A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 62: Want to learn you? I teach you!

Without much hesitation, William stepped onto the stage, and Snape and Snape faced each other and bowed to each other.

"Do you want to clear the field, Professor?" William said meaningfully.

"No, I promise Dumbledore not to hit hard." Snape showed a "nuclear" smile. "It\'s like playing against Professor Lockhart."

The implication is that the action may be rude, but at best it will make him fall like Lockhart.

"Well, since you said so..." William glanced at the Slytherin students crowded around the stage.

Professor Snape didn\'t let him clear the scene, and he accidentally hurt Chiyu. Naturally, it was the professor\'s fault.

draw out the wand,

Hold in right hand.

The wand is held to the chest like an arrow!

A series of silent movements, William\'s whole temperament changed instantly.



The two jerked their wands over their shoulders at the same time, Snape moving quickly, William faster...

He didn\'t use the Disarming Charm, he knew that Snape would use the Disarming Charm... There were countless battles in the time loop, and the Professor started with this magic.

old way,

not fresh.

William\'s wand trembled slightly, and a blue light shot out, which accurately blew Snape\'s spell away.

Even that red light was shooting from Snape\'s wand.

It gave the impression that Professor Snape had deliberately slapped it crookedly.

Under William\'s control, the Disarming Charm fell on Goyle next to Malfoy, and he was immediately knocked out and smashed against the wall.

Professor Snape took a cold breath, wanting to make the Slytherin students back, William had already cast a second magic.

- torn apart.

Snape swung his wand, wrapping himself in an armor shield.

The torn apart was bounced back by the Iron Armor Curse. William walked forward calmly, with a flick of his right hand, he picked it up on Crabbe, his robe burst and crashed into the Slytherin crowd.

In a blink of an eye, Malfoy\'s two followers were gone.

William turned his back to Malfoy and gave him a finger like Doctor Strange did to Iron Man.

- Only one of us can live!

Malfoy\'s hands were trembling, his face was sobbing, and he was choked up. He had suffered a lot recently. He broke his leg in the last game and couldn\'t speak the day before.

And the first reason was because he scolded a "mudblood".

not like this!

He was an old customer of Akali Mystery Shop, William\'s senior VIP, but now he has been completely banned!

It shouldn\'t be like this!

Malfoy collapsed, he was in tears.

"I apologize, I shouldn\'t have said the word mudblood, I\'m shameless... don\'t hit me... woo woo..."

All eyes were on Hermione, the girl was expressionless, her eyes never leaving the lonely teenager on the stage.

Snape lost his mind for a moment, if only he could flirt with girls like that.


He is stupid, he only learned one trick to stalk him, but he didn\'t stick to it...

That night, he waited until the early morning and saw Lily... The girl broke up with him, and he really left in a foolish way, never talking to her again.

After that, Potter, the beast king, caught the opportunity and took advantage of it.

If he had slept all night outside the Gryffindor Commons...or, if he had hugged Lily and made a domineering wall-kick, maybe everything would have been different.

Thinking like this, Snape gave Harry another fierce look, with a knife in his eyes, wanting to give him a knife and pierce two more holes.

Harry felt inexplicable, he just stood quietly below, how did he provoke Snape?

"All back!" Snape was murderous, ready to send the evil fire on William.

He quickly fired a spell, and William cast his armor.

The two of them are currently using the most conventional magic, but the speed is surprisingly fast, like a sniper, without the slightest pause, all silent casting.

The fight is speed and combat experience.

William was battle-hardened, and the last time Professor Snape made such a violent shot was many years ago.

All kinds of rays of light were radiating in the auditorium, and things were constantly bursting, the fire was soaring, and the smoke was swirling.

Everyone stepped back to a distance of four or five meters, and stared intently at the fight on the stage... This is the battle!

William poured out the magic power all over his body, and the black robe was free from the wind.


It\'s the same magic spell he invented, but this time, the power of the water droplets is more powerful than when killing trolls.

The water droplets in the sky were surrounded by huge magic power, forming a huge waterspout around William.

I saw William\'s wand pointed straight ahead, a waterspout pierced into Snape like a galactic stream, and the auditorium was filled with pouring rain.

Through the dense rain curtain, Snape could almost feel the ancient rune that was blessed by the dense water droplets... It was actually a combination of transfiguration and magic spells, and it was very imposing.

Just a glimpse of it, and I felt the magic in my chest stagnate.

This kind of magic...

He suppressed the horror in his heart, and swung his wand quickly, shooting a giant sword condensed by a mass of black mist.

The rain curtain was torn apart instantly.

The waterspout that was in contact with the giant sword seemed to drip onto a piece of hot iron, making a screeching noise and turning into a puff of smoke.

William\'s wand was pointed at the sky, and the flame on a candle was pulled down by him.

The flame wafted in the wind, not falling straight down, but deflecting towards other candles.

The flames of hundreds of candles all drifted away and fell.

The flames that were less than a few centimeters first rolled slowly, and after a while, they were swift as wild horses rushing, and they rolled bigger and bigger.

A few seconds later, it became a fireball several meters in size, arrogant!

William\'s wand hung upside down, and the flames were superimposed, shocking the world, transforming into a huge fire dragon, occupying the sky above the auditorium.

He swung his wand, and the fire dragon gradually turned from orange to dark blue, with a hideous face.

The fire dragon roared, spread its wings and slammed into Snape.

With a tap of Snape\'s wand, the black greatsword exploded, turning into a cloud of black mist.

The black mist condensed into a huge scorpion several meters long, and its black tail was venomous like a spear tip, stabbing straight at the fire dragon\'s chest.

The fire dragon stretched out a claw, pressed against the "spear tip", and then grabbed the scorpion and flew into the air.

The front end of the scorpion\'s tail suddenly resembled a lit bomb, turning into powder one section at a time, and the vibrations continued incessantly.

With the scorpion as the center, a majestic blue spark suddenly bloomed in the sky above the auditorium.

The auditorium was immediately shrouded in black fog and flames. Snape used his memory to shoot a Disarming Charm in one direction, and then he kept moving and continued to move to the other side.

Now that the cigarette is sealed, it depends on who can find the other\'s location first.

There was no doubt that the Disarming Charm missed, and Snape suppressed the shock in his heart.

This is definitely not the strength that a young wizard should have, and even many adult wizards do not have this strength.

Snape\'s last blow actually used black magic to resist the power of William\'s combined magic.

When did William learn the ancient rune, and how did his Transfiguration reach this level?

Snape was puzzled.

A person\'s growth is traceable, and it takes time to accumulate... A wizard lacks accumulation, and it is impossible to become a great wizard.

Stark is only in the third grade, but he doesn\'t seem to need time, as if he has become a wizard who has studied magic for ten years overnight.

This is outrageous!

Snape stopped suddenly.

He felt hard behind him.

A stick hit him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The smoke cleared, and all the students could clearly see the scene on the stage:

A smile appeared on William\'s face, his wand against Professor Snape\'s back.

The two stopped at the same time and took their wands.

"How do you know I\'m moving in this direction?" Snape asked, frowning.

"Guess what?" William smiled.

Snape snorted and asked again, "What was that magic you just called?"

"Want to learn you? I\'ll teach you."

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Thanks to "Friends, please stay", "Book friends 20191007135339681", the two big guys for their rewards. )