A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 83: Diary Plan (Two/Saturday)

"Be honest, what about you!"

William pointed his wand at an eight-eyed spider the size of a cart.

Before approaching the territory of the eight-eyed giant spider, the three of them grabbed a tongue.

This is also purely accidental. William and the others were walking when they saw this spider running over excitedly... It\'s not like welcoming them, so it must be treating them as food.

So William caught the hapless man.

Seeing that the spider was dishonest and wanted to spray venom from the black fangs, William\'s wand shot out a fiery light.

The magic spell fell on the spider, like hot lava, it hurt, and said in its mouth: "That\'s just my saliva, not venom!"

"Be honest, you can answer whatever I ask you!" Qiu\'s expression was serious.

"Then you are asking..."

Cedric coughed: "How many eight-eyed giant spiders are there in the territory?"

"I haven\'t counted them, but there must be hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe tens of thousands."

William\'s wand burst into flames.

"Don\'t! No matter how many, it\'s not here now!" The spider said quickly.

"Why did you go?"

"They went to the depths of the forbidden forest...I don\'t know why."

"Is Aragog there?"

"You know Aragog?" Spider said in surprise.

"We are good friends of Hagrid."

"Me too... Then let me go, let\'s have a good chat..."

William\'s wand pressed against one of the spider\'s eyes, and it immediately shut up.

"Take us to meet him!"

"it is good!"

William took out a large bottle of several liters from the watch he made and placed it in front of the eight-eyed giant spider.

"Okay, you can spit, remember, spit full!"


The venom of the eight-eyed giant spider is very precious, and of high quality, a pint can be sold for hundreds of gallons.

However, this animal is ferocious by nature, and even if it is caught, it will not cooperate with the wizard.

William didn\'t expect to encounter such a coward, he would definitely squeeze it dry without leaving a drop.

Of course, this spider may also just pretend to be a spider and eat tigers, thinking of introducing them into its lair.

Cedric also began to move his hands up and down, incarnated as Teacher Tony, wearing gloves, and holding a knife to cut the spider\'s legs.

He has a new idea, and he can use the spider\'s stinging hair as the core of the staff!

After tinkering, William made a huge chair.

He tied a chair to the abdomen of the eight-eyed giant spider, wrapped a rope around the spider, and made a large mask for it to prevent it from spitting.

The three of them sat safely on the chairs, and William waved the reins gently, signaling the Eight-Eyed Spider to go to the lair.

Like a Hummer, the eight-eyed spider immediately ran in the jungle.

Cedric said with emotion: "You can ask the school to replace Thestrals with eight-eyed giant spiders, so as to make the wind."

There is a picture... William can imagine that Dumbledore was waiting in the auditorium to see the students, and he went out to find that the little wizards were all dead!

The eight-eyed giant spider ran for more than ten minutes, and they came to the edge of a wide depression. The trees in the depression were cleared and turned into spider territory.

Indeed, as the spider under the **** said, most of the spiders left, leaving only a dozen of the same kind.

Each one is the size of a small car, with eight eyes and eight legs, dark and hairy, like giants.

The eight-eyed giant spider descended the steep **** and walked towards a misty, hemispherical spider web in the center of the depression.

Its companions surrounded it, and when they saw the three of William, they all moved their claws excitedly, making a clicking sound.

Definitely not meant to welcome, obviously hungry.

"Aragog!" cried the eight-eyed spider. "Aragog!"

From the misty, hemispherical web, a spider the size of an elephant emerged very slowly.

Its body and legs are black with gray, and each eye on its ugly head with large claws is covered with a layer of white shading... It turned out to be a blind man.

"What\'s the matter?" said Aragog, clack-clack, the claws moving quickly. "Has the plan been executed?"

"No, another wizard is here," said the eight-eyed spider.

"Is it Hagrid?" Aragog said, getting closer, his eight milky eyes staring blankly.

