A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 80: Black-bellied Hermione (Debt 1/5)

Saturday morning,

William and Hermione appear in Hogsmeade.

Hogsmeade Village is a pure wizarding village near Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

According to the school rules, students under the third grade are not allowed to come here... Hermione is definitely not eligible, but... who cares.

Anyway, William sneaked Hermione here many times.

There is no need to walk the secret passage, just use the phantom body spell.

William\'s attainment in the Illusory Body Charm was already high enough to overwhelm most professors.

As for sister Annie...

Why! The little wizard can\'t go to Hogsmeade, she\'s still in the castle, playing rubber bands with Luna and Ginny.

This is what children should do at home.

William only needs to bring some candy to the three of them when they go back, and they will be happy for a long time.

Three little ones are easy to satisfy.

"Huh, what about people?"

Entering the Three Broomsticks bar, Hermione looked for Rita\'s figure.

William took her hand and pointed to a corner.

In the corner of the bar sat a woman in a large bowler hat, her head tucked under the Daily Prophet.

"Four pints of mead, a portion of sherry juice and an umbrella snail." William said softly. "thanks."

After ordering two drinks, William led Hermione towards the corner and sat down on the chair.

"How do you dress up like this?" William asked Rita suspiciously.

Inexplicably, there is a sense of secret joints!

Rita pulled her head out of the newspaper. She wore a green veil and dressed like an Arab.

She pushed the huge toad sunglasses under the bridge of her nose and said softly:

"I\'m a celebrity, and there are a lot of my fans here. If they are recognized, it will be bad for onlookers."

William and Hermione looked at each other suspiciously.

"Here, drinks for both of you." Rosmerta came over and placed two drinks on the log table.

Mrs. Rosmerta, the proprietress of Three Broomsticks, wore a pair of gorgeous turquoise high-heeled shoes, and she was graceful and beautiful.

Although she is almost forty years old, many young wizards at Hogwarts like her.

"Hi, William, Hermione. Why is it just the two of you, Cedric and Cho, today?" asked Mrs. Rosemerta familiarly.

Akali Mystery Store and many stores in Hogsmeade maintain a strategic partnership, and Three Brooms is no exception.

William occasionally helped to brew potions and put them in various drinks.

"Cedric took Qiu to the grass to explore." William grinned.

"Screaming Shack?" Rosmerta blinked. "Boys always like to lead girls there... or the little trick I taught him last time."

William smiled. He thought that Cedric\'s small thoughts would definitely fail.

Qiu is so courageous, who dares to practice the balance beam on the broom, what a haunted house!

Cedric may have thought that Qiu would be afraid, and then plunged his head into his arms... he wanted to eat shit!

"By the way, what drink does this guest need?"

Rosmerta turned her gaze to Rita again.

Rita had put her head back into the newspaper, and she said in a hoarse voice, "No, I have a bad cold recently and don\'t want to drink."

Rosmerta took two steps, then turned around again, squinting, wondering, "Aren\'t you the woman Rita Skeeter?"

Rita twisted her big **** unnaturally and coughed: "How is that possible? How could the famous person be me!"

Rosmerta snorted and walked towards the counter.

"Tell me." William said softly, "What\'s going on?"

"Nothing." Rita stuck her head out of the newspaper again.

William gave Hermione a look.

Hermione immediately understood and shouted sweetly. "Mrs. Rosmerta..."

"Don\'t!" Rita\'s expression was as if she was forced to drink stinky juice, and she said speechlessly: "Meeting you two has really drained my life\'s luck!"

"Come on." William took a sip of mead.

"It was half a year ago. I seem to have written an article in the newspaper..." Rita coughed.

"What article?"

"It seems to be about Fudge... \'Beside the Minister of Magic, there are hot and expectant eyes everywhere, even Rosmerta, the pretty widow who still has a charm\'..."

"..." William now believes that the entire Hogsmeade people are indeed Rita\'s fans.

- Black powder!

The black one.

"Okay, have you brought the goods?" Rita asked.

"Bring it." William took out a document from the ring and threw it to Rita.

Rita turned a few pages, her eyes changed, and she looked at the document as if she was looking at the most beautiful thing.

She raised her head suddenly, her eyes sharp and said, "William, I know that big stupid Hagrid is your friend, and Lockhart reported him.

What I mean is... the above content, you can\'t just make it up to get revenge on Lockhart, right? "

"Do you think I\'m such a person?" William shrugged.

The contents of the document were all investigated by Dumbledore.

Over the years, Lockhart has stolen the memories of many wizards, many of which can be traced.

After all, Lockhart can hear the story, and it is not known, and it is slightly spread out, otherwise he will not come to the door.

With the principal\'s ability, he can still investigate a lot of details.

I don\'t know if I don\'t see it, but it\'s shocking at first glance... Otherwise, the principal would not have let Lockhart come to the school as a professor and wanted to expose him on purpose.

"I believe you...but readers..." Rita hesitated.

"Do your readers need proof?" William scoffed. "Do you believe in the articles you wrote?"

"Rita, don\'t try to test me, you want to find out the source of this document... In addition to you, I have many little birds moving around!" William bluffed.

Of course he didn\'t have many little birds, just two little sparrows, a caged bird that wanted to bite... and a flaming phoenix named Dumbledore.

But it doesn\'t prevent him from all kinds of bragging, anyway, he doesn\'t want Jin Galleon to brag.

"I see." Rita stroked the document as if she was petting her lover.

"I will use my rafters to reveal Lockhart\'s true face to everyone!"

"Don\'t write me and Hermione\'s names," William said.

"Goodbye then." Rita stood up, "Mr. Perfect and Miss Perfect."

Rita walked out, and when she opened the door, her footsteps were a little flustered. She saw Rosmerta called a carload of bread men and was going to block her!

She started running in a hurry.

"Mr. Perfect, Miss Perfect...Is this a title?" William asked suspiciously, holding a wine glass.

"I don\'t know. I wrote her several letters according to your instructions, and she called us that in the letter."

Rita\'s letters... William occasionally handed over to Hermione to deal with.

Going against someone like Rita was a good workout.

"She might be behind her back, how could she scold us both." William took a sip of mead.

"Just don\'t let me hear!" Hermione also took a sip of sherry juice.

"Does that get Lockhart into Azkaban?"

William gently blew the foam from the mead, shook his head and said, "I don\'t know... but it can make his reputation stinky."

Hermione nodded, looking quietly at the boy sitting beside her.

She suddenly said: "By the way, when you go shopping for a while, don\'t forget to remind me to buy Annie\'s zizi bees."

William hummed, and couldn\'t help but ask: "Why do you ask me to bring her candy every time you buy her?"

Hermione raised her lips and smiled, "You don\'t know, every time she gets a gift, she will run to me as soon as possible..."

"I\'ll just wait for the day, when she gets sick, and tell her that I actually bought it in Hogsmeade."


There is a picture... William seems to see the expression of ~www.novelhall.com~ Anne\'s astonishment and anger... He suddenly realized that Hermione is also quite black.

"William, you won\'t tell her, will you?" Hermione put her chin in one hand and stared at William with an intoxicating smile.

"No!" William didn\'t hesitate at all.

Poor sister, don\'t blame my brother for not helping you, it\'s really involuntary!

Hermione smiled and took William\'s right hand, shaking it slowly.

The girl was singing a Scottish ballad softly, her voice crisp.

Hermione\'s long hair on the temples swayed softly in the breeze.



(According to my incomplete statistics, I currently owe three shifts of "Hellcat", one update of "snz", and one update of "Deep Sea Turtle". There are five shifts in total, and the first update is ψ(\'?\')ψ.)