A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 79: Come on, hurt each other!

Dumbledore is good in everything, the only drawback is that he likes to be appointed, and he always wants to make big news when he has nothing to do.

For example, asking William to go to the secret room and save Harry... Let\'s not say whether we can save it or not, we have to know where the secret room is, right?

"Aren\'t you and your good friends looking for the secret room?" Dumbledore said meaningfully.

coming! The strongest eye at Hogwarts... If you buy a camera, choose Dumbledore.

Candid photography, tracking, stalking...all day, no dead ends, high quality, let the AV quality go to hell!

William seriously doubted that Dumbledore actually did nothing every day, just sitting in the office, holding a prophecy ball, staring at every corner of the campus.

"We did look for it, but we haven\'t found it yet, Professor," William said softly.

"Can you find it?"


William wanted to say "no", but he faintly felt that if he answered like this, the principal would directly tell him the exact location of the secret room... that would be embarrassing.

"That\'s it, when you have almost determined the location of the secret room, don\'t go in, come back, just wait patiently..." Dumbledore seriously exhorted.

"At a certain point in time, Fox will appear by your side, and I need you to enter the Chamber of Secrets immediately and save Harry."

"Do you think that when the diary implements its ultimate goal, it will be placed in a secret room?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded. "Besides the Chamber of Secrets, I really can\'t think of any other stage at Hogwarts that is more suitable for him to perform."

William sighed... Judging from so many things done in the diary, he is indeed a guy who likes a sense of ritual.

"But there\'s a little problem here," William said.

"How can you be sure that the diary won\'t move until we find the Chamber of Secrets?

Six people had already been attacked, and a seventh was missing, Harry.

Maybe it can\'t wait to act tonight. "

"No." Dumbledore shook his head. "He won\'t act until I\'m completely kicked out of the school."

"...Huh?" William raised his eyebrows.

"The diary has done so many things, and it also has the intention to kick me out of the school... This may be a great sense of accomplishment for him!

Since Rita is giving you information, you should know that Malfoy has contacted the school administrator, right? "


"I happen to be on the 12 school trustees, and I have a few reliable friends who really believe in me...they\'re against kicking me out of the headmaster\'s seat.

At the right time, I\'ll get them to agree. "

The so-called right time was naturally when William and the others found the secret room.

William stared at Dumbledore, stupefied for a moment.

Dumbledore was completely aware of the enemy\'s intentions, and even used the opponent\'s means to control the timing of the attack...

After analyzing it like this, William only felt that Dumbledore was really smart and approachable!

The same details, William has also observed, the information he has is no less than the headmaster, but Dumbledore can always think about things he can\'t think of.

A feeling of powerlessness that IQ is repeatedly crushed and rubbed!

Therefore, it is better to have self-knowledge to be a wizard, and not to be an opponent of someone like Dumbledore.

Because he will figure you out clearly.

One-stop service from birth to death.



The matter with Hagrid came sooner than expected.

One day in March, William and Qiu finished their conservation of magical creatures course, and on their way to the auditorium, they saw the hall full of students.

Students at dinner crowded out of the auditorium to see what was going on, and many crowded on the marble staircase.

"Cedric, what\'s going on?" Qiu asked in a low voice after the two approached.

"I don\'t know, a group of Aurors rushed into the auditorium just now." Cedric lowered his voice: "Everyone thought they were arresting Professor Snape, but they came to Hagrid."

It wasn\'t just Cedric who didn\'t understand. Most students didn\'t.

The bystanders formed a large circle, some looked shocked, and some even looked terrified.

William didn\'t tell Cho and Cedric that Hagrid would be taken.

What Dumbledore had discussed in the headmaster\'s office that day was strictly confidential.

Fudge stood in the crowd with a green top hat, wiping his sweat lightly there.

"It\'s too bad, Hagrid," Fudge said in a crisp, quick tone, "it\'s too bad we have to come.

One Squib, three little wizards... There were four attacks, it was too much, the Ministry of Magic had to act. "

"I don\'t," Hagrid looked at Dumbledore pleadingly. "You know I don\'t, Professor Dumbledore, sir..."

Hagrid\'s eyes filled with tears, and if there was anything else that scared him, it was Azkaban.

When Hagrid was young, he stayed in Azkaban for a long time... He was only in the third grade at the time, so naturally he had more psychological shadows than the average person!

Dumbledore was able to fish him out with a lot of strength.

"I hope you understand, Connelly, that I have told you more than once that I trust Hagrid completely," said Dumbledore.

"Yeah, Albus," Fudge said unnaturally, "Hagrid\'s criminal record is very bad for him...but there are still people reporting.

Lockhart is a Merlin 3rd Class Medal recipient and has some reputation in the magical world. He also said that he would contact the Daily Prophet.

I have to get Hagrid away before it gets too big. It\'s also a kind of protection for him, right? "

"But it shouldn\'t be such a big fanfare." Dumbledore was a little annoyed. "If you want to protect!"

The crowd dispersed again, and Lockhart came quickly with a grin on his face.

"I\'m sorry—how did you come here—I didn\'t miss anything?" Lockhart shook Fudge warmly.

"Minister, Hagrid is the opener of the Chamber of Secrets... I protected the little wizard, the first level... It\'s definitely impossible, can you get a Merlin second-level medal?"

Fudge coughed and fiddled with his hat unnaturally.

Everyone was staring at Lockhart, and everyone was murmuring to each other.

"If Level 2 doesn\'t work... Level 3 is fine..." Lockhart\'s voice became smaller and smaller. "The award for outstanding contribution to the school is barely acceptable."

He noticed that the other teachers were staring at him with a look of disgust.

Snape took a step forward and sneered: "Professor Lockhart...Didn\'t you say that you know exactly where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is...Can you subdue the attacker alone?

It turned out to be a report letter to the Ministry of Magic. "

"I—this, this, I—" Lockhart stammered. "It suddenly occurred to me that I have something to do~www.novelhall.com~ Headmaster, you can\'t let them take Hagrid away!" Harry said angrily, rushing into the crowd.

But no one listened to him, and the Auror had already stepped forward to take Hagrid away.

Hermione appeared behind William, stood on tiptoe, pressed his ear, and said softly:

"William, Rita wrote back... She said she\'d be coming this Saturday..."

William nodded slightly.

Since Lockhart made this move, don\'t blame him for taking out the other party\'s bottom line.

Come on, hurt each other!



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, gentlemen.

Thanks to "Hellcat", "a waste dragon with a strong heart", two big bosses for their rewards. )