A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 75: this stupid groundhog

After the auditorium was completely furnished, Lockhart opened his arms and announced loudly:

"Happy Valentine\'s Day, everyone! You can send me cards.

I don\'t know who will be the first lucky girl to get my autograph. "

Lockhart bared his white teeth gleefully at the students, but the students responded flatly.

Most of the students found him to be nothing more than a pretty slicker with a silver wax tip.

Lockhart was not embarrassed, and continued to be cheeky, saying: "Of course, I must remind you that you can\'t give me all the cards. Other students or professors will want to kill me because of jealousy."

When Lockhart spoke, he deliberately glanced at the professors at the guest of honor.

Professor McGonagall seemed to have a pain in her wisdom teeth. She pursed her lips, bit her cheeks, and a muscle on her cheek protruded;

Professor Flitwick slumped in his chair, he wanted to make a mistake... to have a magical riot against Lockhart;

Snape held his wand even more, and if it wasn\'t for the fear of getting into Azkaban, he would have opened up Lockhart\'s head perfectly.

Lockhart clapped his hands and walked through the door leading to the foyer into twelve gloomy-faced dwarfs.

Dwarves are squat, humanoid magical creatures who like to live underground and dig, thanks to Lockhart for finding so many.

The dwarfs all had golden wings on their bodies and carried harps on their backs, looking particularly ugly.

"My friendly little Eros with cards!" Lockhart said beamingly. "They\'re going to be roaming the school today, delivering you Valentine\'s Day cards!"

"Of course, let the professors teach you some life experience first."

Lockhart pointed at Dumbledore as if acting.

"If you don\'t know how to write a greeting card, you can ask the principal.

Dumbledore\'s sonnets are the best... don\'t you know? When the headmaster was a Transfiguration professor, he was also a bohemian poet. "

Everyone was staring at Dumbledore, but I didn\'t expect that the headmaster was not only a great wizard, but also a "big filth"... It was my headmaster.

Dumbledore blushed, coughed, and pushed up his half-moon glasses.

It was the first time he was so embarrassed since he became the principal.

Who does not have an unforgettable black history!

Doubt flashed in his eyes.

"The Great Dirty Poem" was his identity decades ago, how did Lockhart know?

Whose memory did he steal over Christmas? !

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

Hearing Dumbledore\'s dark history, Snape was the happiest, and he couldn\'t help laughing.

Seeing Snape laughing, Lockhart said loudly, "Why don\'t you ask Professor Snape to teach you how to make a love potion!

Don\'t look at what he looks like now, but don\'t judge people by their appearance, the professor never misses the potion. "

Snape\'s smile disappeared, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

He dug into his pocket and prepared to give Lockhart some medicine for the evening.

After listening to Lockhart\'s words, Cedric was ready to move.

Today is really a good day for confession. Like April Fool\'s Day and Truth or Dare, it can effectively avoid the embarrassment of being rejected.

Qiu seemed to know what he was thinking, and immediately warned: "If anyone dares to humiliate me with such a dwarf, I will become a ghost, and I will not let him go!"

William nodded in approval, and glanced cautiously at the girls who were like wolves and ready to move.

William had just seen Marietta whispering to a few girls and pointing at him.

"Let\'s go and change to a safer place," William said.

Once confessed in a place with a lot of traffic, it is no different from public execution.

Cedric wanted to find an excuse to sneak to the toilet, and before he could act, he was entangled by the dwarf.

Don\'t look at Cedric\'s master licking dog, he is very handsome, with a handsome appearance of Xiaobai, which is very popular with his classmates.

The classmates... There are males and females... Among them, the proportion of males is slightly larger, about 82%.

Hufflepuff courtesans...not just casual.

In just one hour, Cedric was confessed by seven or eight boys, and the dwarf chased him to the toilet to read him a love letter.

During the lesson, the dwarfs didn\'t stop.

They kept breaking into the classroom, delivering Valentine\'s Day cards, annoying the teachers.

During Professor Flitwick\'s class, the twelve dwarfs took turns reading love letters to William.

William had to use the lock tongue to seal the throat, so that the dwarfs all shut up.

When Professor McGonagall was in class, he directly locked the door and did not allow any dwarfs to come in.

The dwarfs lay outside the windows, showing off their "reader" skills, reading rapping earthy poetry in a crappy London accent.

This is even more embarrassing!

During the potions class in the afternoon, Professor Snape uncharacteristically did nothing.

He\'d heard about Flitwick and Professor McGonagall\'s class, and was ready to take the opportunity to humiliate the shit.

Sure enough, five dwarfs rushed over within three minutes of class.

William took out his wand, and if the dwarf called his name, he would cast a spell on him.

Professor Snape said lazily: "Stark, whoever asked you to take out your wand will deduct five points!

Hurry up and read it, let me feel the... nauseous feeling too. "

Professor Snape smiled maliciously and vomited.

The dean of his house was joking, and the little snakes who were in class all smiled for face.

One of the dwarfs, plucking the harp, sang, "I have a musical message to convey to Professor Snape myself."

Snape: "??"

"Oh, Snape!

my dear old buddy,

I am deeply in love with you!

If you don\'t accept my confession,

I\'ll kick your **** hard with my boots.

oh i swear,

For Merlin\'s sake,

I really do.

You stupid groundhog! "

"Break apart!" Snape flushed as he raised his wand and exploded the card.

The dwarfs fled in a hurry and stood in the corridor, continuing to read aloud the love letter to Professor Snape~www.novelhall.com~ This must have been done by the twins. "

After school in the afternoon, on the way to the auditorium, Qiu said this to William and Cedric.

It was indeed the twins who did it, but instead of doing it themselves, they hired Gryffindor students to do it.

The twins took out all the money they picked up in the sewers and formed a "cute Snape female fan support group".

The two called on the students to write love letters to idols, five sheets and one nut, and a Japanese knot!

The content is very simple:

Like Professor Snape (

Although the money is not much, I can\'t bear the large amount, and I can write love letters repeatedly. A large number of naval forces contracted for this work.

"Professor Snape will definitely retaliate," Cedric exclaimed.

"The object of his revenge is also Lockhart." William grinned: "He initiated the Valentine\'s Day event."

"What is that?!" Qiu raised his hand suddenly, pointed to the sky and said loudly.

All the students look up to the sky.

A huge head of Lockhart, made up of countless turquoise star-like things.

The words "Happy Valentine\'s Day" came out of Lockhart\'s mouth like a python, like a tongue.

After it appeared, it rose higher and higher, and a cloud of green smoke emitted a dazzling light, like a new constellation against the backdrop of the evening.

If Lockhart\'s avatar is replaced by a skull, and the font is replaced by a python... this is... the Dark Mark!

"Isn\'t Lockhart crazy?!" Cedric was dumbfounded.

William shrugged.


This stupid groundhog!

More than stupid, simply stupid.



(Thanks to "Hellcat", "Feng Ling 15", "saynol", "Deep Sea Turtle" for their rewards.)