"No, it\'s three little wizards."

"Then kill them all, remember to be humane, don\'t let them suffer, don\'t leave traces, and be discovered by Hagrid." Aragog said irritably.

William\'s wand was sparkling again.

"They\'re Hagrid\'s friends," the eight-eyed spider under his **** said quickly.

"Hagrid\'s friend? Hagrid never sends anyone into our hollow," said Aragog slowly.

"Hagrid was taken because of you." William stood up from his chair. "The Ministry of Magic thought you were a monster from the Chamber of Secrets."

"It\'s not me!" Aragog said angrily. "I wasn\'t born in a castle. I came from a far country. When I hadn\'t hatched from the egg, a tourist gave me to Hagrid...  "

"I know it\'s not you," William interrupted. "It\'s a basilisk."

Hearing the name of the basilisk, Aragog took a breath, and the spiders backed away in fear.

As long as you touch the eyes of the basilisk, you will die... This creature is even more dangerous to spiders, because they have eight eyes and can\'t blink.

"I killed the basilisk last term," William said softly.

"Oh, I see, you are William Stark, and I did hear Hagrid mention you." Aragog\'s attitude was a little better.

"Little wizard, since you know that the secret room has nothing to do with me, why are you here?"

"Did a little red-haired wizard come to see you?"

"Yes." Aragog seemed to remember something horrible.

"Why is he looking for you?"

"He ordered us, at the right time, to attack Hogwarts."

William frowned, the diary controlled Ron to give such an order?

"You agreed?" Qiu asked loudly.

"No..." Aragog shook his head, "Hogwarts has Dumbledore and so many professors, how could I let my children die?"

"But..." Aragog said slowly: "He changed another request."

"What request?" Cedric asked.

"He said, at some point, Dumbledore would be kicked out.

He just needs me to drive out the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest and attack Hogwarts! \' said Aragog softly.

"You agreed to this request." William said sharply. "Don\'t deny it, when we first came, you asked \'Is the plan going?\'"

"All your clansmen are not here tonight, just go to the forbidden forest to execute the plan, right?"

Qiu said angrily, "You were raised by Hagrid, how dare you?"

"You don\'t know the wizard\'s methods!" Aragog waved his claws and said resentfully:

"The monster was killed by you... but he still has a little monster in his hand, and he threatened me that if he didn\'t do it, he would kill all my children!

If it were you, how would you choose? Humanity! "

"Let\'s go." William glanced at the old spider contemptuously, "Cedric, Qiu, we must notify Professor McGonagall immediately."

There are a large number of eight-eyed spiders, and they can definitely drive many magical creatures towards Hogwarts.

"Go?" Aragog said slowly, "I think it\'s better not to..."

"My sons and daughters obeyed my orders and didn\'t hurt Hagrid. But fresh human flesh comes automatically, and I can\'t stop them from enjoying it. Farewell, Hagrid\'s friend..."

The spiders formed a solid, towering copper wall, the claws clacked together, and many eyes gleamed on the ugly black heads.

"I know that you old guy is shameless and will kill you sooner or later!"

William snorted, a silver sword appeared in his hand, he held the hilt in both hands, and stabbed straight at the spider under his feet.

Slashing basilisks is easy, killing an eight-eyed giant spider without any stagnation.

Cedric and Qiu ~www.novelhall.com~ were back to back with each other, wands in their hands, constantly shooting light, preventing the spider from coming forward.

William slowly wiped the blood off the silver sword, and he threw the blood-stained paper on the ground at will.

William raised his wand, and golden flames spurted out, like a golden rain, falling on the spiders around him.

The spiders let out a scream and kept backing away.


William transforms into a giant sea eagle, and Cedric and Qiu firmly grasp her huge claws.

The sea eagle spread its wings and rose from the ground, like an arrow, piercing the dark night sky.




I paid a chapter yesterday, and I owe another chapter to "Hellcat" today. )