has contacted Scamander, who is about to extradite it back to North America; what William, you can rest assured, this is the responsibility and obligation of the French Ministry of Magic, the Thunderbird will never trouble you...

But go to your uncle!

Clegane\'s mouth closed up and down, and the words he said were the same as the current "The Quibbler":

Except the date is real, everything else is fake!

The Thunderbird slowly descended, it lived in mid-air, and kept chirping at William.

It was surrounded by more and more thunder and lightning, and suddenly the lightning fell, like a blue substantial leather whip!

The iron sheets on the top floor of the carriage were shattered by lightning, and a huge gap was smashed.

It was originally a closed train, but it instantly became an open-top sports car.

William held the wand with four fingers, forming a semi-arc dome in mid-air to withstand the thunder and lightning.

Thunder light fell from the sky like a torrent, and then branched off on both sides of the train. William, like the mainstay, stood still.

From a distance, with him as the center, it seems to resist a blue thunder pond.

A moment later, William\'s crisp voice echoed loudly on the Hogwarts train.

"The prefects organized the students of the various colleges and moved towards the front carriage.

tell the train driver,

Hurry up and drive,

do not stop!

accelerate! ! "

William was going to forcibly derail, and asked the driver to take the first half of the train and move on, away from here.

He cut off the train and left alone, which was enough to divert the Thunderbirds away, and even came to the popular "I can kill this wave".

He is not afraid of this stupid bird who likes to hold revenge, but so many students have made him a little constrained.

When William was in the Notre Dame de Paris square, he would not be tied up, because the crowd of melon eaters were all French Aurors.

The people\'s ability to escape is first-rate, and seeing that the situation is not right, they immediately choose the "apparition" magic escape and escape.

Looking at the group of elementary school students... many of them were still dumbfounded, staring blankly at William and Lei Guang, who was growing in size.

Finally, someone reacted, and a little girl started screaming

Stark really lied to her, this is not the Hogwarts train murder scene, but the filming scene of "The Hobbit".

Seeing that no one was moving, William roared impatiently, "Percy, hurry up!"

Percy was startled, and only then did he react, breaking free from Ron who was tearing at him, and ignoring the dropped badge, he said loudly:

"Listen to William\'s words, everyone moves to the front, the prefect points out the students in his academy, and don\'t let one fall."

The crowd crowded, and the magic barrier was shattered and crumbling, but the thunder and lightning in the sky gradually disappeared.

Blanking doesn\'t mean safety, just a moment of peace before a more violent attack.

I saw the dark clouds in the sky spinning like a tornado, gathering at a faster speed.

The sky is like an upside-down sea, and the thunderbird is the big fat fish.

It spun hard, jumped, closed its eyes... As it flapped its wings, it summoned a large number of thunderstorms.

Thunderbirds are so terrifying, they can keep gathering thunder and lightning in the sky!

Taking this opportunity, William pointed his wand directly at the dilapidated carriage, and whispered a very complicated incantation.

There was a strange whirring sound all around, as if he had released the power of the wind onto the train.

"Super armor and body protection!"

In the window, Luna hung a string of beautiful shell wind chimes, which made a ding dong ding dong sound because of the strong wind.

Soon, another person appeared next to William.

Hermione was standing beside him, her wand pointed at the roof of the car, and she deployed some protective magic that didn\'t work.

William glanced at Hermione, and the girl\'s eyes were firm, as if she had returned to the Notre Dame de Paris square.

Then there\'s Annie, Cedric, Cho, the twins, Luna, and Harry, Neville, and Ginny...

"Children, you go first!"

A wizard strode forward, wrapped in a torn robe and patched in several places.

"We\'re staying and fighting!" Fred exclaimed.

"That\'s right!" George said.

"Insufficient manpower... to help those younger children." The wizard\'s voice was gentle. "More useful than staying here."

He did not directly say that the few people who stayed were just a drag, but used a more acceptable statement to try not to discourage the enthusiasm of these children.

Who did not come from this age? Lupin sighed softly, and when he looked at a few more people, his eyes were very gentle.

And there are really not enough manpower, there are too many little wizards, and the carriage in front seems to be crowded and trampled.

Cedric hesitated for a while, but he realized it at the earliest, and decisively ran towards the students with a few people.

William and Hermione were still casting spells, but Lupin didn\'t say anything to let them go first.

Stark is clearly performing an extremely complex magic, which has long been out of the scope of ordinary wizards.

He was gone, and Lupin alone couldn\'t stop the thunderbird that didn\'t know where it came from.

Granger\'s magic level is higher than that of his peers, but it\'s not so shocking to the world.

But... Anyway, the little witch, who has been bombarding and publicizing it indiscriminately for a month, is known as the savior of Paris. It must be hidden because of her low profile!

Lupin made up his mind, muttering so much in his heart, his hands were not slow, and he also pulled out his wand.

Before a few people could completely arrange the magic, the huge thunder light suddenly poured down, and the thunder rolled in an instant.

A flash of thunder and lightning as thick as a basilisk rushed straight in and landed on the super-strong armor.

Hiding in the thunderstorm cloud, the thunderbird fluttered its wings, and another flash of lightning fell.

Compared with the initial attack, both the power and duration are slightly inferior, but the Thunderbird can\'t stand the rapid and frequent "triggering" of the Thunderbird!

It didn\'t last long, but started to win by the number of times!

Regardless of whether the attack is useful or not, the Thunderbird is just like Thor, the thunder god, pulling down one after another of lightning, touching the invisible barrier.

In an instant, more than a hundred rays of lightning were strung together into a net of lightning.

As far as the eye can see, the thick thunder and lightning clambered along the raised barrier from time to time, like a creeping tiger whose light grows and fades.

From a distance, the light is really beautiful, like a beautiful landscape!

The wind chimes, which had been stretched and straightened, were finally overwhelmed and fell to the floor.

But the light from the top of William\'s wand, like the candle in the lampshade, never went out.

All the students held their breaths. It was clear that the wind and thunder were agitating like gorgeous fireworks, and the pierced eyes were painful, but they still refused to move their eyes.

After Stark and Granger save Paris, they have already caused an uproar among students of the same age.

Against the dark wizards who are helpless in the French Ministry of Magic, this news is more thrilling and exciting than who has passed the first grade exam and who has become a prefect...

They couldn\'t wait to see the level of magic these two had.

After several minutes of continuous critical strikes, William finally couldn\'t hold it any longer.

At this moment, Anne suddenly rushed over, holding a broken hat in her arms.

"Gryffindor\'s sword?" William frowned slightly.

Why else would Annie come here with the Sorting Hat? But at such a time, what is the use of summoning the Great Sword?

Could that big sword still be used as a lightning rod?

Or... the sword of Gryffindor, in the hands of the heir of Gryffindor, as long as you hold the sword, you will gain the power of Gryffindor?

Well... William is clearly overthinking it.

Anne came running and put the hat on him lightly. After a while, William\'s exasperated curse came.

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier!"

"You didn\'t ask earlier!" The Sorting Hat whispered.

"Block me for twenty seconds~www.novelhall.com~Professor Lupin!" William shouted.

Lupin nodded silently.

I saw William holding his wand in both hands. He followed the voice of the Sorting Hat and sang softly, spitting out a long incomprehensible ancient rune.

William raised his wand high, and as he chanted, a large number of runes appeared on the walls and ground of the left and right carriages.

It was a large-scale defensive magic outlined by ancient runes. When it was activated, it stretched like a bright starry sky, and the intertwined carriages shone brightly.



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