A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 84: The diary is finished

After flying for five or six minutes, William, who was overlooking from a high altitude, finally found what he was looking for.

He slowly lowered the height, the sounds around him were deafening, and he only felt that there was thunder between the sky and the earth.

"Look there!" Cedric, who held the eagle claw tightly, shouted.

William looked down. Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, on the bare hills, there were hundreds of bison emerging, crowded like a flood.

William quickly swept forward for a few miles, his scalp exploded, not only ordinary animals such as bison and wolves, but also dangerous magical animals such as Potter warthog, fire crab, and horned camel beast!

At the end, there were densely packed eight-eyed spiders the size of a truck, driving them towards Hogwarts Castle.

Last year\'s Quirrell just put a troll in Hogwarts. If it was caught off guard, so many animals would flood into the castle...

William looked down from a high position, his eyes gloomy.

Dumbledore said that when he was young, Riddle was more terrifying than Voldemort today, and he preferred to use intrigues and tricks... I\'m afraid it\'s all euphemisms.

The diary forced Dumbledore away, but he was still worried. He turned his hand to use the eight-eyed giant spider to drive out the animals in the forbidden forest, causing chaos in the castle, so as to implement its plan and ensure that no one was disturbed!

No Death Eaters... it doesn\'t matter, it can create a wave of thugs on its own.

This diary is perfect!

"What should I do?" Qiu asked.

"Go back to school and tell the professor that the Forbidden Forest is so big that we can\'t stop these animals," Cedric said.

William slowly descended and landed on a big tree, turning from a sea eagle back to a human.

"Yes, let\'s go!" William raised his arm.

Cedric and Cho grabbed William\'s arms, and he Apparated directly, leading them to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Apparition is forbidden at Hogwarts, so William can only appear here.

Cedric took out a whole bunch of prank products from the ring: Diligently dialing Dr. Auto-ignition, magical fireworks and cold fireworks.

He waved his wand, and after a dull sound of dozens of fireworks, the sound was like thunder and burst into the night sky.

"It\'s beautiful!" Qiu clapped her hands.

"I\'ve wanted to try it for a long time and put this thing outside the castle." Cedric smiled with satisfaction. "Especially in the middle of the night."

"I have to find Professor McGonagall for reimbursement." William\'s tone was very serious.

The three turned and ran towards the castle.

The continuous explosions, not to mention the professors and the little wizards who had fallen asleep, even woke up Fang Ya.

It stood at the door of Hagrid\'s hut, roaring angrily at the three of William.

"Come on, Fang!" Qiu shouted. "The animals in the forbidden forest are going to attack the castle..."

Before Qiu\'s words were finished, Fang Ya let out a terrifying low roar, turned around and ran away, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the three of them.


If Yaya went to the agility dog ​​racing competition, he would probably be able to move around and shepherd several streets.

When the three came to the castle, the auditorium was already lit, and Fang was caught by Professor Snape.

Snape was wearing a black robe, and his face was black as if he had just come back from digging coal in Africa.

A pair of cold eyes stared at William and the others.

"I was just brewing a potion!" Snape\'s voice was low and subdued, indicating that he was extremely angry.

"It\'s a very important potion, I\'ve been brewing it for three months, and it\'s the last step... But the loud noise outside disturbed my train of thought, causing the cauldron to burst..."

"I think... someone should be responsible for this!"

Snape\'s eyes swept across William and the others, his vicious look reminded William of the old spider Aragog.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, and she was also extremely angry, but she did not get angry immediately.

"It\'s night, and according to school rules, the three of you should be lying in bed instead of setting off fireworks outside!

I need to hear your explanation, I don\'t want to hear words like \'accidental\', \'prank\'. "

"Professor, I\'m sorry to disturb your sleep, but we need to inform you this way.

Time is running out, the animals in the forbidden forest, driven by the eight-eyed giant spider, are attacking the castle. "

William quickly explained the matter.

Professor McGonagall was stunned and exchanged glances with several professors uneasily.

"Immediately block the castle, blow up the bridge, and activate the guardian magic." She ordered.

"Don\'t go to the Forbidden Forest to make sure?" Snape hesitated.

"No, before Professor Dumbledore left, he told me that if something happened, he asked me to trust William!"

Professor McGonagall held up her wand, and four silver cats sprang from the tip of it, all with spectacle-shaped markings around their eyes.

The four patron saints swiftly ran upstairs, only to see silver light sprinkled on the spiral staircase.

Obviously, the Patronus went to inform other teachers.

"Concentrate all the students in the auditorium. If something happens, you can clear it in time."

Professor McGonagall displayed the majesty of her Vice-Chancellor.

"Okay." Professor Sprout hurried towards the lounge.

She trotted away, and everyone could hear her muttering words.

"Trolls, fire crabs, horned camels... I told the principal a long time ago that I should lead the team to clean it up. These evil guys... all affect the growth of magical plants."

"And these!" Professor McGonagall waved his wand, "Shidun is dispatched!"

The statues and armors in the entire corridor jumped off the brackets, and there was a rumbling sound from upstairs and downstairs.

"Hogwarts is threatened!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed. "Stand around, defend us, and do your duty for the school!"

"That\'s an exaggeration, Professor McGonagall." Snape was speechless.

"It\'s just a few creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and it\'s not a Death Eater invasion. We build a line of defense and guard a wave of bridges. Since we have prepared in advance, they won\'t be able to get in."

"Severus, don\'t stop me!"

Professor McGonagall held her wand and said with joy like a little girl:

"I wanted to try this spell when I was in school, but Dumbledore was always at school and had no chance."


"So, you guys!" Snape looked at the three of William again.

"Stay in the auditorium, where the professors are guarding."

"Sorry, I\'m waiting for Professor Dumbledore\'s signal." William shrugged.

"Signal...what signal?"

At this moment, a crimson bird suddenly descended from the sky. It had a golden tail, as long as a peacock\'s tail, and a pair of golden claws, holding a tattered package.

Fox circled twice and disappeared again.

William smiled: "This is the signal."

Hogwarts Castle,

deep underground.

The dilapidated diary, automatically turning pages without wind, a young figure with black hair slowly appeared.

He picked up the diary and flipped it gently. Every page was covered with intricate patterns of ancient runes and spells.

Power is growing.

As Riddle walked to the secret room step by step, he could feel the power emerging within him~www.novelhall.com~ The end of the road,

There stood a solid wall inscribed with two intertwined snakes, their eyes sparkling with emeralds.

"Open," Riddle said in a low, hoarse Parseltongue.

The two snakes parted, the stone wall cracked in the middle, and slowly slipped to the sides and disappeared.

He will be much stronger when he walks out of this door than when he walked in.

Everything is ready now, just wait for the last prey to arrive.


Newborn coming soon!



(Thanks to the "Snz" boss for the reward, I currently owe seven watches, and have already paid two... Seven is a magical number)