A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 62: Harry: Tom, hold back and kiss me!

After Professor Lupin left, William took Percy and a group of prefects to work on repairing the train roof.

A large pile of debris flew to its original position flickeringly, and the damaged, torn, and open parts of several sections of the carriage were restored to their original position.

Not all of them were recovered. Some of the debris in the carriage had long since fallen, and the repair spell was useless.

William had to use Transfiguration to build a temporary shelter, just to keep the wind and rain from leaking.

Of course, William has integrated his lifelong aesthetic attainments into it, and still has the spirit of craftsmanship... This is the real simplicity but not simplicity.

After half an hour, Professor Lupin came back wrapped in tattered robes. Just by looking at his face...the negotiation failed!

"I have talked with the dementor leader, they only sent one dementor on the train to search, let us disarm the defense magic."

Now that Professor Lupin said so, what else could William say. Check it, check it, he didn\'t hide Black.

There are basilisks, black dogs, three civet cats and other miscellaneous small animals in his safety table... How can there be Blake!

Well, William is also illegally imprisoning a Dementor. But the other party shouldn\'t be able to find out, right?

William art master is bold!

His wand was aimed at the carriage, and there was another complicated spell. Those flashing words gradually dimmed and disappeared completely in the train.

Professor Lupin explained loudly that all students stay in their compartments and do not come out.

The train door opened and a Dementor slipped in.

It is cloaked, reaches the ceiling, and its face is completely hidden under the hood. Like the **** of death, check one by one.

Soon, we arrived at William\'s carriage.

It slid in, and was about to check it carefully, and by the way, sucked in some happy breath, but it seemed to smell something, and suddenly lowered its head and stared at the boy in the corner.

It\'s him,

It\'s him,

it\'s him!

This wizard is definitely on the beach in Biarritz, humiliating and ravaging the damned guy!

Such a familiar taste, it will not smell wrong, and even unforgettable, as if engraved in the mind.

After that day, it has been searching, tracking, and did not expect to find it in the UK.

Your soul... belongs to me!

The Dementor pounced, ready to give William a fiery kiss.

William looked bewildered. Could it be that he imprisoned the Dementors was discovered?

He really didn\'t recognize that this Dementor had been beaten by him. William was blind after all.

William didn\'t move yet, and Harry, who was sitting on the other side, felt a chill go through his body.

He found his breath condensed in his chest. This chill penetrated the skin, and it was cold to his chest, cold to his heart...

Cedric tensed as Harry hugged him from behind, murmuring, "It\'s so cold."

Cedric didn\'t know if he should put his arms around Harry and give him a warm hug.

Because autumn seems to be very cold too.

which one to choose,

Does this require hesitation?

Just when Cedric was about to break free from Harry, Harry rolled his eyes upwards, unable to bear it any longer, and fell to the ground, twitching.

The Dementor stopped, and at that moment, it only had one thought: Touch the porcelain, definitely touch the porcelain!

It raised its head again and found that two black sticks appeared in front of it at some point... William and Hermione raised their wands at the same time, aimed at the dementor\'s head, and shouted:

"Call God Guard!"

The two silver birds flew close to each other, and the white body was in a trance like the bright moonlight, instantly knocking the Dementor out.

The originally repaired train cracked again, and the sound pierced the eardrum.

The two patron saints rushed out of the train, intertwined with each other, and flew around the train in a circle, expelling the surrounding dementors.

The defensive magic composed of ancient runes lights up, and what follows is William\'s voice:

"Dare to attack the boy who survived, and want to give it a Dementor\'s kiss, I will tell Dumbledore and Minister Fudge about this!


Go away!

Otherwise you will be sharked! "

The train started slowly, leaving behind a group of bewildered dementors. The dementor leader turned his head and looked at the subordinate who got into the car to search.

what the hell? It\'s good that this car doesn\'t hunt!

Stealing again? !



Hogwarts train.

"...Mr. Clegane, I solemnly tell you that we are not done with this!

I almost died, killed by that thunderbird! Sixty of my classmates were injured, seven or eight were seriously injured, Harry Potter was unconscious, and he was about to be sent to icu! The train was also destroyed.

That thunderbird also attracted dementors and attacked us...

I\'m not blackmailing or touching porcelain, but the medical expenses must be compensated. Please call 3,000 Galleons to my vault in Gringotts, France, thank you.

Also, why did the Thunderbird appear in the UK, if I can\'t give a reasonable answer, I\'m going to talk to Rita about the story of the Thunderbird and the werewolf..."

After William finished blackmailing, he lightly sealed the letter. The letter was different from ordinary letters, it was bright red.

—This is a roaring letter!

"How?" William asked.

"The tone is perfect, I think your performance is very tense." Hermione said softly, "But Mr. Clegane will definitely not make money."

"Perhaps, but Hermione, you have to know, the pressure should be given, let him know that we are angry." William explained.

"This is related to attitude and position, otherwise this kind of thing will happen next time!"

William took Anne\'s owl and threw the letter to the owl named Drogon to send it to the French Ministry of Magic.

Of course, even writing to Clegane now is useless. That ptarmigan came to England.

It\'s just that William is weird.

How much hatred, how much hatred, isn\'t it just a Silmarillion? Not worth the money, as for flying from France to England to find him?

It\'s like killing a father and taking a son... Although William had this idea, he didn\'t steal his eggs.

Simply incomprehensible!

After Drogon flew away, everyone looked at the two in shock and admiration.

Sending a roaring letter to the director of the French Law Enforcement Department... a bit of a mess.

Not to mention the director, you can send a roaring letter to the director of the British Auror office, give it a try?

It is sent here. Believe it or not, the Auror will check your water meter in minutes?

In fact, it\'s not just this matter that is worth complaining.

For example: why did Anne have the Sorting Hat in her hand; what happened to the Thunderbird that attacked; the defensive magic on the train; and the magic of William and Hermione to drive away the Dementors...

A lot of questions!

William gave a few people a little explanation about the Thunderbird and the Werewolf from the beginning to the end.

Not to mention the Silmarillion. This thing is a bit sensitive, William needs to ask the principal first, and it is not good to take it out in an open and honest manner.

After listening to this, everyone was astonished. Are William and Hermione sure they are on vacation in France?

Why do I always feel like I\'m going to sweep the black and get rid of the evil.

At this moment, Harry, who had been in a coma, finally woke up.

William handed a cup of potion over and said, "Drink it, it will make you feel better."

Harry took the cup, did not drink, but asked quickly:

"What happened just now? Where\'s that—that monster—the Dementor? William, you were just crouching down..."

Ginny screamed, pale.

Harry quickly changed his words and said, "I seem to have seen William fighting with the mysterious man, how did he come?!"

"The Dementors were chased away by William and Hermione," Fred said.

"Harry, William didn\'t fight You-Know-Who." George shook his head. "Are you hallucinating?"

"But ~www.novelhall.com~ I did see William and Riddle fighting, they were still talking..." Harry covered his aching scar.

The scar on the right side used to hurt, but since the secret room incident, the new scar on the left started to hurt.

"William\'s voice was intermittent, as if it made Riddle..." Harry hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "Kiss me!"

William: "..."

Everyone looked at William strangely.

William immediately denied Sanlian: "I\'m not, I don\'t, don\'t talk nonsense!"



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