A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 53: Blake is a dog!

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Minister Fudge wholeheartedly put the black pot on the head of the French Ministry of Magic, and cast a permanent spell.

He also wanted to provoke William and accepted an interview with the Daily Prophet, accusing France of illegal persecution of him and Hermione.

William was just ummmm the whole time, like a perfunctory **** the other end of the phone who was "running" and "eating spicy strips".

After all, he took advantage of it, and he really couldn\'t do the things of the second or fifth boy, and secretly backstabbed Clegane.

Besides, Fudge asked him for errands, and he ordered a few small pots of tea the whole way, and said nothing else.

What kind of attitude is this to ask for help?

The gift, William may not accept it, but he has to give it away!

Look at Crigando on the road, add 10,000 Galleons to the corpse of the fire dragon!

Yeah, it\'s harder to get money out of Fudge\'s pocket than to catch Black, just ask Malfoy.

So William kept playing sloppy eyes, and finally moved out Dumbledore, the scapegoat, and said he would discuss it with him.

Fudge paled at the mention of Dumbledore.

"What\'s the matter?" William said sharply.

"It\'s nothing, it\'s just that I recently had some disagreements with Albus about the Dementor Guards..."

William narrowed his eyes and said, "You\'re not going to have Dementors stationed at Hogwarts, are you?"

"Ah, the child... is so well-informed... Did Albus even tell such a thing?" Fudge asked in surprise.

"No, the headmaster didn\'t say it, I\'m just guessing." William shook his head. "If I were the headmaster, I wouldn\'t let those guys into Hogwarts!"

"William, I\'m the same, and I don\'t like them either," Fudge said helplessly. "But it\'s a precaution, there are too many little wizards out there, and... well, Hogwarts needs Dementors anyway."

"Why not let the Aurors go?" said Hermione sharply. "Dementors are floating around. They absorb happiness and affect the students. Not everyone has Patronus Charm!"

"We\'re understaffed." Fudge wiped the sweat from his brow, "We at the Ministry of Magic are busy building the Quidditch field and expelling Muggles.

Aurors couldn\'t just stare at Black either, there were a lot of dark wizards in this country.

Just ask the Dementors, they are safe and won\'t attack..."

Fudge suddenly shut up, and the three children in front of him had been attacked by dementors. Moreover, they said they were understaffed, and there were four Auror bodyguards standing at the door.

"Okay, I still have something to do, let\'s stop here, hurry up and buy everything the school needs."

Fudge stood up and picked up his robe. He had just opened the door when he exclaimed, "Harry...what is..."

Soon, Harry was pulled over.

I haven\'t seen you for a summer vacation, and Harry seems to have gained a lot of weight. He has two ice creams in his left hand, a chocolate sundae in his right hand, and a large bag of junk food in his hand.

It\'s like staying at home during the epidemic, and occasionally going out to buy big bags and small bags, like otaku men and women who escaped.

He also saw William and the others, showing a surprised expression.

"Mr Minister, I just went to Diagon Alley, not anywhere else," Harry explained.

"That\'s good, don\'t go anywhere else, let alone Knockturn Alley." Fudge urged.

After Fudge left, Harry said excitedly, "Are you back from France?"

"Yes." William nodded.

"Is it fun over there..." Harry sat down in Fudge\'s seat. "In the summer vacation, the newspapers are all about the two of you. It says that we are in Paris..."

"Stop talking about the **** newspaper, Harry," William said speechlessly.

He decided to keep breaking the news to Rita and let her use her imagination.

Fabrication, nonsense, nonsense... No matter which way you use, even if "Black is depicted as a dog", the heat must be transferred to him again!

Hermione asked suspiciously, "Harry, why are you in the Leaky Cauldron? Uncle and they\'re allowed to come?"

"Um... I blew my aunt up and ran away from home." Harry recounted what had happened to him.

It turned out that Harry\'s Aunt Maggie was a guest at his house during the summer vacation. Aunt Maggie, who was Snape, the old hermaphrodite, said some very unpleasant things.

Harry blew her into a balloon in anger and floated in the wind for a long time. Many Muggles even thought that UFOs had appeared again.

And Harry ran away directly from home, was caught by Minister Fudge, and was thrown in the Leaky Cauldron.

"Harry, you shouldn\'t attack Muggles with magic." Hermione pursed her lips seriously. "That person is still an aunt."

"I didn\'t mean to do that," Harry explained. "But she\'s really annoying."

"I can\'t hate it any more..."

"I know, it just got out of hand for a while." Harry changed the subject. "Ron wrote to me too. He heard it from Mr. Weasley, and he thought it was funny..."

"There\'s nothing funny about this!" Hermione said sternly. "To be honest, I\'m not surprised to be fired."

"It\'s nothing compared to what we did in France," Harry muttered.

Hermione\'s eyebrows raised slightly.

Harry gave William a pleading look and told him to take care of Hermione.

William shrugged and returned a helpless smile.

Hermione has many forms, the most difficult to mess with is the "Miss Jack of All Trades" and the "Wheat" state.

Hermione is now undoubtedly possessed by McGonagall, and her sour and severe attributes have increased by 200%.

If Professor McGonagall was by Hermione\'s side, the two could trigger the interactive field, creating a powerful aura that even William feared!

With that kind of momentum, William didn\'t even have the thought to pick up his wand to resist!


"Are we staying here for the night? I\'ve been here for almost a month." Harry had to bite the bullet and continue to change the subject.

William shook his head. "We need to go home."

Compared to the Leaky Cauldron... Is the Hermione\'s house uncomfortable, or Aunt Emily\'s cooking is not good?

"Okay..." Harry was a little disappointed.

He also counted on William to stay, and the two of them slept at night and told stories of French adventures.

Certainly better than what is written in the newspaper.

He was also interested in the woman named Arya Grindelwald.

Just thinking about nuclear bombs makes one\'s blood flow, and that thing is definitely better than a magic wand!

It\'s a pity that if Hermione didn\'t go, it would be better for him and William to go on the adventure.

Really...you can also row a boat!

Harry tentatively asked again: "Have you contacted other students during the summer vacation?"

"Just wrote a few letters~www.novelhall.com~What\'s up?" William said.

"It\'s nothing, I wrote letters to many of my classmates, but Qiu\'s was not delivered." Harry hesitated and asked. "Is something wrong with her..."

William suppressed a smile.

Harry is worthy of being the second seed in the dog-licking world at Hogwarts, and he is a little worse than Cedric.

"Qiu went to Australia, and I also wrote to her. I guess it hasn\'t been delivered yet." William said.

He remembered Qiu\'s fight with the kangaroo again, and wondered if her panda eyes had healed.

"Australia..." Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he thought Qiu was deliberately rejecting it.

Well, everything is fine! He still has a great chance!



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