A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 8: Hermione's new hobby

Visiting doors soon became Luna\'s habit.

She sat on the side of the small table and successfully occupied the seat for tea.

But Luna didn\'t come to study, she spent more time there holding "The Quibbler".

She will often lie on the table, clearly sleeping, and it must be said that it is advanced meditation, which is passed down by Ravenclaw and can improve wisdom.

Ravenclaw\'s coffin board was almost overwhelmed.

Luna occasionally wanders around William\'s house like a ghost, trying to find the hidden unicorn snorer.

She still believed that William won the Merlin Medal for this discovery.

Everyone grows, at a different pace.

Especially young children, they will pay special attention when they identify something.

Compared to Luna\'s habit of visiting, Hermione has recently become obsessed with cooking.

In her words: "William, I want to learn to cook!"

Hermione didn\'t look as miserable as Mitsui, or as religious as he wanted to play basketball, but it was a good start.

William has always believed that a dream should be encouraged.

So in his small house, almost every morning there was the crisp sound of bowls, which kicked off the day.

If it weren\'t for "recovery", at the speed at which Hermione threw the plate, it would probably take a week for William to declare bankruptcy.

Hermione\'s academically smart brain was not so useful when it came to cooking, she was simply clumsy.

But she is the least lacking in perseverance, so the ingredients that William stored in the storage room are also rapidly consumed, becoming a tool for her to practice.

In the morning, Hermione appeared in the kitchen on time wearing an apron of the same style as William\'s. She fiddled with a small scale while looking at the recipe.

Hermione hummed and weighed the ingredients according to the recipe.

"300 grams of chicken, 300 grams of onion, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 tablespoons of flour... Wait, how big is this three tablespoons?"

Hermione glanced at the three large, medium and small spoons on the shelf.

After hesitating for a moment, I finally compromised the plan and chose the middle one.

After making breakfast, Hermione stood at the stairs and shouted, "William, Anne, **cha, come down for breakfast!"

William walked down from the study on the third floor and sat down at the dining table.

"This Oxford Orange Peel Jam Sandwich is made exactly according to your steps. This Scotch Chicken Curry Soup, I made it according to the recipe, try it?"

Under Hermione\'s expectant gaze, William picked up the spoon.

He took a sip of chicken soup, swallowed it gently in his mouth, covered his throat after a while, and said with difficulty, "It\'s delicious, it\'s just cream and honey... a little too much... too much... water!"

Hermione hurriedly poured water for William, and patted him on the back again to help him go smoothly.

Wait... William suddenly realized one thing: wouldn\'t such a sweet taste temporarily suppress the taste?

Taking advantage of the current loss of taste, swallowing the Oxford Orange Peel Sandwich... Wouldn\'t the pain be a lot less? !


On the side, **Tea carefully stretched out her claws and picked up a charred corn sausage from its saucer.

It tasted it, and immediately frowned, and spit it out again with a "bah" sound, rolled its eyes, stiffened its legs, and fell to the ground.

"..." William\'s hand stiffened as he held the Oxford Orange Peel Sandwich.

Damn, he is afraid of death!

"**Tea, what\'s your reaction? Play dead?" Hermione tugged at**cha\'s tail in dissatisfaction.

"Hey, what about Anne, don\'t you have breakfast?"

"She sneaked through the window to Luna\'s house before dawn. She said she ate there in the morning," William explained.

**Cha Ye took advantage of the opportunity for the two of them to chat, and quickly stood up, spread his claws and escaped.

Hermione let out a long sigh when **Tea ran away.

She stretched her legs, her arms hung down weakly, and she leaned forward, resting half of her face on the table, looking out of the window.

"Damn it, it\'s obviously the same technique and the same weight, why does it taste so weird?"

William didn\'t run away. He lifted Hermione\'s chin and gently turned her face to his side, only to relax when he realized that the girl wasn\'t crying.

William inserted his hand into Hermione\'s messy brown curly hair, touched the girl\'s head, and comforted softly:

"Hermione, it\'s not your problem. British food doesn\'t taste that good."

Don\'t ask, just ask that British food is dark food!

Nothing to do with Hermione!

Hermione stretched out her hand and snatched the jam sandwich from William\'s hand, biting bitterly, her cheeks bulging, the pear vortex propped up, and she hummed vaguely:

"Don\'t console me, I know it\'s hard to eat..."

"No." William took the half-eaten sandwich from Hermione\'s hand, took a bite, and swallowed it without chewing.

After he finished eating three or two bites, he flicked his finger on her smooth forehead and said with a smile, "It\'s unpalatable? Who says it\'s unpalatable, stand up and see if I don\'t teach her a lesson!

Dare to dislike your cooking, when Annie comes back, I will turn her into a cat!

**Tea snacks should also be stopped! "

Hermione squinted and smiled, the corners of her mouth twitched, a particularly gentle smile.

She exposed two pear vortices.

After dinner, the two went to the basement again.

William and Hermione face each other.

"The most important thing about spells is the skill of casting, and then the accuracy."

"You are proficient in a few spells now, and it is enough to fight against your peers, but if you want to face more powerful dark wizards, your skills are far from enough."

William taught Hermione seriously, and the girl listened hard, preparing to write it down in her diary when the training was over.

Hermione had a diary, and she wrote down what William said, and went back and tried to figure it out again.

In fact, William wanted to make a Pensieve, which could preserve memory, and he could teach Hermione the scenes he had fought.

That\'s firsthand information.

"Your next goal is to hit these balloons accurately."

William waved his wand, and a row of balloons flew out.

Hermione\'s wand swung, and a red ray of light shot out, but it went a thousand miles away and hit the wall directly.

William shrugged. No matter how powerful the spell is, what\'s the use of not hitting anyone?

William even stood still, and Hermione didn\'t necessarily aim at him, and then hit him.

But there is no half-step shortcut to combat, it just requires constant training.

Even if he has learned a lot of magic by heart, he can use it in private, but he is only doing some fancy moves that seem to be splendid.

William taught in almost the same way that Professor Flitwick taught him.

Coupled with the experience he has gained from fighting with professors such as Dumbledore and Snape in the time loop.

But William didn\'t want Hermione to lift irons in any way. It\'s a girl\'s family, what\'s the matter with practicing muscles.

William prefers soft and cute girls.

(Thanks to "Fengling Fifteen", "Mark*

"The Vampire Count" reward from the two bosses)