A Magical Hogwarts

v4 Chapter 14: Mysterious Circus (Thanks to the hall owner "Deep Sea Turtle" for the 10,000 coins...

If you look at it from the sky, you will find the center of Paris, located at the Arc de Triomphe.

Taking the Arc de Triomphe as the starting point, the twelve avenues extend radially from here, and they are magnificent.

This wonderful design has the same effect as the longest city axis in the world, the imperial capital, and is an aesthetic example of urban design!

Not far from the star-shaped square where the Arc de Triomphe is located, it is also the entrance to the hidden place of Paris.

The Hideout is the most famous wizard street in France, equivalent to Diagon Alley in London.

At night, William and Hermione appeared near the star-shaped square.

Both of them wore sunglasses and identical caps, like ordinary couples who came to travel.

Cross the square and come to a remote corner, where there is a magical bronze statue.

Here is the entrance to the hidden place.

With a wary glance around, William and Hermione entered the statue.

There are many wizards in the hidden place, a gorgeous fire dragon hovering in the sky, and finally burst into gorgeous fireworks.

There was a sudden beeping sound from William\'s safety watch.

Hermione glanced down with her head lowered, and said suspiciously, "Xi Niu is making noise again? What\'s wrong with it, it\'s been making noise all afternoon."

"Didn\'t we take all the Galleon he stole from the bar?" William said helplessly. "I\'m sulking."

It\'s not good to be naughty and noisy, most of them are pretending, and it\'s good to fight!

Hermione said in surprise, "Didn\'t you give it ten glass **** in exchange?"

"It\'s been given too much recently, and it seems to realize that that thing...was not worth the money."

"Then what?" Hermione became nervous.


"No!" Hermione immediately retorted, a look of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Canon can\'t give it back, that\'s our legal income!"

Even Hermione, who has a strong sense of justice, thinks that she helps Newt run around in Paris, and is wanted by the French Ministry of Magic... She should be charged for running errands.

Reasonable and legal!

Niu Niu is the two of them exploiting... Ah bah, the charging object!

This was not Hermione\'s unilateral decision, she was democratic and had called an ad hoc enlarged meeting.

Participants (Beasts): Hermione, William, Sniff.

Hermione presided over the meeting, asking for a vote on whether Galleon should be confiscated.

Before the vote, the girl also claimed that this was a secret ballot, so that William would not have to be under psychological pressure and vote according to his own ideas.

What can William think... what does he dare to think?

Just two people, remember their names, is there any difference?

The democratic Hermione would be underserved not to be Minister of Magic.

So, two votes to one, the sniffing Garen was confiscated by Hermione and became her and William\'s first public property.

and legal income.

So Hermione is determined not to take it out, she wants to exist in Gringotts.

Niu Niu was obviously unhappy, and it was noisy for a long time. William, in desperation, gave it ten glass **** in exchange.

Anyway, the wool comes out of the sheep.

It\'s a pity that Sniff has realized that the thing is worthless, and it has started a long way to ask for wages and defend rights.

"I have a solution, you wait for me here for a while." William instructed and ran towards a hidden shop.

Three minutes later, William came back with a large bag in his hand.

Hermione pulled Sniff out of the table, and William handed it the bag.

After counting the numbers, Niu Niu smiled again, quickly put the bag into her stomach, and returned to the safety table.

"What is that?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Gold coins." William smiled proudly, "but it\'s not real gold coins, just gold coins made by the leprechauns."

The leprechauns are able to produce a "gold" that resembles a Galleon, but the substance disappears within a few hours of being produced.

It is sold in many places, because it will disappear soon, and the price is very cheap.

But that has nothing to do with William, he gave the gold coin to Sniff, if it is lost, it is its own responsibility!

After dealing with the problem of sniffing, the two continued to search for the mysterious circus.

William took out the flyer, and the flyer floated in mid-air, suddenly burning with purple light.

When the demonic fire burns unchecked, fire ash snakes will appear from it. A young ash snake emerged from the flames and wandered through the air, leaving a trail of ash.

William and Hermione followed the gray trail and ran towards the depths of the hiding place.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two came to an open ground with several tents and a big circus tent in the middle.

A banner reads: Mystery Circus - Monsters and Freaks!

In the open space outside the tent, a half-human troll, holding a stick, was demonstrating his immense power.

A few grotesque muggles, dragging their chains around, begging people for money.

Muggles are similar to Squibs in that they have no magical powers themselves, but have magical blood.

Half-bloods and half-goblins hide their horns in their hats and their weird eyes under their hoods, juggling, doing somersaults, and fiery hoops.

William finally knew why the circus was considered illegal.

In addition to those who cherish the magical beasts, there are all kinds of hybrids... a mixture of wizards and other humanoids.

There are even creatures like half-human, half-troll...you can believe it!

It would be understandable if he only had one or two, but in the circus, William saw seven or eight in just this moment.

Then one has to wonder what disgusting things the circus has done.

The head of the circus, Skander, was a very old man standing beside the round stage in the center of the crowd.

Skander said loudly: "In our little show of monsters and strange people, I want to introduce you - werewolves!"

He jerked the curtains open. A seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl stood there in tattered clothes.

The men in the crowd whistled and booed loudly.

"This girl is a Muggle and was bitten by a werewolf when she was very young," Skander introduced.

"There is a very small chance, but she survived tenaciously, and she can remain sane when the moon is full... No wolf poison medicine is needed."

It has become a consensus that humans cannot remain sensible after turning into werewolves unless they take wolf venom.

A werewolf who can stay sane is really rare. The wizards in the crowd couldn\'t wait to meet.

"Poor, isn\'t it!" Hermione grabbed William\'s hand.

William nodded.

"Tonight happens to be a full moon, let\'s show everyone." Skander waved his wand and opened a skylight in the tent.

Bathed in the moonlight, the girl stiffened and her limbs began to tremble.

The girl\'s head was lengthening, so was her body, her shoulders arched, and hair was clearly visible on her face and hands, which were curling into claws.

A huge wolf appeared in the cage. She lowered her head and stared at Skander with hatred, roaring in her mouth, constantly hitting the cage.

The crowd laughed out loud at Skander, is that what he meant by staying sane?

Skander took out his whip, slapped the iron bar continuously, and threw it in the werewolf\'s face.

She seemed unable to bear the pain, was beaten for a while, stopped growling, and huddled in the corner in fear.

Rather than being sane, it was the long-term abuse that forced the werewolf to stay sane.

Skander laughed triumphantly.

Suddenly, a giant python appeared without warning. It leaped from the crowd and bit Skander\'s arm.


Skander\'s arm was ripped open, and he collapsed to the ground. The trainer door rushed over to help.

The crowd panicked, screamed and stomped each other towards the exit, not knowing who had knocked over the oil lamps and set the circus tent on fire.

The fire made the animals scared and irritable. A hippogriff stood up and jumped wildly, and the trainers desperately tried to control it.

A large number of magical animals escaped in the chaos, and the trainers roared in place.

"Fractured!" William and Hermione raised their wands at the same time, aimed them at the cage, and blasted the iron fence that was holding the werewolf.

"Nagini is running," said Hermione.

William and the werewolf looked at each other~www.novelhall.com~ and Apparated away with Hermione.

The werewolf came out of the cage, and she came to Skander.

Skander was bitten by Nagini and passed out.

The girl stared at Skander with hatred, hesitated for an afternoon, but did not bite Skander, but left a tooth mark on his arm.

She glanced at the place where William and Hermione disappeared, and turned to leave.



(Thanks to "Deep Sea Turtle", "Ying Miao" and "Boss One Bone" for their rewards.

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