A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 76: No miserable Lockhart

"Principal, I just want to make a joke for everyone, relax and cultivate sentiment."

At the dinner, Lockhart sat on the guest of honor and explained aloud.

However, although his mouth was soft, he was quite proud.

Since the last duel club, most of the students knew that he was a liar, and not many people were willing to believe him.

For example, the greeting card this time... is an intuitive number, and most female students don\'t send greeting cards anymore!

It shouldn\'t be like this!

So Lockhart came up with this trick, which successfully attracted the attention of most people.

The effect was really good, until the dinner party, everyone was still discussing this matter.

"Is that a joke? Many students were frightened!" Professor McGonagall said angrily.

The Dark Mark was a terrible thing in those days!

Professor McGonagall knew a friend: once, when she went home from shopping, she found a Dark Mark floating in the distance, and she thought about going to watch... Finally, she found that the mark was above her house!

Mag still remembers the other party\'s expression now.

"It\'s not the same thing as the Dark Mark, it\'s just my profile picture," Lockhart insisted.

Dumbledore was silent, squinting at Lockhart.

"Don\'t be nervous, I think it\'s fine." Snape smiled uncharacteristically, "Come on, drink some whiskey!"

Snape offered Lockhart a glass of wine.

"Ha, how did you know I like Bushmills?"

Professor Lockhart sniffed the wine glass and said excitedly, "Snape, are you also my book fan?"

He grabbed Snape\'s hand.

Snape resisted his nausea and said, "Of course I am, come, drink this glass of wine first!"

"Okay, but add some red wine, the taste should be better!"

Lockhart poured the red wine in front of him into the whisky, and then drank it.

"That\'s right, yo! Plus the euphoria." Lockhart commented.

"Headmaster, you can\'t let Lockhart go like this!" Professor McGonagall said sharply.

"It\'s okay," Dumbledore said softly.

He closed his eyes and started thinking about something.

"Let me go... let me go?" Lockhart looked bewildered. He turned and stared at Mag with a weird expression on his face.

"You have to apologize to the whole school, you scared them," said Professor McGonagall, pursing his lips seriously.

"Yes, I must apologize." Lockhart suddenly showed a sad expression.

"Professor McGonagall, you\'re right, I must have scared my sweetie."

"Huh?" Professor McGonagall was stunned. "Little sweet?"

"Yeah, my favorite." Lockhart showed his shining teeth again.

"What does your loved one have to do with what we were just talking about?" Professor McGonagall asked impatiently.

"Of course, the person I love is at school." Lockhart looked at the Gryffindor table.

"Professor Lockhart, are you in a relationship with a student?" Professor McGonagall overthrew the gold cup in front of her.

"how dare you?!"

"That\'s not the case," Lockhart sighed. "You...you don\'t understand."

"No, today\'s Valentine\'s Day, I\'m going to confess." Lockhart stood up.

"Why are you going?" Professor McGonagall also stood up.

Lockhart\'s eyes were always looking in the direction of Gryffindor, who were all her students.

Even if Lockhart is incompetent, she can\'t tolerate this liar and attack her schoolgirls!

"Mag, don\'t stop me!" Lockhart said angrily.

"I can\'t take it anymore, I have to confess! I can\'t miss him," said Lockhart hoarsely.


Professor McGonagall was stunned and glanced at Lockhart\'s wine glass subconsciously.

All the professors sensed something was wrong with Lockhart\'s wine glass.

Everyone looked at Snape, but the professor pretended nothing was wrong.

He smiled and said, "Come on, the person you\'re looking for is at Gryffindor\'s table.

Look... that dead dwarf next to Ron Weasley, that\'s him! "

"Oh, Severus, you\'re such a good man." Lockhart touched his pocket and quickly signed a name with a quill.

"Here is my autograph."

Snape took it in spite of his nausea.

"How do I look?" Lockhart adjusted his hair.

"very handsome!"

"Fantastic." Lockhart walked towards the Gryffindor table impatiently.

Lockhart\'s blond hair gleamed in the light of the candle, and he had a characteristic smile.

Harry\'s heart was pounding and he felt Lockhart coming towards him.

That intuition can\'t be wrong!

Damn it!

Wouldn\'t it be replying to his readers again?

"Help me Ron, don\'t let Lockhart come over," Harry urged. "I don\'t want to write fan replies with him!"

Harry stood up, ready to run.

Ron snorted and quickly stopped him.

"Professor, I don\'t understand something about the content of your book. I want to talk to you alone. How about going to your office?" Ron said these words in shame.

But Lockhart kicked Ron away with one kick, giving him no chance to use the unspoken rules at all.

Before Harry could take two steps, a pair of hands grabbed his clothes.

"Hey, you! Harry Potter!" A dwarf with a particularly gloomy face said loudly: "This is your love letter, you must listen to it!"

It\'s really a leak in the house every night when it rains!

"Don\'t be here," Harry pleaded in a low voice. "Go to my dorm!"

"Stop and don\'t move!" The Shorty grunted, pulling Harry back with extra strength.

"Here\'s your Valentine\'s Day gift with a song:

His eyes are green like a freshly pickled toad, and he is as black and dashing as a blackboard. I hope he is mine. He is really handsome and a warrior who conquers the black devil. "

There was laughter from the crowd, and Harry blushed.

Most importantly, here comes Lockhart.

The last night he served Lockhart, Harry couldn\'t lift his right hand for a week, and he was in a trance.

Harry watched Lockhart approach, his eyes closed in despair.

Lockhart rushed over and grabbed Harry\'s tousled hair.

"Stay away from him, Potter, you\'re going to grab a man from me?" Lockhart said angrily.

Harry: "??"

Lockhart knocked Harry down with a punch, hugged the dwarf, raised his chin lightly, and smiled evilly.


The two looked at each other for nearly a minute, and Lockhart said gently, "Let\'s go~www.novelhall.com~ Come to my office, let\'s have a good chat about the process of my \'subduing\' the troll... You can cooperate with me, Do a show!"

"But... Potter\'s love letter..." The dwarf was still very dedicated.

"Let Potter... go to hell!" Lockhart took out his wand and said to Harry, "Stunned!"

"Okay, no one bothers us now."

Lockhart put his arms around the dwarf and walked towards his office.

Only Harry, who was in a coma, and Ron, who was stunned, were left.

"Principal...this...how to do this?" Professor McGonagall panicked.

Snape laughed. "Relax, Professor McGonagall. Obviously, we can\'t stop Gilderoy from finding love? Can we?"

Dumbledore opened his eyes and gave Snape a stern glance.

Snape grumbled, "We all know he\'s a liar, think about the wizards he casts the Oblivion Charm.

And the Dark Mark... it would be nice not to send him to Azkaban! "

"Go and give Lockhart the antidote," said Dumbledore softly.

"Okay, I\'ll go!" Snape pouted.

He added another sentence in his heart: "I\'ll go in a while."

At the end of the dinner,

All the students, crowded in the corridor, they are walking towards the common room.

Everyone suddenly stopped.

Because in Lockhart\'s office, there was a piercing scream!

ah ah ah ah...


Everyone whispered, and the next victim finally appeared!

Innocent Professor Lockhart.

What a pity.


It must be the "Bo and Wei duo"... During the dinner, everyone saw Lockhart beat them with their own eyes!

That\'s a good reason.



(Thanks to the "Deep Sea Turtle" boss for the reward.)