A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 7: Luna Lovegood

The unicorn came ashore and walked to the three of William.

The girl jumped down, and the knot of the long blue dress was automatically untied.

She raised her head, squinted and asked confusedly, "Are you relatives of the Thorns Witch?"

William shook his head.

Hermione wondered, "Who is the Witch of Thorns?"

"It was the old woman who used to live here. Her name was Olenna Redwyn, and Dumbledore said her name was the Witch of Thorns." William explained.

"Witch of Thorns, such a big name?" Annie wondered. "Is she great?"

Obviously, in Anne\'s eyes, Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard, and even if he calls him the Witch of Thorns, it must be a remarkable existence.

"Well, she\'s a Squib," William explained.

"So where does she live now?" Hermione asked concerned.

"After I paid for the wooden house, Dumbledore gave her a large sum of money and sent her to the Sunset Red Seniors Community.

It is said that there are also a large group of old men and women like her there. \' William replied.

"Sunset Red Community..." Annie\'s eyes lit up, "I know that place!

Professor Dumbledore wrote to me and told me that it was a good place, with talented people and interesting conversations... If he retired, he would probably live there as well. "

"Oh, what did you say?" William asked with interest.

Anne\'s intelligence on Dumbledore was much more detailed than William\'s. After all, the two communicated every day.

There is also a double-sided mirror that makes William envy and hate.

"I replied that he is an old man and has no children. After retirement, if he doesn\'t mind, he can come to our house and I will take care of him!" Annie raised her smiling face.

William touched Annie\'s head... He thinks, compared to the talents in the Sunset Red community, it is his sister who speaks better.

Look, no wonder Dumbledore likes Anne and gives her more Christmas gifts than William.

William is just too stupid, he has to learn from Annie modestly in this regard!

"By the way, who are you?" Hermione asked politely, looking at the blonde girl.

"Luna, Luna Lovegood," the girl said quickly.

"My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger." Hermione said quickly.

"My name is Anne, Anne Stark!" Anne looked at the unicorn that Luna was riding with interest.

Luna turned her gaze to William again, and she stared at him. "I know who you are, William Stark."

"I saw your picture in the paper, and my dad said you caught a Crooked Snorer at Hogwarts before you became the youngest Merlin winner."

"What is the snoring beast?" Hermione raised her eyebrows, she had never heard of it.

"A kind of fictional creature, Cedric believes it very much. He also said that he wanted to make a wand from the horn of the horned snoring beast and give it to Qiu." William smiled happily.

"It\'s not fiction!" Luna looked very serious. "The unicorn snorer is a shy, very magical creature, otherwise how could you become the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal—"

William shrugged and said softly, "I see, you must also be a loyal reader of The Quibbler."

"Yes!" Luna inserted the lotus leaf into the unicorn\'s hair.

"My dad is the editor-in-chief of this magazine!"


Luckily William didn\'t say "Crazy Lovegood" or "This magazine is **** and can only lie to a kid like Cedric", otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Extraordinary wisdom is a man\'s greatest wealth!" Luna said in an aria-like tone.

"Cedric is a wise man, he should go to Ravenclaw, what a pity."

William smiled, feeling that the girl was very interesting.

Of course, the Lovegoods who can teach such a daughter are probably also wonderful people.

Luna saw that neither Hermione nor Annie had watched "The Quibbler", she said to Amway:

"This is a well-known magazine at home and abroad. It is particularly authoritative. Unlike the Daily Prophet, which is full of lies, they are Fudge\'s tongue, trying to cover up the truth that the Muggle world has been occupied by lizardmen."

"Really, the Queen of England is a lizard man, and my dad said she would transform on her ninetieth birthday."

Hermione: "..."

"It\'s all right, Sherlock Holmes will stop her," Annie reassured. "I wrote Baker Street last year and they wrote back that Holmes had gone to learn magic!

When I graduate from Hogwarts, I will help him. "

Nani! The two were able to chat on the same channel.

Simply incredible.

"Do you want to be an editor after graduation?" Luna obviously felt that Annie was more "smart", and she asked.

"Cedric wrote to my dad, hoping that after graduation, he could be an editor at The Quibbler."

William almost laughed.

Cedric also said he was going to open a wand shop.

Apparently, when the editor is fake, it\'s just a lie from Cedric, he just wants to watch The Quibbler for free.

When William was a child, he often squatted in front of the grandfather\'s car selling marshmallows, looked at him eagerly, and swore to tell him that he would also sell marshmallows when he grew up.

The purpose is... just to make the other party have a sense of identity.

You see, I like cotton candy so much, can you please not send me an encouragement?

But the old man was never fooled.

That\'s what Cedric had in mind. He just wanted to prostitute magazines for free, but it failed.

Lovegood, who racked his brains to cheat children\'s money, is even better.

After all, the money is to support Luna.

"Luna, are you here to drop by?" Hermione asked.

"Well, my dad said new neighbors came over and asked me to bring some crepes for you to try. I made them."

Luna took a basket from the unicorn and handed it over, filled with sweet and delicious crepes.

William thanked him, waved his wand, and a box of Argen-Dazs, frozen by the Freezing Curse, flew out.

"To you, this is a return gift."

After Luna took it, she tied it to the unicorn again, she seemed to regard him as a mule.

"Luna, where is your home?" Hermione asked again.

"There!" Luna pointed to the top of the mountain in the distance.

It was an odd house that looked like a giant chimney from a distance. Beside the chimney, there is also an extra-large wooden windmill, slowly turning.

"Where did you find your unicorn?" Annie touched the unicorn\'s head and asked curiously.

"There is a group of unicorns in the West Valley, and their family has lived there for decades," Luna said.

"Three little unicorns were born recently. Would you like to see them? I haven\'t named them yet."

Annie looked at William, her eyes twinkling.

Hermione also showed hopeful eyes.

what are you looking at me for?

What about learning?

What about the training camp?

William sighed. "Go, come back before dinner."

"Aren\'t you going, William?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"I\'ll forget it~www.novelhall.com~ William shook his head," The unicorn didn\'t want the wizard to approach. "


"My dad said that wizards have quivering maggots in their heads, and unicorns don\'t like such creatures." Luna explained seriously.


Too much ha! Although William didn\'t know what the quivering maggot was, it wouldn\'t be a good word when maggots were involved!

Unicorns don\'t like wizards and prefer to approach pure girls.

But not with such personal attacks.

You might as well just say that men are big hooves!



(Thanks to the "Hellcat" boss for the reward, I will see if I can repay the debt I owe recently.)