A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 54: Malfoy from Loli

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After leaving the Leaky Cauldron, the three of William went to Mrs. Mokin to buy new robes, and then went to Lishen Bookstore to buy textbooks.

Harry had already bought it all, so he didn\'t follow. He was going to write to Qiu and concerned about her panda eyes.

Harry thought this was the perfect opportunity.

He only hated that he usually didn\'t study the potion by heart, otherwise he would be able to brew a bottle of anti-swelling potion.

It\'s all Snape\'s fault, staring at him viciously every time in class, preventing him from becoming a potions master!

There are not many people in Lihen Bookstore, a saleswoman is watching the monster book beside the cage.

She wore a holster and held a thick stick full of slender bumps in her hand.

But she had already dozed off and didn\'t notice that the Yokai Books were doing multiplayer sports.

One of the books was "divided" by five or six books, and the debris was scattered in the wind.

Hermione bought a large stack of textbooks, and she, like William, took all the courses.

William even suggested that she learn time management from herself, otherwise the third grade would be very tired.

They also met Neville.

Neville lost his book list, and the most important thing was that he couldn\'t remember at all... Which elective courses he took!

Mrs. Longbottom, wearing an old top hat, scolded Neville severely.

But before she could finish her sentence, "Zuan Chanting" was interrupted, and a "prison break" fairy book rushed over and bit the scarlet handbag dangling in her hand.

Mrs Longbottom was very old, but as athletic as Professor McGonagall.

She aggressively picked up the stick in the hand of the salesperson, and used the long-lost "dog-beating spell" in the magical world, slamming the book.

Neville\'s heart skipped a beat, he swallowed, his brain spinning at the speed of light, and he instantly remembered the contents of the book list.

Mrs. Longbottom seemed to have discovered a new world at once, smiled meaningfully at Neville, and bought the stick.

After buying the textbooks, they went to the pet store again.

After two months without taking care of the "Orange Pig", William needs to buy some expensive food so that Bobo Tea can change his mind and continue to sell his body for him to masturbate.

It is not advisable to force it, and there must be a bait such as snacks.

William already knew how to quickly capture a cat\'s heart, then play with their bodies, squeezing them into whatever shape he likes.

William took Hermione and Annie to a shop called Wonder Zoo.

There\'s not much space in the store, cages are hung every inch of the wall, and critters are making all kinds of weird noises.

The witch behind the counter was introducing pets to a few little wizards, so William, Hermione, and Annie waited, watching the pets in the cages.

A purple toad sits in the corner, it looks like the big eye of Soo in the Lord of the Rings, and it has beautiful big eyes of Kazlan.

A deep-sea turtle with a jewel-encrusted hard shell shows off to a toad by the edge of its cage.

Its head stretches and shrinks, constantly teasing. A slender tongue of the toad popped out and wrapped around the turtle\'s head.

Fifteen wind spirits danced gracefully in the cage. They are magical creatures that look like moths. Look at their colorful wings and know that they are highly poisonous!

A fat white rabbit turned into a silk top hat, and then quickly changed back, making a loud puff.

It was frightened by the sound it made, slipped under its feet, knocked over a beautiful blue and white bowl next to it, and scattered the food on the ground.

It was lying directly on the ground, seemingly out of breath.

This reminded William of Qiu\'s little white rabbit. When they first met, Qiu brought a pet rabbit.

That cowardly rabbit is not dead yet.

William and the twins waited for the rabbit to frighten to death so that he could arrange a decent "burial" and then bury the bones in the Forbidden Forest for Louville to guard.

"Is it Stark?"

At this time, a milky voice came.

William turned his head, lowered his head again, and found that it was a little girl who was a little bit older than Annie.

She has curly blond hair, long eyelashes, and a baby face with baby fat.

"It\'s me, who is it?" William asked politely.

Can you meet fans on the way? So annoying!

"Don\'t know who I am?!" The girl pinched her waist and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Should I know who it is?" William raised his eyebrows like her.

He thought about it carefully.

The little girl in front of her was carrying a large number of alchemy items made by William, and at first glance she was a loyal customer.

William knew most of the customers of this level, but the little girl in front of her was very friendly.

He glanced at Hermione, and Hermione shook her head, not knowing.

