A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 9: Brand new Hogwarts Notice

After half an hour, Hermione\'s magic power was exhausted.

William gave her some potion to relieve fatigue, and then took out the potion to restore her magic power quickly.

For ordinary little wizards, after the training is over, at most, they will wait for the magic power to recover naturally. There are not many as extravagant as William.

But for a potion master, this is nothing, all kinds of expensive potions, just drink it.


Hermione rested for another twenty minutes and asked to continue the fight.

Before it was just basic training, now it\'s real fighting practice.

William took out a copy of The Quibbler Summer Vacation Special Edition presented by Luna, held it in his left hand and looked at it, and took out a wand in his right.

A Kakashi style.

"Come on, hit me with a spell, and you win."

William stood lazily on the spot, simply reading a book there. There seemed to be no flaws in his body, but in fact it was all flaws.

Hermione\'s wand threw a ray of light, and William just moved half a step to the right and easily dodged the blow.

Hermione rushed over and fired another spell.

William turned the pages of the book with his right hand, looked at the magazine, and shook his wrist lightly.

His wand shot the same magic, easily knocking off Hermione\'s spell, and brushing her hair.

Hermione, who was almost attacked, gritted her teeth and insisted, refusing to lose the arrogance she had accumulated over the years.

In the basement, a soft shout like "Except your weapon" suddenly sounded, and the spells flew around. The missed spells hit the alchemy items next to the shelves, or hit the ceiling, and sparks were scattered.

Half an hour later, William disappeared, Apparating behind Hermione, his wand aimed at her waist.

"A wizard should never ignore his back," William instructed.

Hermione nodded breathlessly, wiping the sweat from her brow.

William\'s head also let out a cold snort, and he almost used it to kill for a thousand years just now.

If it is used, it is really social death!

After the training was over, Hermione went back to the room to rest, while William went to the third floor to read the alchemy book.

After opening the door, a letter was found on the desk.

It\'s Nico\'s letter.

After William finished reading, after a while, he turned around and came to the second floor, knocking on Hermione\'s door.

"The door is unlocked, come in."

After training, Hermione had just taken a shower, changed into a thin suspender skirt, and was wiping her wet long hair with a towel.

The blue silk on the temples was wet and sticking to the blushing cheeks. She loosened her hair, shook it, and asked, "William, what\'s the matter?"

"I need to go out recently." William turned a long brown hair on the ground into a chair, sat down and said, "That\'s what I told you before."

Hermione was stunned, "Animagus?"

William nodded, took out his wand, and waved: "The whirlwind spins."

From his wand, there was a blast of warm air, like a hair dryer.

Hermione put down the towel and sat down beside the bed naturally, letting the warm air blow through her wet hair.

She looked straight at William through the gap in her hair and asked, "Is it rainy?"

William nodded, and then increased the wind speed of the warm air.

The first transformation of Animagus is cumbersome. Before transformation, the transformation potion needs to be prepared, and the final transformation can be carried out after taking it.

The premise of the potion\'s success is to wait for the storm to come, which may last for weeks, months or even years.

William was waiting for this time.

Fortunately, Nico can predict, he can infer, when the storm will occur.

This greatly shortened the time William had to wait.

After drying her hair, Hermione blushed and handed over a delicate comb.

William sat on the chair, Hermione was on his lap, he slightly loosened the girl\'s unkempt hair, and carefully combed her tangled strands with a comb.

Hermione closed her eyes and seemed to be asleep, and after a moment asked softly, "Can I, if something happens?"

"Okay, Animagus usually finds people who are close to him to prevent him from losing his mind after turning into an animal."

"Then what shall I do?"

"After I perform Animagus, if I lose my mind, you have to keep calling my name."

Hermione tapped meaninglessly on William\'s knee with her left hand. She suddenly opened her closed eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and said, "William, thank you for trusting me so much."

William just smiled, still patiently helping her comb her disobedient long hair.

William felt that a magic potion for hair could be brewed.

The smoothing shampoos on the market are not very good for Hermione\'s long messy hair.

At this moment, the door that was hidden was suddenly pushed open.

Annie rushed in with a letter in her hand. Seeing her brother was brushing Hermione\'s hair, the smile on her face froze, and she asked cautiously, "What are you doing?"

"Comb your hair, didn\'t you let me comb it too in the morning?" William answered rightly. "Otherwise, can I do my hair?"

Hermione stood up, blushing.

Anne glanced suspiciously at the two of them.

"I\'m young, don\'t lie to me! Be careful I write to my mother!"

William rolled his eyes and asked, "Why are you here, not playing at Luna\'s house?"

"Yeah, then the owl came and sent me my admission letter." Annie said excitedly.

William took Annie\'s notice and showed a fascinated smile.

On the notice, it was written:

San Capor Village,

ferret mountain,

Miss Anne Stark in Lovegood\'s chimney.

Wait...let\'s leave aside the question of the letter, what the **** is "Anne in the Chimney"?

"I was playing hide-and-seek with Ginny and Luna when I climbed down the fireplace and down the chimney."


At Anne\'s urging, William opened the letter and read it.

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (10,000 titles omitted here)

Dear Miss Stark: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry offers vocational skills training such as flying, potions, transformation, spells, and astronomy.

Thousands of acres of teaching space, nearly 10,000 sets of practice equipment, professional experimental classrooms, spacious and luxurious canteens, and world-class Quidditch pitches.

On campus, logistics is convenient, rookie packages are delivered to your door, and the intelligent security system ensures the safety of students at any time.

The location is excellent, the station is only a wall away from the UK city centre.

Which magic school is stronger, the king of Hogwarts!

Since its establishment in the ninth century, it has cultivated countless talents for all walks of life.

Here, you can not only experience the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest up close, but also have professional industry exchanges with outstanding magicians from all over the world.

As we all know, wizards in modern society have become a popular industry sought after by young people. Come to Hogwarts, we will teach you the most authentic magic knowledge.

Full-time Magic Boarding School~www.novelhall.com~Four characteristic colleges, strong teaching team!

Let you win at the starting line of the industry.

Whether you are Muggle-born or pure-blooded, write back and join us!

Learn magic, come to Hogwarts!

Vice Principal (Female) Minerva McGonagall Sincerely...

Hermione and Annie were stunned. Is this an admission letter?

William laughed, and Dumbledore really made changes according to his opinion.

Love it, love it!



(The last two will be sent a little, asking for a recommendation ticket.

Thank you "Black Owl" for the reward. )