A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 10: william animagus

Since Dumbledore became the headmaster, the lines of the notice have remained unchanged for ten thousand years. From this term, there have been some good changes.

Overall, William thinks it is still very good, at least he wrote down the characteristics of Hogwarts.

Sometimes, a good notice can add a lot to the school, which is one of the manifestations of soft power.

If it is too rudimentary, Hogwarts students will not be able to use it when communicating with students from other schools.

Likewise, William believes that Hogwarts\' influence is too weak to live up to its big brother status.

William was not at school, and met foreign students from France, the United States, and even Wakanda.

Enrollment is limited to the British Isles. It is conceivable that Hogwarts, an old and prestigious school, will only become less and less famous.

After all, the Great Empire... has fallen.

The local basic price does not count. William feels that students from other countries are flocking to it, which can reflect the greatness of Hogwarts.

Of course, the little wizards in the first grade will not talk about it, but the advanced class should be recruited from all over the world.

And the requirements are very strict!

The O.W.Ls exam doesn\'t say twelve certificates, at least eight O\'s, right?

Animagus will not know, you still have the nerve to submit an application?

You can\'t even cast spells without a stick and silently, so let\'s just stay at your own school!

What, do you have the ability to banknote?

Oh, that\'s fine.


Every year, the best students from other regions and countries apply to study in the advanced class, which can show the heritage of Hogwarts.

Everyone has a herd mentality, and they all know that Hogwarts is difficult to enter, and they have to enter if they wave Galleon!

It\'s a pity that it can\'t be seen under Dumbledore\'s hands.

Now that Anne\'s notice is here, you can take her to Diagon Alley to buy a wand.

But William decided to go a little later, waiting for the storm this weekend.

William had been preparing for too long for this Animagus.

He continued to hold a single leaf of Mandrake in his mouth for a full month after he left the loop.

At no time should the leaf be swallowed or taken out of the mouth, if the leaf leaves the mouth, the whole process has to start all over again.

This leaf is the material for the Animagus Metamorphosis Potion.

William swallowed it several times when he was eating.

This is only the first step. After a month of fullness, the leaves are taken out at the full moon, filled with saliva in a small crystal vial, and the leaves are soaked in it, so that it can receive pure moonlight.

Then to the moonlit crystal vial, add a hair of one\'s own hair and a silver teaspoon of dew, which must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven full days.

As a final step, add a grimace hawkmoth pupae.

Keep this mixture in a quiet, dark place and don\'t look at it or disturb it until the next thunderstorm.

The wait for a storm to arrive can be weeks, months or even years.

If you live deep in the Sahara Desert, then sorry, you probably have to wait for the storm for the rest of your life.

During this waiting period, the crystal vial must remain completely undisturbed and out of contact with the sun. Sun pollution will cause the worst mutations.

William buried the crystal medicine bottle in the forbidden forest outside Hogwarts, and Nicole said there would be a storm this Sunday.

William didn\'t tell his sister Anne about it, or she would definitely make a fuss.

The weekend is fast approaching, and William and Hermione\'s adventure is about to begin.

At four o\'clock in the morning, William secretly left his room.

Hermione was also up.

"I think we need some luck today," William said, pulling a potion out of his pocket.

- Fu Ling agent.

William and Hermione, each took a small sip, the dose was enough to last until the end of the transformation.

"How do we get there?" Hermione asked, standing at the door.

"Direct Apparition," William explained. "Come on, grab my hand."

Hermione squeezed William\'s right hand tightly.

"Okay, let\'s go."

Hermione felt that William\'s hand was about to break free from hers, and hurriedly grabbed it tighter.

She was strongly squeezed from all directions, and she couldn\'t breathe at all, and her chest seemed to be tightly restrained by several iron hoops.


The two appeared outside a valley.

It was pitch black all around, and there was a thunderous roar from the valley.

Hermione shrank her head in fear, still holding William\'s hand tightly.

William didn\'t let go, holding the girl and slowly approached the valley.

Hermione\'s worried heart was quickly put down. It turned out that the sound was Lou Wei\'s snoring.

Lu Wei was lying in the big wooden house made by Hagrid, asleep.

"We\'re in the Forbidden Forest?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Yes, this valley is in the northwest corner of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid discovered it, and he stocked Lu Wei here."

After the Sorcerer\'s Stone incident, Dumbledore returned Fluffy to Hagrid and put him in the Forbidden Forest.

Dumbledore also communicated with the centaurs.

No way, Lu Wei has grown up, even if they attack Lu Wei, they will have to lose some of their clansmen, so they have to pinch their noses to recognize them.

It is also relieved to have Lou Wei to help take care of the small bottle William.

Smelling the familiar smell, Lou Wei soon woke up from his sleep, and it rushed over with its tail wagging.

William threw it plenty of snacks for breakfast.

William turned into two chairs by magic and sat in the middle of the valley waiting for the storm to come.

At this time, the sky was already densely clouded, and the moon was completely hidden.

"Falco Aisalon was a wizard in ancient Greece, and he was also the earliest recorded Animagus, who could transform into a falcon at will."

The two chatted at will, William said softly, \'Mopu\'.

"I know, he appeared on the Chocolate Frog card." Hermione kept staring at William\'s face while the night wrapped.

"By the way, will you report to the Ministry of Magic?" said Hermione worriedly. "I checked the information. If I don\'t report it, it is illegal and I will be imprisoned in Azkaban."

"After school starts, I will probably report. Professor McGonagall knows my learning progress, so I can\'t hide it."

William wanted to hide it, but it was meaningless.

"Let Professor McGonagall be happy, she has always hoped that Cedric and I could win the \'Most Promising Newcomer Award\'."

This award is selected by the international authoritative academic journal "Transfiguration Today".

Professor McGonagall received this award prior to graduation for her impressive Transfiguration abilities during her studies at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

McGonagall himself, now a special reviewer for the journal, reviews those published papers.

It\'s been a long time since Hogwarts has won the award, and Professor McGonagall has been looking forward to it for years.

"Another award... that\'s great." Hermione was very envious.

Obviously, William will leave with the same honor as Dumbledore after graduation.

This kind of student has not been able to produce one for decades.

She said faintly: "I just learn to die...a little clever~www.novelhall.com~ William touched Hermione\'s head and comforted: "No, you are very talented, you are the smartest I have ever seen. witch.

I can teach you too.

Animagus is not deformed by himself. I can use a magic wand to help you. After you are particularly familiar with it, you can completely deform by yourself. "

Hermione nodded vigorously.

At this moment, the sky thundered with lightning.

The storm is finally here.



(Thanks to the elder "Snz" for the 10,000-coin reward.

At present, I owe the third shift of the "Hellcat" boss and the first shift of "Snz" to protect the law, and I will pay it back slowly. )