A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 16: This stuff works better than magic!

William sat in the chair, looking down at the things that Milia left behind, those collections that could be regarded as fetishes:

Lots of old newspaper silhouettes and old photos!

From reports of Grindelwald\'s formation of a witch party, to his arrest in the United States, fleeing again, and blatantly inciting wizards in Paris... Until 1945, when he was defeated by Dumbledore and imprisoned in Nurmengard.

Then, the news of Grindelwald, dwindling, became Dumbledore... He accepted the Merlin and refused to be Minister of Magic... At some point, reports of Voldemort began to appear... and then the boy who survived ...to William Stark...

William frowned, and behind him were his newspaper silhouettes. Starting from the Tywin incident, including a few days ago, he was wanted by the French Ministry of Magic!

He has even more coverage than Grindelwald, for the simple reason that his time nodes are all in the past few years, which is easier to collect than others.

Miria\'s tracking of their group is almost fanatical!

Among them, two newspapers were specially taken out by Hermione.

One is that in 1927, Grindelwald displayed his predictions about the future in public at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris:

Muggles threw some kind of weapon, creating the illusion of a mushroom cloud.

There is also a Muggle newspaper: In 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Miria made a special mark on it.

William was astonished. If the newspaper was true, it meant that Grindelwald predicted eighteen years later.

This prophetic ability... as expected of Grindelwald, he just dumped Trelawney, dozens of centaurs!

Apparently, Arya was inspired by Grindelwald\'s speech at the Paris rally, and she set her sights on this weapon.

At some point, Milia began collecting Muggle newspapers, until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, when rumors of nuclear weapons spread.

In fact, in the past half century, there have been many nuclear bombs lost by the United States and the Soviet Union, including a Mark 15...hydrogen bomb.

The United States has made a movie "Broken Arrow", which tells the story of the loss of nuclear bombs in the United States.

Judging from the collection of newspapers, Arya probably set her sights on Ukraine.

The reason is simple. Ukraine has inherited a large legacy from the Soviet Union, and it is currently the third-largest country in the world with nuclear weapons.

And this country itself is in chaos, the economy continues to decline, and the power of domestic wizards is weakened.

For these reasons, Ukraine is discussing the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Yes, Ukraine is ready to destroy its nuclear weapons and become a non-nuclear country!

Because the United States, Britain and Russia promised to protect Ukraine\'s sovereignty, independence and borders from being violated.

If according to history, they will sign this memorandum in Budapest, Hungary next year.

By then, Ukraine will not only completely destroy nuclear weapons, but even give up the carrier of nuclear warheads. They also destroy mature missile silos, dispose of rocket fuel...

Likewise, Ukraine is actively dismantling nuclear power plants.

During the Soviet period, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine made the entire Ukrainian people very resistant to nuclear power.

Leon Kravchuk took advantage of this public sentiment when he urged Ukraine to break away from the Soviet Union, promising to gradually dismantle all nuclear power plants in Ukraine after independence.

After Ukraine seceded from the Soviet Union, the Kravchuk authorities really fulfilled their promises and sealed up the nuclear power plant projects under construction in the country for the first time, and planned to shut down and dismantle several nuclear power plants one after another.

However, dramatic things have come. As the Ukrainian economy takes a sharp turn, the power generation of traditional thermal and hydroelectric power plants continues to plummet.

On the contrary, the four nuclear power plants still in operation in Ukraine can stably provide the country with about 50 billion kWh of electricity every year, accounting for 30% of Ukraine\'s annual power generation.

In this case, not only the Ukrainian government, but even the Ukrainian people, there are not many people, and when it comes to the shutdown of the nuclear power plant, it becomes... Really fragrant!

It is impossible to expect such a rotten country to protect nuclear bombs. Arya probably got one out of this chaos.

Her goal is also clear, to drop an atomic bomb in Paris and enjoy the gorgeous fireworks at that moment.

Perhaps her purpose was to tell Grindelwald: "This thing works better than magic!"

William put all those newspapers in the safety table, ready to take them back and study them carefully.

"What?" Hermione asked worriedly.

As a Muggle-born child, she knew all too well the power of nuclear bombs.

"We don\'t know when and where Arya was thrown, and we don\'t know where she is, so we can only alert the French Ministry of Magic."

William still needs to save Newt, what if Arya is targeting the Ministry of Magic?

If Newt was rescued and he didn\'t know where he was, William would run away with Hermione.

Otherwise, can you still resist nuclear bombs physically?

Even if William wanted to, the nuclear bomb would not allow him to be so arrogant!

William wrote a quick letter, had the house-elves find an owl, and sent it to the Ministry of Magic.

After all this, William and Hermione left the house without disturbing Vader.

The moonlight was like water, and the two held hands as they walked aimlessly along the Champs-Elysees.

"Nagini is in Newt\'s suitcase," William said.

"That big snake?"

"Yeah, she occupied the bird snake\'s nest and slept in it every day. Other animals didn\'t dare to approach, and neither did the bird snake, so she had to squeeze in with Sniff." William laughed.

Bird Snake returned to the box and found that his nest was occupied. He was very angry and seduced William to teach Nagini a lesson... but William ignored it.

"Nagini is pitiful too." Hermione said sympathetically.

Really poor, Nagini used to be a very beautiful witch, but now she has become a snake.

"William, what would you do if I got the blood beast curse too?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"I won\'t let you..."

"If!" Hermione was very serious: "If I become an animal and have no memory..."

"Then I will definitely change you back."


"Just go to the **** of death, isn\'t he able to fulfill any wishes?"

"God of death..."

The two walked to the intersection, and the huge figure of the Eiffel Tower slowly revealed.

"Let\'s go to the top and take a look?" Hermione suggested softly.

The last time Dumbledore\'s letter came, they went back without getting to the third floor.

William nodded. The Eiffel Tower is closed at this time, but for wizards, it is easy to go up.

Hermione suddenly grabbed his clothes, blinking her aura of eyes, under the moonlight, faintly the tender fluff on her delicate ears could be seen.

"What\'s wrong?" William asked softly.

Hermione\'s cheeks were flushed, her eyelashes twitched slightly, imitating Annie, and she joked: "I can\'t walk anymore, can you carry me up?"

William smiled, squatted down, and after carrying her on his back, turned into a sea eagle with a body like a flying rainbow rising from the ground.

When the two reached the top of the Eiffel Tower, William changed back, but still carried the **** his back.

Hermione lay on his back and whispered, "William, do you want me to leave Paris?"

William hesitated for a moment, turned his head slightly, hummed softly, and said seriously:

"It\'s very dangerous here. I\'ll take you to Lyon. Anne and the others are all there."

Hermione shook her head. She was very persistent in her bones. She blinked and said firmly: "You can do anything you want me to do, but this one thing...not possible!"

William looked into Hermione\'s eyes, dazed.

Hermione touched his forehead with her smooth forehead~www.novelhall.com~, then hugged the boy\'s neck tightly, and said stubbornly, "Don\'t let me go, I can help!"

William nodded slightly and turned his head again, full of gentle smiles.

Hermione bit the boy\'s earlobe lightly, turned her face sideways, leaned against his back, closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled, and murmured:




(Thanks to "Blue and White Bowl bwb", "Ying Miao", "Qin Cheng Guo", and "Feng Ling Fifteen" for their rewards.

Today is a chapter, sorry for the toothache ╯▂╰. )


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