A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 82: Hydra tonight is very unusual

Easter eve,

William, Cedric and Cho leave the castle and head to Hagrid\'s cottage.

When they approached the hut, Fang Ya heard the movement and immediately got out of a large hollowed-out pumpkin at the door.

This is its nest, not to mention, the little things are quite unique!

Fang Fang wagged his tail and kept howling.

After Hagrid was imprisoned, it was William and the others who took turns feeding Fang Ya, otherwise this stupid dog might starve to death.

William and the others couldn\'t come three times a day, they basically kept enough for the day at night.

But the dog, Yaya, is greedy and can\'t eat enough.

Obviously, the amount of three meals is eaten at one time, and the stuffing has to be stuffed into the stomach... This causes it to wake up hungry in the morning after a night of digestion after eating.

But when he was hungry, he had no food, so he could only scoff at the chickens raised by Hagrid and beat his teeth.

This lasted for almost a week. After being brutally beaten by the society, Ya Ya finally understood what it means to be a dog!

It developed a habit of not eating all the food at once.

It\'s not as wasteful as before. Bara\'s floor is full... Even if it\'s food that I don\'t like, I can lick the bottom of the bowl clean.

That\'s great!

The disadvantage is also obvious. Every time William and the others come, Ya Ya\'s eyes are full of anger and questioning: You three are bankrupt, so just order food!

William was helpless, and occasionally brought the canned fish of the tea to Fangya.

After all, dogs take cat food and eat more to gain weight.

After groping through the cracks in the stones outside Hagrid\'s house, Qiu took out a large key and opened the door.

The three used magic to clean Hagrid\'s hut.

After cleaning up, they said goodbye to Fangya and set off towards the Forbidden Forest.

They also need to look after Lewis.

I don\'t know if there are any other cuties raised by Hagrid in this forbidden forest.

After so long without feeding, they must have starved to death, right?

I don\'t know why, not only did William not have the slightest sympathy, but he felt a sense of schadenfreude.

The animals kept in the Forbidden Forest are at least at the level of Lu Wei. The grades are too low and the danger is not enough. They are all under the hands of Professor Kettleburn.

Lu Wei was raised by William and his family. No matter how ugly he was, he was also his own dog, which was completely different from other coquettish bitches.

So if Hagrid keeps other animals, for William and the others, they are all dangerous monsters!

The kind that can be killed, eaten, and can be made into a stick, but the only one that cannot be rubbed!

The three of them walked along the path, toward the depths of the forbidden forest.

Lu Wei is in a valley, they have been here many times, and they are familiar with it.

Halfway through, there was a sudden noise in the woods in the distance.

A centaur emerged, with red hair and beard, a shiny brown-red body, and a long red tail trailing behind him.

"Oh, Ronan, good evening." William greeted familiarly.

During the Battle of the Forbidden Forest last year, William rescued Ronan and had a good relationship with him.

Ronan is also one of the few centaurs who has a crush on wizards.

"Why are you three here?" Ronan asked suspiciously.

"Let\'s find Lou Wei," Cedric replied.

"Oh, speaking of Lu Wei." Ronan said angrily, "You better take care of it."

"What\'s wrong?" Qiu asked curiously.

"It urinates everywhere, spreads its smell, and determines its territory. The last time it ran to the door of our tribe, Baine was pissed, and he will teach it a lesson with his clan."

"I\'ll talk to Lu Wei." William said with a headache. "But you know, Hagrid\'s not at home, so our words may not work."

"Ah, speaking of this, I heard that Dumbledore was kicked out too?" Ronan stepped on his hoof uneasily.

"He\'s only temporarily gone and will be back soon."

"I really don\'t understand that you idiots at the Ministry of Magic, such a great wizard as Dumbledore, will also be driven away!"

"Professor Dumbledore will be very happy to hear your comments."

"You better hurry back to school." Ronan urged. "I know William, you are very strong, but..."

"What\'s wrong?"

"Tonight\'s Hydra is very unusual."

"Which star is so bright?"

"The Alpha star in the constellation Hydra... It is called the \'Heart of the Hydra\' by our Centaurs, also known as the Lonely One.

It has always been the brightest star in the constellation Hydra, emitting a cold red light. \' explained Ronan uneasily.

"But recently, the ε star in the constellation Hydra has become brighter and brighter, and its brightness tonight has surpassed the Heart of Hydra, which means..."

"This means... the Forbidden Forest tonight is very dangerous." The grass trembled, and another horseman came out.

—Bane, the centaur leader.

"Should you talk so much to the wizard, Ronan," Bane rebuked.

Ronan shut up immediately.

"Hurry up and go back to school!" Baine issued an expulsion order.

Bane is a serious witch hater, William ignored him, but asked: "Ronan, have you seen a little red-haired wizard who has come to the Forbidden Forest?

Not George and Fred, who was freckled and plain looking. "

"No." Ronan glanced at Bane and shook his head quickly.

William was a little disappointed, and was about to leave with Cedric and Qiu, when Baine suddenly said: "I have seen that little wizard. He has been here a few times and went to the residence of the eight-eyed giant spider."

"Oh, thank you," William said lightly.

"Did you mean Ron?" Cedric asked in a low voice when the centaurs were far away.

"Well." William nodded. "Dumbledore told me that Ron secretly went to the Forbidden Forest a few times."

"Did he take the diary?" Qiu wondered.

"That\'s right, the diary probably controls what Ron does in the Forbidden Forest."

"But..." Cedric shook his head and said, "Bane may also deliberately deceive us and lure us to the eight-eyed spider territory."

"But I feel that what he said is true. Don\'t forget, Hagrid said that although centaurs hate wizards, they are arrogant and should not bother to lie." Qiu analyzed.

"It makes sense, I agree with Qiu." William nodded slightly.

"Then let\'s go take a look?" Qiu rolled his eyes and boldly suggested.

"Cedric, don\'t you dare?"

Qiu tossed his hair, raised his chin, and put a smile on his mouth.

"Go! Must go!" Cedric said seriously. "Who\'s not going, who\'s the Frobe Armyworm!"

"What\'s the matter?" William asked in a low voice on purpose.

"Isn\'t it the last time in Hogsmeade, I took Qiu to the screaming shack, and when I was walking, she suddenly hid... Almost scared me to death."

William glanced at Cedric silently.

Instead of frightening the girl, I was frightened... Rather, it\'s a shame in the pickup world!

"Is it reliable, the eight-eyed giant spider is so dangerous." Cedric asked in a low voice.

"Don\'t worry, at the critical moment, I can turn into a big eagle and take you away, and the spider can\'t fly."

Cedric sighed: "The sea eagle is convenient, and my Animagus can fly."

"Maybe it becomes a mosquito or a fly~www.novelhall.com~ Deep in the forbidden forest, somewhere in a valley.

Lu Wei was lying on the ground, and the three dog heads were raised rhythmically, looking towards a certain path.

The snacks have been eaten, and they are waiting for the delivery... It\'s strange, why are William and the others late?

won\'t forget? !




(For the first update, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket.

Thanks to the grandmaster "Hellcat" and the reward of "Daoist friends please stay".

The constellation Hydra symbolizes the hydra in Greek mythology, among which the α and ε stars are called Betelgeuse and Willow in our country. )