A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 78: Tool is online

Dumbledore\'s story is enough to fill seven books in a series.


But the principal was unwilling to tell anyone, and William did not continue to ask.


Under William\'s careful comfort, Dumbledore finally controlled his emotions.


William hesitated for a moment, then chose to change the subject and continued to ask Hagrid\'s question.


"The secret room is opened, what does it have to do with Hagrid?"


"You should know that Hagrid was expelled from the school back then?"


William nodded slightly. He knew about it when he first entered school, but Hagrid refused to tell anyone the reason.


"Fifty years ago, Hagrid, like you, was still a young, young wizard in the third grade, but he raised a... eight-eyed giant spider at school."


"..." It\'s really something Hagrid would do!


Although William and Hagrid have a very good relationship, it is not wrong for him to be fired at all.


Is the eight-eyed giant spider something that can be kept in schools?


William is no longer a little wizard who has just entered school and doesn\'t know anything.


Back then, Hagrid wanted to take him to rub Aragog\'s legs... rub his legs?


Oh my God!


If William encounters an eight-eyed giant spider, he will probably directly cast a fiery fire spell on it, and give it a charcoal-roasted spider hoof!


"But I still don\'t understand, what does he have to do with the secret room when he was fired?"


"Fifty years ago, the secret room was also opened, and a girl died... Everyone didn\'t know that the monster was a basilisk, and then a student reported Hagrid and raised an eight-eyed giant spider, and he happened to be the scapegoat."


"Fifty years ago... Tom Riddle reported it?" William was stunned.


"That\'s right." Dumbledore nodded, "If we look back on this now, it\'s easy to find the problem.


But at the time, except for my doubts, everyone believed that the murderer was Hagrid. "


William nodded.


That\'s right,


At that point at that time: one was an outstanding student, an honor student that the professors liked, a prefect;


One is a silly big man who likes to keep strange creatures, and he did keep little monsters in school...


You are a professor, who do you believe?


Let\'s look at this again today:


One is the murderous Dark Lord; the other is a key keeper who has worked diligently at Hogwarts for decades...


The answer is self-evident.


But the reason for this has not been overturned, and it is very simple... There is no evidence.


Can you still take Voldemort to trial?


Even if Voldemort was arrested, they would have a reason: "You can\'t just say that I was bad when I was in school because I was bad in the future, right?


Don\'t put any plugs in my nose! "


Moreover, most of the people who experienced this incident have already passed away... Even those who are still alive are at least sixty or seventy years old.


No one would think of reversing what happened half a century ago.


and many more…


In a way, Hagrid\'s arrest is not a bad thing. He was not at school, and another attack would naturally prove that it had nothing to do with him.


There are only five attackers now, and the diary with obsessive-compulsive disorder must be enough for seven!


William spoke out his thoughts, but Dumbledore shook his head.


"William, I think the sixth victim has appeared."






"how can that be possible?"


Dumbledore said calmly: "I know that there are not many people who wrote poetry before, and Tom Riddle fifty years ago happened to be one of them."


"How could he know?"


"Tom asked around about my preferences, in order to please me and compliment me."


"That sounds weird."


It\'s more than weird, the headmaster almost said: To lick me!


It turns out that Voldemort back then was also a licking dog.


"It\'s not what you think, William." Dumbledore squinted, "The Tom of the past was completely different from the Voldemort of the future. It can be said that he was completely different.


Tom knows all the hobbies of professors. He likes to study and develop various personal connections. He is good at wrapping himself with excellent appearance and amazing talent.


I\'ve said more than once that Voldemort was more terrifying when he was young than he was later... It\'s not that he was skilled in magic, but that he knew how to deceive people and perform conspiracies. "


William nodded... Indeed, the reckless man is not scary, just afraid that the reckless man will use his brains!


"So you think that Lockhart knew you were a poet, and the diary told him?"


"That\'s just one of the reasons." Dumbledore\'s voice was low.


"And the magic Lockhart unleashed on Valentine\'s Day... it\'s an improvement of the Dark Mark.


Of course, there are many wizards who can cast the Dark Mark, so I will.


During the Wizarding War, I liked to use the Dark Mark most to attract those Death Eaters. "


Damn... ruthless!


I don\'t know that those Death Eaters were attracted and found that Dumbledore was standing under the mark of the Dark Demon. What kind of grass and mud horse he was.


"Tom, when he was in school, invented this magic.


In order to show a sense of ritual, they will release this mark on campus after pranking them. "


"So, you think this is a diary reminiscing about the past?"


"Yeah, old things like that, don\'t they?" Dumbledore shrugged.


"Plus, Lockhart reported Hagrid to the Ministry of Magic, claiming that he had captured the attacker in the Chamber of Secrets..." William continued.


"It should also be instigated by the diary. It wants to repeat its old tricks, and it wants to frame the blame and divert its attention."


William received information from Rita that Lockhart reported to the Ministry of Magic that Hagrid was the opener of the Chamber of Secrets.


This is also the reason why Lockhart thought he would catch the attacker when school started at Christmas, because the diary gave him a hint.


"That\'s right, there are all indications that the diary once appeared in Lockhart\'s hands..." Dumbledore crossed his hands and sighed:


"Then, referring to Ron, Lockhart should be the sixth person to be attacked."


William raised his eyebrows and noticed that the principal used a word - \'once\'.


"I do guess that it was once." Dumbledore\'s eyes flashed with solemnity.


"The diary gave me such a clear signal that he had no reason to stay with Lockhart.


Like he exposed Ron and left immediately... This is a cautious guy. "


"It\'s a diary...how did it leave?" William said.


"Yeah, we must pay attention to this question, how did the diary leave Ron at the time, and how does it leave Lockhart now?" Dumbledore asked.


"This means that inside Hogwarts... there is a ghost inside?!"


"That\'s right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is very likely!" Dumbledore nodded, "There may be a wizard working on the diary."


Both were silent.


After an unknown amount of time, Dumbledore suddenly explained, "William, when the Phoenix appears, I need you to go to the secret room and save Harry."




William was stunned for a while, what the hell... is he going to become the principal\'s tool again?


Sure enough, what should come will always come!


Don\'t depend on William\'s will!




(Ask for a recommendation ticket.


Thanks to "ccbuptct" for the reward)