A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 55: Slytherin Green

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Compared to Anne\'s poverty, Hermione didn\'t have so much to do.

Her Bobo Sa, eats the same as her old father\'s Bobo tea, so William always buys double cat food.

Hermione was wandering around the house, and her eyes were quickly drawn to a cat in the corner.

It was a big cat with thick and fluffy **** fur, but its legs were a bit bent, it looked grumpy, and it had a face like a squashed big persimmon, even more hideous and ugly.

It also has fat, thick tails that blow up like a bottle brush.

If you just look at the appearance, it looks a bit like the famous "Obai cat".

Not far from it, three ferocious meerkats lie low.

They look so cute, they can even be called "beautiful eyes" compared to the **** cat.

The four animals seemed to be in conflict, and the big yellow cat pulled up its ears impatiently and hissed in an oppressive voice.

Behind the big yellow cat, there was a little teddy who roared at the "mongoose" with a provocative look on his face.

Seeing that the boss bared his teeth, Teddy wagged his tail and barked louder, with an arrogant look of "dog fighting cat".

Is this Tai Ritian the son of the big yellow cat?

William had this idea in an instant.

"No, Rab!" cried the witch. "Back off, Crookshanks!"

We still don\'t know what Teddy did to the mongoose that day.

But the mongooses had already rushed up angrily under Tai Ritian\'s provocation.

The meerkat named Rab jumped up from the table first and lunged at Crookshanks.

Crookshanks dodged and slapped Raab as he dodged.

A paw slapped it.


Just as Rab jumped up from the long table, he was pulled back again, and knocked over the cage and cat stick on the table.

While sliding, it bumped into the fat rabbit. The rabbit\'s paw twitched twice, and it could have been rescued, but now it is completely motionless.

Crookshanks was besieged by two other meerkats, one biting its hind legs and the other scratching its head.

Crookshanks roared and jumped to a corner. On one side of the corner, there was a two-meter tall cabinet standing at a distance from the wall.

Crookshanks suddenly began to accelerate, charging towards the corner.

It jumped over one by one, and after touching the wall, it quickly changed its angle, kicked its hind legs violently, and used the wall as a support point to fall to the side of the cabinet, and then used it as a support to turn around and jump to the wall.

After repeating this, it finally landed on the top of the cabinet more than two meters high.

What the hell! This cat will also be able to fly the sky ladder in Wudang... Bah Bah, it\'s parkour!

This kind of repeated horizontal jumps on both sides of the wall to reach the highest point is a common technique in parkour.

This cat is a jerk!

Crookshanks jumped from the cabinet, and with a huge impact, a crow took a plane and knocked out a meerkat, and turned around and a whale swayed its tail, knocking over another meerkat.

Complete three kills in an instant!

Excited, Teddy straightened up, as if trying to give Crookshanks a "love hug" from behind.

The big yellow cat kicked Tai Ritian out of the back.

Hermione stared at the cat, her eyes gleaming. "Crookshanks...a pretty cat, isn\'t it, William?"

"Hmm... eh?" William narrowed his eyes.

Is it okay for Hermione to say that?

"Want it?" William asked.

"Yeah...my birthday is coming up soon."

"But there\'s already a Bobosa."

"However, Poposa is still young and needs to be protected by a big cat who is always reliable, so that he will not be bullied by the pineapple head all the time." Hermione glanced at Annie.

Annie\'s face paled. She compared the size of the cat with her own pineapple head.

Not an order of magnitude at all.

"And it\'s just two cats!" said Hermione.

"What about the three civet cats that we still caught in the French Ministry of Magic," William reminded.

"That\'s not much..."

"Hermione, this kind of thinking is very dangerous." William said helplessly: "If this continues, we will soon have a lot of cats in our house!"

"Anyway, our house is big!" Hermione said nonchalantly.

"It\'s entirely possible to have an extra Crookshanks, it looks a bit strange, no one will buy it, maybe it has lived in the pet store for a long time.

so poor…"

Hermione turned her head to look at William, blinking her eyes resentfully, with a playful look that she wouldn\'t leave if she didn\'t buy her today.

Annie rolled her eyes, when Hermione revealed this "limited-edition JPG state", her brother would definitely lose!

Sure enough, William surrendered: "Buy!"

Annie patted her forehead, but this time she didn\'t hold on for five seconds. It\'s really shameful to have such a brother.

Might as well be a real scumbag.

Annie rolled her eyes and followed Hermione\'s coquettish manner: "Brother, my broom is broken, can you buy me a new one?

Don\'t buy expensive, poorly maintained... the latest version of the Firebolt will do. "

William defiantly refused: "Don\'t buy it."


"Use mine!" Hermione sang and echoed. "It\'s still new."

Annie rolled her eyes wide.

Seeing Hermione grimacing at her, Annie\'s stomach hurt with anger, but she still tried her best to put on a disdainful expression that didn\'t care about the two of us.

Hermione was already holding the **** Crookshanks when she left Wonder Zoo.

"Hermione better let Crookshanks be careful!" Annie threatened. "I can\'t guarantee that Da Hei won\'t bite it."

Although Crookshanks is ferocious, compared with a dog like Da Hei that can fight a werewolf, it is still tens of thousands of Bobo teas.

"But the **** can\'t be taken to the castle." Hermione raised her pointed chin and smiled. "Only with Hagrid."


The admission letter to Hogwarts clearly states: Students can bring an owl, a cat or a toad... But the pet type is not so strict.

For example, Ron and Percy brought the mouse Banban, the autumn raised the bunny, and the twins raised the sniff.

Big black dogs are definitely not allowed to enter.

Is Big Black Dangerous?

Dangerous of course...and still large dogs who don\'t like leash.

But compared to Mr. Newt\'s various magical animals; Hagrid\'s eight-eyed spider; Slytherin\'s basilisk; William\'s dementor... Big Black is as docile as Bobo tea.

The problem is, those animals will not appear on the bright side, everyone is well hidden. And the **** needs to walk around, free-range.

So I can only temporarily leave it in Hagna, and live with Lou Wei for a while. Several people occasionally go to the Forbidden Forest to visit it.

Daguro will like Lou Wei. William be sure! In other words, Lou Wei will force Da Hei to like it!

"Draco is them! Just bullied me!"

The three were walking when a familiar shout came from a distance.

"Just a few of you bullying Astoria... It\'s crazy... I don\'t want to ask... My father is..."

The three of William turned around.

Malfoy\'s voice suddenly got stuck, and if there was a bg at this time, it would probably be out of tune in pain.

"Oh, Malfoy, what\'s the matter?" William smiled playfully, glancing at the little girl in Astoria. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"It\'s nothing, I\'ve recognized the wrong person!" Malfoy forced a smile, and he blushed: "We\'re back from France, don\'t say a word, haha... Bye!"

Malfoy turned and ran. Goyle and Crabbe, two of his little sidekicks, followed.

Malfoy ran for more than ten meters, then came back and ran with Astoria, which was petrified in the far place.

William said loudly from behind: "Pancy, why are you here?"

Malfoy stumbled, stumbled, and threw a dog to the ground.

Alas, poor Pansy, first greened by Harry, and now about to be greened by Astoria.

As expected of Slytherin Green! Simply green and purple.

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