A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 15: Vida Rozier

Champs Elysees,

High-end residential area on the east side.

William and Hermione appear outside a seventeenth-century house.

The two walked across the yard and up the marble steps to the entrance, which ended in a beautiful oak door.

It\'s not like a wizarding residence, it\'s more like a Muggle home. But Nagini entered, and there was an old brass nameplate on the door:

Vida Rozier Grindelwald!

Vader was Grindelwald\'s closest subordinate and aide, and a shaman.

Although Grindelwald has long been out of date and his popularity is not as good as the second generation of Voldemort, it is undeniable that this group of shamans used to be the most dangerous existence.

Especially the woman Vida Rozier.

"Are we going straight in, or..." Hermione asked. "Knock on the door?"

William is also thinking about this... In case this is the base camp of the remnants of the Umbra Party, it is not enough for him and Hermione alone.

Suddenly, half the door creaked open a crack.

A house-elf stuck its head out, she was clean and dressed in black.

"Madam, please come in." The house elf gave a slight salute with an oil lamp.

William and Hermione looked at each other and walked in.

They crossed the hall, stopped at a door, and the house-elf opened it, turned on the light, and left quietly.

The room is elegant with tall bookshelves, a desk, carved wardrobe and queen size bed and a private bathroom.

On the walls hang a sixteenth-century woven tapestry and several pictures of Grindelwald.

On the carved bed, lay a wrinkled old man with white hair, dark eyes, and a pendant of the Deathly Hallows logo on her neck.

She pointed to the two chairs facing the bed.

William and Hermione sat down in the high chairs.

With a tired sigh, the old man raised his head and looked carefully at William and Hermione with gentle eyes.

When she spoke, her voice was extraordinarily weak.

"Are you here to find Arya?"

"Well... to be precise, it was looking for Newt\'s box." William said, "It seems that your daughter took it away."

"About a few months ago, Scamander found me in Paris and started tracking me." Vader coughed slightly.

"As soon as Arya found out, she set her sights on Scamander. She pretended to be me with Polyjuice Potion, set up a set, and snatched his box."

"Can that be returned to us?" Hermione asked boldly. "Newt is in the Ministry of Magic now."

"Of course." Vader was surprisingly good at talking.

"The box is in Arya\'s room, take it with you when you leave."

William and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. Isn\'t that just fine, everyone is safe and sound, and there is no need to fight and kill.

It is the long-cherished wish of Newt\'s generation to eliminate the remnants of the Umrah party, and William\'s task is to be the Death Eaters.

Don\'t take Karma!

"But I have a request." Vader said softly.

"What?" Hermione asked immediately.

"Stop Arya!" Vader said weakly. "She seems to have devised a plan to accomplish what the master didn\'t accomplish back then."

"what\'s the plan?"

"I don\'t know, Arya didn\'t tell me." Vader shook his head. "But I know her purpose."

"Expose the wizarding world and start a war between the magical and non-magical worlds..."

"For the greater good?" William narrowed his eyes and said, "As far as I know, this is your goal back then, right?"

"Yeah, for the greater good..." Vader repeated.

In her eyes, there was an obvious reminiscence color, and even an imperceptible smile appeared on her cheeks, but after a long time, she still shook her head.

"From the moment he imprisoned himself in Numengard, the plan failed.

Over the years, Arya looked at the notes left by her master and picked up those ideas again. \' Vader sighed.

"I don\'t know her plan, but it will probably destroy Paris, you must stop her!"

William was speechless.

People don\'t know, they can\'t predict it. Of course, one\'s destiny depends on self-struggle, but the course of history must also be taken into account.

William had absolutely no idea, how could he, a little English wizard, have to take on the burden of saving Paris?

However, Vader, the Umulist party, actually said: "I have already researched and decided that you will be the savior of Paris."

William had to read two lines of poetry on the spot.

Vader struggled to his feet and staggered to the table with small steps.

She found a stack of letters in the drawer.

"If you have the opportunity, help me forward these letters to Grindelwald." Vida said.

"However, I remember he was in Numengard." William did not answer the letter, he was not an owl.

What\'s more, Grindelwald was the original Dark Lord, defeated by Dumbledore... How could William go to see the headmaster\'s most hated person?

Stand firm!

"If it\'s really inconvenient, you can let Dumbledore transfer it on your behalf." Vader said calmly. "The two of them used to be very good...friends."

William and Hermione looked at each other and could see shock in each other\'s eyes.

"Why don\'t you go by yourself?" Hermione hesitated.

"I\'m dying, I can\'t see him anymore." Vader\'s tone was calm, as if he wasn\'t talking about himself.

William was still hesitating, Hermione rolled her eyes and quickly put those letters into her pocket.

William and Hermione left, the lights were turned off again, and the room was quiet again.

The old man who had never had a chance to speak with Grindelwald once in his life whispered, but only said to listen to him.

Probably due to lack of energy, Vida Rozier\'s vision gradually blurred, as if the old man was sleepy and dozed off.

Half asleep, she opened her eyes with some difficulty and seemed to see Grindelwald coming.

She suddenly remembered that year, also in this house, Queenie asked if she was married?

She said...it was determined in her heart.

For death, Vader is not afraid, but regrets not being able to see him before dying.

The woman\'s life was about to come to an end. She closed her eyelids, raised her hands tremblingly, and murmured, "Gellert..."



On the second floor, Arya\'s room.

William got out of a suitcase and frowned, "Sorry, Hermione.

I checked, and according to Newt\'s list, most of the Fantastic Beasts were there, except... the dragon Norbert was gone. "

Hermione didn\'t speak, she turned her back to him, checking Arya\'s notes.

She was clearly attracted by what was on the table and didn\'t notice what he said.

William walked behind Hermione.

Hermione was startled and turned around with a shocked look on her face.

"What\'s wrong?" William looked down at the table. "What did she write?"

Hermione seemed to be choked, her expression full of disbelief.

William sat down beside Hermione~www.novelhall.com~ and held the girl\'s trembling hands.

Hermione finally calmed down and said, "I know Arya\'s plan."

"what\'s the plan?"

"She..." cried Hermione. "She\'s about to drop a... atomic bomb on Paris!"



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks to "blue and white bowl bwb", qq reader "gary-milk", and the two big guys for their reward. )


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