Hermione\'s circle of friends consisted of only three or two kittens, and it was even more impossible to know each other.

"Her name is Astoria Greengrass," Anne whispered. "She\'s a student of Slytherin, a class with me."

"Oh!" William pondered for a few seconds, "Who is that... Daphne\'s sister."

Daphne Greengrass is not only a rich woman, but also a big client of William!

The big customer\'s sister... that is, the future big customer, no problem!

In line with the idea that the customer is Gallen...cough, Merlin, William Lightspeed changed his face, squatted down, and smiled softly:

"It\'s Daphne\'s sister. She is really beautiful, especially her nose. She must be a beauty when she grows up."

William stared at the freckles on the little girl\'s nose, and threw all kinds of good words out as if they didn\'t want money.

The little girl believed it to be true, and gave a heavy hum, first smiled happily, and then forcibly said with a straight face:

"Stark, he looks good too, but unfortunately he\'s too old, there is a generation gap with me, and he\'s still a scumbag, so don\'t try to get close to me, I don\'t like it."

William was silent.

He was pierced by a curse.

Such a vicious little girl... hurry up and send someone to Africa for mining.

"My brother is not a scumbag." Annie immediately stepped forward to defend her brother\'s reputation.

She warned: "Greengrass, it\'s better not to talk nonsense."

Annie learned a lot of magic from William, and was led by Hermione to study all day. Last semester, she was the first in her grade, and she was very popular and prestigious among her peers.

Astoria was definitely not an opponent, took two steps back, and began to reason seriously: "Stark, my brother thought for a few seconds before he remembered my sister\'s name!"

"Every time he comes out with a new product, my sister buys it immediately, last time I bought 105 shiny earrings, and even borrowed all my pocket money.

But my sister wrote so many letters to him and never got a single one back! "

"..." Annie raised her forehead, at first glance she seemed to be quite an asshole.

William is also very speechless. So many people write to him every day, and there are chocolates mixed with love agent at Christmas. How can he take care of him.

Usually, it is Hermione, the personal secretary, who helps to deal with the letters. If it is useful, it will be shown to him. It\'s useless, just throw it in the trash.

William always thought that Daphne was a rich woman. Didn\'t he expect that he was so poor that he borrowed pocket money from his sister?

This kind of fan... William absolutely does not support it, he can only say: Please... increase your efforts!

"I read the French newspaper my sister subscribed to, and it said that she is a bastard. Please stay away from my sister in the future. Be careful I\'ll beat Draco!"

The little girl waved her fist hard

William glanced meaningfully at Astoria. Tsk tsk, I didn\'t expect Malfoy to be better.

On the surface, he hooked up with Pansy, secretly approached Potter, and behind the scenes, he was still deceiving Little Lolita.

This is the legendary grab from Loli?

Proper scum.

"That...that..." Astoria suddenly hesitated.

"What\'s wrong?"

"My sister owes me six hundred Galleons, fifteen cents, seven nut. She can\'t pay it back. That\'s the money I\'ve saved for a long time. Can you... give it back to me?"

The little girl finally revealed her purpose.

"Sorry, my sister owes money, but I don\'t." William couldn\'t help laughing.

"..." Astoria held back tears, and an unhealthy flush appeared on her face.

William frowned slightly, this girl doesn\'t seem to be in good health.

"Wait for me, I\'ll go find Draco and beat him!" Astoria seemed to have used up all her courage after speaking harshly, and ran away with a blushing face.

"Ah, my brother offended another girl." Anne gloated.

"Forget it, if you offend, you will offend~www.novelhall.com~ William said helplessly: "At most, I won\'t sell Daphne anything in the future. "

After receiving the little wizard, the witch began to bring various snacks to William.

William is a regular customer here, and many things are already ready.

Annie took a fancy to several cat food imported from France and insisted on buying them.

In the French store, she buys dog food imported from the UK; in the British store, she buys cat food imported from France...

In this regard, Annie also has a concept: domestic products are exported with good quality, and the inferior quality is left to the domestic market!

Although William agrees with this, the question is: Miss, don\'t you want tariffs?

Although we spend the Galleons earned from the Greenglass sisters, we can\'t spend it like that!



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