A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 56: Scabbers' Ecstasy Tonic

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Looking forward to, looking forward to, the east wind is coming, and the start of school is approaching.

If school doesn\'t start again, William will almost forget his hidden student status.

No way, this summer vacation in France was too thrilling and exciting, and William even seemed like a lifetime away.

When he finally left France, he said goodbye to Clegane, and invited William and Hermione to stay as Aurors and complete the rest of their studies at Beauxbatons.

William almost couldn\'t help but agree.

After all, that life is not bad. If after graduation, William really plans to go to the French Ministry of Magic part-time for a period of time.

On September 1, Hogwarts officially opened.

William and Anne, who had returned home, were driven by Roy to King\'s Cross Station.

After reuniting with Hermione, the three of them walked calmly and entered the 9? platform. But this calm was immediately shattered.

I don\'t know who snorted, and a group of students frantically surrounded William, Hermione, and Annie, like a sniff in a zoo.

The three were somewhat confused, and when William won the Merlin Medal, there was no such battle.

Sure enough, foreign medals are rounder, and French medals are whiter.

Soon, a big dung egg was thrown out of nowhere. Then came the effortless fireworks.

William immediately pulled Hermione and Annie, and quietly left in the chaos, only then did he get away from the frenzied crowd that was chasing and blocking.

Fred beckoned from a distance, and the three rushed over quickly.

"Hey William, long time no see!" George whistled. "Are they so popular in France?"

"Of course, but it was surrounded by a large number of Aurors."

"Cool!" Fred laughed. "I want to ask you to sign!"

George said with a full smile: "It will definitely sell well. Even if you can get a piece of ten westerns, the classmates will buy it like crazy."

"What\'s the matter, someone has already hit me with an idea?"

William hugged the two of them and asked, "Let me guess, is it Li?"

The twins looked at each other, Fred nodded and said, "I know that I can\'t hide it. That\'s right, Li is going crazy trying to make money. Those reference answers no longer satisfy his appetite, so he will definitely find a wholesale autographed photo."

Wholesale autographed photos...really taking him for Lockhart?

"How was your time in Egypt?"

"To be honest, it\'s normal, all kinds of sandstorms make me almost become a sand sculpture." George said.

Fred complained: "Without a little warning, the sky was blue one second, and the next second you could hear the loud banging of the glass windows.

When we rushed out, the clothes and sheets hanging outside, along with the hangers, disappeared. It really disappeared in an instant, and I didn\'t even see a shadow. "

"If I go to Egypt, I will definitely pay attention!" William couldn\'t help laughing.

"Yeah, but the pyramids aren\'t bad," George said.

"That\'s the relic left by the ancient warlock." William said longingly.

He suddenly remembered the woman Arya, who spoke ancient Egyptian and had probably been to Egypt. Probably in Egypt right now.

"The tomb of Cleopatra VII was recently discovered there. We followed Bill into the perimeter, but we didn\'t see anything." Fred regretted.

George said, "I\'m still wondering if I can find some magic items in her tomb."

Cleopatra VII... The last female pharaoh of the Ptolemaic dynasty in ancient Egypt, the famous Cleopatra!

William greeted Mr and Mrs Weasley again.

Soon he saw Percy.

I saw Percy coming quickly, holding out his hand solemnly, as if he and William had never met.

Fred was the first to shake hands with Percy, and he gave a knightly salute. "Let\'s welcome His Royal Highness, the world\'s No. 1 Boy Student Council President!"

George made the action of drawing his sword from the void, and said solemnly:

"Meet the Merlin Knights, Your Highness!"

Percy roared, pushed the funny two away impatiently, and shook hands with William.

"William, ignore them, I\'m glad to see you."

"Okay, Percy." William laughed. "Congratulations on being the President of the Boys Student Council."

Percy tried to puff out his chest, the silver chairman badge gleaming in the sun.

"...Not bad, isn\'t it? Because of Ron last school year, I thought there was no hope... Maybe I\'m still good, which gave me a lot of points."

Percy flicked the badge on his chest and said enviously, "Of course, he will definitely become the president of the Boys Student Council in the future.

This is nothing compared to the Merlin Medal and the Medal of Valor.

William, you should hang them on your chest, the most visible place. "

Percy glanced at it and asked, "Why didn\'t I see the badge?"

"I left it at home." William said quickly.

"Oh." Percy was a little disappointed. He had just washed his hands and wanted to touch William\'s trophy.

Percy passed on some more Boys\' Union president experience before leaving with his shiny badge.

"The recent Percy has been a disaster," Fred whispered. "I wasn\'t here last night, I don\'t know what happened."

George gloated: "Ron and Percy got into a fight."

"Why?" William asked suspiciously.

"Last night, the tonic that Ron bought for Banban disappeared, and Percy\'s chairman badge on the bedside didn\'t know where it went.

The two quarreled about it. "

"What did you two take?" William asked.

"Of course not." Fred smiled.

"Probably Ron lost it," explained George.

"We stayed at the Leaky Cauldron last night, Ron and Percy shared a room. Ron threw all his stuff on Percy\'s bed and didn\'t clean it up, and Percy complained to his mother.

Then, Mom told Ron to go to Percy\'s bed to clean up.

Knowing that his hands and feet are shaky, he probably felt uncomfortable, and accidentally lost Percy\'s baby badge and Banban\'s tonic. "

Fred continued: "We picked up the badge and tonic at the door and gave them back."

"It\'s that simple?" William narrowed his eyes.

"Of course not, with some changes." George winked smugly. "Very small change."

"We changed the \'boys student council president\' on Percy\'s badge to \'a huge head\'," Fred said.

"Anyway, the abbreviation is HB, it makes no difference."

"Didn\'t Percy find out?"

"Percy only found out in the morning, he said Ron climbed into his bed in the middle of the night and they got into a fight," George said.

"You two." William sighed helplessly. "It should be more than that, right?"

"Ah, of course." Fred laughed. "We added some interesting condiments to Scabbers\' tonic..."

"Love Potion." George lowered his voice.

"...whose hair was put on?" William asked.

"I originally wanted to release Lu Wei, but I was afraid that Banban would be eaten by Lu Wei, so I released Sniff."

(Banners: I may not be human, but they are real dogs!)

Wait... William has a new idea too.

If the effect is good, you can put the **** hair in the love potion and feed it to Fang.

After returning to London, William contacted the hospital and wanted to cut the black dog for permanent treatment.

But before it started, it ran away from home for two days and two nights inexplicably before running back.

Then, Annie forbids William to do anything to Da Hei. It looks like William bullying her dog.

William is so wrong. There is also a **** face, and he actually dares to run away from home without making a sound.

William is going to add some seductive agent to Da Hei and Ya Ya, and then lock them together, and let Ya Ya tune teach Da Hei!

At this moment, there was a sudden noise from the side.

Hermione and Annie were chatting with Ginny, and Crookshanks in Hermione\'s arms broke free and rushed towards Ron.

"No! Crookshanks~www.novelhall.com~ No!" Hermione exclaimed.

Scabbers in Ron\'s hand slipped out of his hand like a bar of soap and ran away frantically.

Crookshanks followed.

It\'s a good time to chase after Xiao Heyue...Bah, ah, Tom station chasing Jerry!



(Ask for recommended tickets and monthly tickets, everyone.

ps Headboy, Hungousbighead)

(ps2 by the way...Break the reality, smash the spirit, exile this world, obey the blood covenant, I sacrifice here:

"Return to the Ming Dynasty to be a faint king"!

The author is a young lady. Those who are interested in historical literature can go and see it. )