A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 81: Rita's report

Although Rita is not very good, the speed of creation is scary.

We didn’t meet until Saturday, and on Monday morning, William saw Rita’s long report in the Daily Prophet.

It really is like a tentacle monster!

As for why the Daily Prophet agreed to report this kind of news...in Rita\'s words:

"The purpose of the Daily Prophet\'s existence is to sell itself. As long as it can make money, the news has breaking points, and the content...it doesn\'t matter."

So at breakfast, it was rare for all the little wizards to calm down, holding a glass of milk and savoring the Daily Prophet.

The headline of the newspaper, with a photo of Lockhart falling in the dueling club, was printed in large red letters:

[Is Lockhart still human? ! 】

Our special correspondent Rita Skeeter reports.

The headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the eccentric Albus Dumbledore, has dared to hire a controversial faculty member.

Last summer, he hired Lockhart, a third-class Medal of Merlin, as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

As soon as Lockhart agreed to the invitation, he immediately asked the school to replace the textbooks designated by the Ministry of Magic and replace them all with his books.

As we all know, Lockhart\'s books are many times more expensive than textbooks on the market.

"My family is poor, and it\'s almost impossible to open the pot, and there are a group of younger brothers and sisters who are waiting to be fed."

A little witch named Elena Kaslana cried, "In order to save money, I started eating tree bark during the summer vacation..."

(The reporter himself hereby appeals to everyone to pay more attention to the problem of poor little wizards and prevent them from eating indiscriminately... If you want to support little Kaslana, you can send Garen to me, and I will transfer it on my behalf.)

Lockhart\'s way of cutting leeks is undoubtedly criticized by the majority of parents.

In a series of classes that many have called "very scary", Lockhart also asks students to play werewolves, vampires, to satisfy his ulterior quirks!

Lockhart was also violent.

"I was attacked and it was a Quidditch match and he took the bone out of my thigh," said a student named Draco Malfoy.

"Otherwise I will definitely lead Slytherin and win the game... My good friend Potter, privately told me that Ravenclaw won is not honorable!"

However, not only has Lockhart not relented, he has not intensified.

He has repeatedly claimed: "No one knows the Dark Arts better than me"; "No one knows the Headmaster of Hogwarts better than me"; "I know the position of Minister of Magic better than anyone"...

However, considering that British wizards have long been accustomed to Minister Fudge\'s big mouth, Lockhart\'s big words are not really harmful. Politicians and literati don\'t brag, can they still be politicians and literati?

But the reporter investigated with skepticism and found that the heroic deeds Lockhart once claimed were all bragging and plagiarism, which is very problematic..."

"Good morning, everyone." Lockhart, wearing a red robe, walked into the guest of honor.

"What\'s the matter." Lockhart touched his face, and he found that everyone\'s eyes were focused on him.

"Newspaper..." Professor Flitwick couldn\'t help reminding the good man.

"Oh, is it Hagrid\'s verdict? Did you mention me?" Lockhart said excitedly.

"As mentioned, the headline is you." Professor Snape grinned.

Lockhart picked up Professor Flitwick\'s newspaper, and when he read the content with absent-minded eyes, the article in the Daily Prophet shivered in his hand.

"Slander, it\'s all slander! Naked slander!" Lockhart tore up the newspaper in anger: "I\'m going to send a wizard letter to that Skeeter woman!"

Lockhart went mad and snatched newspapers from several professors.

"Of course." Snape gave Lockhart the paper too, his dark eyes glowing.

"Give it to Professor Lockhart, he needs to collect newspaper clippings..."

The Slytherins roared with laughter in the auditorium, and Snape\'s thin lips twitched in a malicious smile.

"If you let me know who leaked these interesting things to that nasty woman in Skeeter... I\'m willing to donate my drug storage room to let him pick and choose."

William raised his head, his eyes meeting Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

That\'s good news...William is ready to end the semester and let the professor make good on his promise.

Soon, a group of owls flew in, and a large number of letters fell on Lockhart like raindrops.

"It must be a consolation letter from my readers!" Lockhart picked up a letter and hurriedly opened it to read.

"...Oh!" Lockhart had just opened an envelope, and a yellow-green liquid sprayed onto his hands, giving off a pungent smell of gasoline, and large yellow blisters immediately appeared on his hands.

Lockhart cried out in pain, and tears suddenly came out.

He took a napkin and wiped the pus from his hand, but his fingers were covered with thick, painful sores that looked like thick, pimpled gloves.

It turned out to be a curse letter sent by a reader.

"I\'m going home...I\'m resigning...I\'ll never be a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor again!"

Lockhart cried and ran towards the school hospital.

William shrugged, it\'s a bit late to say this now... The position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is also something you can do if you want, or don\'t do it if you don\'t want to?

Even if everyone agrees, the dead Robert, Professor Quirrell, Tywin in Azkaban...they can\'t agree!



Lockhart was sick, very sick.

But it was a heart attack, because wizards all over the country wrote to curse him.

The class of Defense Against the Dark Arts suddenly lacked another professor, and it became a state of no one teaching.

Since William came to Hogwarts, the teaching quality of black magic is not discussed, but almost every next school year is basically a state of no one teaching.

Just like this... There is no future for the British wizarding world!

It had no effect on William and the others.

William has been taking on the responsibility of a private teacher, learning with a few of his good friends.

At William\'s current level of magic, it\'s more than enough to teach Cedric to them.

At least can\'t let their level drop ~ www.novelhall.com ~ At the end of March, no one cares about Lockhart\'s problems.

Because Dumbledore left Hogwarts.

Of course, this also means that William and the others have basically determined the location of the secret room.

According to the agreement, Dumbledore was immediately dismissed by the school manager Malfoy contacted.

With Dumbledore gone, fear spread like never before, every face in the school looked terrified, every laugh in the hallway was harsh, weird, and quickly suppressed.

During this time, William had been waiting for Fox\'s old phoenix, but it never appeared.

The diary seemed to have gone completely silent.



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)