A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 74: Valentine's Day in Lockhart

Hermione went to get the frame, and William aimed his wand at Rita\'s head to modify her memory.


This is a technical job. William needs to be careful not to be as unreliable as Mr. Tony.


Otherwise, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to Rita\'s head.


Fortunately, there are not many revisions, just change Hermione into Catwoman.


William is an old driver with a steady hand!


Of course, he never thought this approach would be foolproof.


For true masters, Veritaserum, Dementia, Death Torture... As long as you have a little patience, you can always dig out those modified memories little by little.


But the problem comes again. Wizards with this ability are all powerful guys, and they don\'t care about the little secret of William and Hermione.


After the modification was completed, William threw Rita behind the sofa to prevent Dumbledore from seeing it.


Discovered by Dumbledore, Rita was lying on the sofa at William\'s house... No matter what angle you think about, it\'s not a very good thing.


Hermione brought the frame over, William tapped the ancient rune on it, and after a while, Dumbledore\'s head appeared.


"I have one thing I need to consult with the professor." William said to the portrait.


"If I accidentally leak the location here to a wizard... but I don\'t want her to enter the house again, what should I do?


Does changing the secrecy of the Fierce Loyalty Charm work? "


Rita\'s ability to enter the house will always be a safety hazard, and William must remove the hazard.


This house is equivalent to a safe house. Hermione and Annie will live here for a long time, and he does not want loopholes.


Stan Thorpak is a good lesson, one omission can reveal the location of his home.


The magic world is far from being as safe as he imagined, and William can\'t be too cautious.


He didn\'t want to find two cold corpses lying on the ground when he came home one day.


The portrait left immediately and came back after ten minutes.


"\'I\' told me that it is not possible to change the secrecy person, and wizards who can enter the house can still enter." The portrait said softly.


"What about the memory spell? I cast \'forget everything\' to make the other party forget the location of this house?" William asked.


The portrait did not leave this time, apparently Dumbledore had long expected William to ask such a question.


"No, this is just a temporary forgetting, but the memory is still stored deep in the brain, and the other party can still enter the house."


William frowned slightly.


The portrait said softly: "However, \'I\' told me that you can try the unbreakable vow.


As long as you make an oath with the other party, let her forget this secret forever, the power of the oath will constrain her, and she can no longer enter the house. "


William understood immediately, he smiled and said, "As expected of Professor Dumbledore, he is excellent."


"Thank you, I think so too." Dumbledore in the portrait smiled lightly.


What the hell?


What qualities did Dumbledore give to the portrait?






Three days before the end of the Christmas holiday, William finally helped Hermione to recover and turned her from a catgirl into a human.


From the Xianxia\'s point of view, this is to shed the cat\'s body and cultivate into a witch.


For this reason, William\'s consumption was also quite large, which could be called physical and mental exhaustion.


The two went back to school the day before the school started.


This time, instead of walking through the fireplace, William used Apparition to arrive in Hogsmeade, and after driving around the road with the girl, he returned to school.


William is back, and the twins can continue to start the sewer project, which is good news.


In the evening, a sumptuous dinner was held in the auditorium.


Dumbledore was particularly happy. He was wearing a purple robe with large golden peonies sketched on it, and he looked particularly enchanting.


A bit of the undefeated power and domineering of the East...


Professor McGonagall held the Hawaiian Underwater Quidditch Commemorative Badge, which was distributed to the professors.


Her goal is to travel around the world at public expense before retiring... This is her thirty-sixth year in office.


The obstacles are long, Mag still needs to work hard!


Professor Flitwick looks good, obviously in the blind date market, after all, others gave him the nickname: Blind Date Evergreen Tree.


Snape, as always, was wrapped in a little black robe and looked like he had a kidney deficiency, and no one paid any attention to him.


Dumbledore persuaded Snape to drink alcohol several times, but he was ruthlessly rejected... Alcohol will paralyze the nerves, and Snape must stay awake at all times.


Otherwise, he doesn\'t know who did what to him at night.


Lockhart looked particularly happy, drinking several bottles of fire whiskey drunkenly, as if celebrating something.


Sure enough, at the end of the dinner, he stood up and announced loudly:


"Tell everyone a piece of good news, the problem of the secret room will be completely solved by me, Lockhart, the recipient of the Merlin Third Class Medal!"


All the students looked at Lockhart who didn\'t know what was going on.


Lockhart squeezed his hands, signaling everyone to be quiet.


He hiccupped and said loudly, "Yes, although the criminals are under the shock of me, they have not dared to act.


But I... the great Lockhart, still want to solve this matter completely and give justice to the students who were attacked.


And I already know who the criminal is. "


Lockhart flushed and seemed to really know who the attacker was.


Professor Snape sneered aside, he likes Lockhart the most... The other party can always amuse him inadvertently.


Wait... Snape frowned, suddenly remembering what happened to Tywin the year before.


At that time, Snape, innocently like the little white rabbit, was taken away by the Ministry of Magic as a criminal suspect twice and three times.


Wouldn\'t Lockhart take him as a criminal?


No matter how cranky Professor Snape was, Lockhart said again:


"I will hold an event to boost everyone\'s morale.


You know, there needs to be a morale booster in schools right now. Erase those things from last semester from memory! It is inconvenient for me to say more now, I think I am well-informed..."


Whether Lockhart knew the identity of the criminal is still in doubt, but everyone soon learned how he used to boost morale.


February fourteenth,


Valentine\'s Day.


Early in the morning, hundreds of owls flew into the auditorium.


Densely packed owls, like clouds... but cumulonimbus clouds... A lot of feathers and feces fell from the clouds, and smashed into the food.


Fortunately, William had the foresight. He waved his wand and conjured a dome, leaving a pure land for the Ravenclaw table.


Many students from other colleges crowded into Ravenclaw\'s table and began to eat.


"Come on, everyone, come here."


Wearing a bright pink robe, Lockhart beckoned students to decorate the auditorium with owls.


Under the command of Professor Lockhart, the four walls were covered with large dazzling pink flowers.


To make matters worse, many heart-shaped confetti kept falling from the light blue ceiling~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t know, I thought he was going to hold a wedding.


Huh, wedding?


Snape was taken aback.


Dumbledore sighed.


The two of them lowered their heads at the same time, and they were immediately dull.




In these years, who hasn\'t mentioned the unbearable past?






(Thanks to "ps mad demon", "Hellcat", "Feng Ling fifteen", "Cai Gao Adou", "Shifang Suming", "~Fengren~", "GlistenH", "Zou Yingjiujian" Big man\'s reward.)

