A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 57: Time Lord's Dementors

As a cat that can parkour, Crookshanks is full of agility.

Not to mention the almost unsolvable racial suppression, Banban, this little mouse, is not an opponent at all.

It flashed left and right, and had to flee into the nearest sewer.

It\'s a pity that Crookshanks shows what is called a claws like a wind, and a force like lightning.

It stretched its paw into the gap of the iron fence mesh manhole cover, hooked Banban back, grabbed the mouse\'s scalp, and swung it frantically.

Kind of like the Hulk abusing Loki.

But just before Crookshanks spoke, Ron rushed over. He waved his package and smashed it, shouting, "Get out of the way! Beast!"

Crookshanks jumped out, bent down, and let out a menacing roar.

"Ron, don\'t hurt Crookshanks!" Hermione screamed.

William waved his wand, and Crookshanks flew over, but still roared, trying to rush over to bite Scabbers.

"Watch your cat," growled Ron. "Spotted! Keep it out of the way!"

"Crookshanes didn\'t know it was wrong!" said Hermione. "All cats catch mice, Ron!"

"Bobocha won\'t catch Banban! Neither can Mrs Norris!"

Ron hurriedly hid Scabbers in his jacket pocket and gave Crookshanks another stern look.

"Except for this monster!"

"Crookshanes is not a monster!" Hermione said angrily.

Fred interrupted their quarrel, showing unprecedented concern.

"Ron, hurry up and give Banban your tonic."

"Yes, Banban has lost a lot of weight, and the tonic will be useful." George said at the right time.

The two of them spared no effort in caring, just to see if the Ecstasy would work on animals. Scabbers became the No. 1 test for the two of them.

William hugged Crookshanks and licked its head.

Under the superb cat licking skills, Crookshanks gradually quieted down, making a comfortable purr sound in his mouth.

It raised its chin, as if asking William to scratch it again.

William scratched twice, and it was boring. He\'s a handsome man, Crookshanks is indescribable, and he has no appetite for cats.

When Hermione came, she seemed very angry.

"It\'s weird, isn\'t it, Crookshanks never eat anything," said Hermione.

William nodded.

However, cat and mouse are sometimes not necessarily used for food, but may also be used for play!

Crookshanks clearly wanted to play with Scabbers and develop a friendship beyond species with him.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Weasley, several people entered the train.

"Hey, William\'s side!" Qiu waved his head out from a certain carriage.

Several people walked over and found that Luna and Cedric were already sitting inside.

"Wow!" Fred wiped his hands and exclaimed, "Mr. Diggory, I wonder if I can have the honor to touch your trophy."

Cedric dropped a prefect badge from his pocket. "If you like it, I will give it to you."

"That\'s what you said!"

"Fake badge." William tapped his wand, and the badge turned into a blank piece of paper.

He clicked again, and the white paper turned into spots. Too bad Crookshanks wasn\'t interested at all, and even yawned bored.

Fred was about to throw the fake Banban, when Cedric hurriedly said, "Don\'t throw it away, that\'s the real badge!"

He waved his wand, and the rat turned back into a badge.

Cedric glanced at his friend and said speechlessly, "William, you are so unkind."

Fred threw the badge to Cedric and waved his hand:

"Cedric, you shouldn\'t say that, you\'re already a mature prefect, and you have to learn Percy\'s power to deduct points..."

George imitated Percy: "Stark... Ravenclaw deducts two points for your prank!"

Everyone laughed. Percy\'s favorite is to deduct points from the twins. He made more dunks by himself than even the good old Professor Flitwick.

Cedric glanced at Qiu and quickly gave William a small look.

William immediately understood and said in surprise: "Yeah! Cedric, don\'t you have to go to the prefect\'s carriage? Why are you still here?"

Well done buddy! William always understood what he meant the first time.

Cedric felt relieved.

He just stayed in the carriage for a long time, and Qiu Duo didn\'t ask him this question.

Taking advantage of Qiu to go to the toilet, he hinted to Luna several times, but the other party always stared at the innocent Kazlan with wide eyes, as if he didn\'t understand.

I usually look at a very clever little girl, why can\'t I teach the Tao at the critical moment?

So sometimes, a good wingman is so important!

That is to say, he is not a girl. If he is Cedric, he will definitely fall in love with William, and he will go after him boldly.

What is Hermione, and what is that French girl named Fleur! Can it be worth "her" raw rice and cooked rice?

Cedric\'s heart turned a thousand times, and with a sigh, he started his performance.

"It doesn\'t matter whether I go or not. I really don\'t like going to the prefect\'s carriage - I mean, the biggest mistake I ever made was being a Hufflepuff prefect.

I just want to be a simple little wizard and stay with William, everyone, and Autumn! Instead of going to some prefect carriage. "

When Cedric said this, he glanced at everyone quickly, and finally paused for a long time on Qiu.

coming! The late but late dog licking skill is activated!

William hugged Crookshanks tightly, not allowing himself to laugh. Crookshanks was instantly crushed by him.

Obviously, Cedric\'s dog-licking behavior also caused discomfort in Crookshanks. Looking at its persimmon face... it\'s all twisted and hideous!

Annie, Luna and Ginny are huddled in the corner reading magazines. Luna, who had always been quiet, suddenly burst out laughing.

At this time, Luna perfectly interprets what is called: quiet like paralysis, moving like epilepsy.

She was quiet like a fairy just now, but now she seems unable to control herself and slaps the table hard.

She laughed so hard that the magazine in her hand fell and slid to the floor.

Crookshanks jumped onto the luggage rack, fluffed and hissed.

Fortunately, everyone had already adapted to Luna\'s style and was not frightened.

Hermione picked up "The Quibbler" that Luna had dropped, and read it softly:

The world\'s top ten unsolved mysteries of the missing dementors!

Dementors have been living in Azkaban for hundreds of years, and we don\'t know where they came from.

But recent evidence suggests that the Dementors are actually the products of alien wizards on Earth.

According to the author\'s in-depth research, the dementors do not have their own words, and all knowledge can only be passed on from generation to generation through dictation. However, it is such a creature that possesses astonishing astronomical knowledge.

They knew the existence of \'Galifrey\' without looking through a telescope. And this planet has not been observed by wizards so far.

The Dementors affectionately refer to Galifrey as "Curry Star", and there lives a terrible sorcerer called the Time Lord. Dementors were created by the Time Lords.

The missing Dementors in France were probably taken by the Time Lords with Tardis.

Dementors are both coordinates and monitors, and we must be wary of the time lords\' incursions, the time left for wizards... is really running out.

Of course, there is also an interesting saying that the Dementor accidentally entered the crack in time and space and returned to the past.

A wizard was attacked by Dementors in 1973. He now actively identifies that the missing Dementor is the one that attacked him back then~www.novelhall.com~ If it is true, it means that the Dementor has traveled back to twenty years ago.

These are the two hypotheses that are closer to the truth at present. As for the others, in the author\'s opinion, they are all conspiracy theories, or they are not worth a whimper...

When Hermione finished reading, there was silence in the carriage.

William couldn\'t help shaking his head and sighed: "It\'s the same familiar taste as always."

Old Lovegood is also a master at rubbing heat. It\'s not without reason that he can make money from the kids!



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