A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 61: Are you forcing me to killyouthere?

In December, there was another campus attack.

Heloise of Gryffindor was the unfortunate one this time.

Since the first two were attacked, she has been out of energy all day, walking in a dazed way, more than Luna and Trelawney.

When William occasionally met this little girl, he felt a little regretful. His face was disfigured, and his brain was still a little wrong.


In the midst of this madness, Heloise skipped a fortune-telling class on Wednesday.

She was lying outside Myrtle\'s bathroom when everyone found her.

Professor Trelawney raised her head high and said that she had seen this scene with her third eye, but no one believed it!

McLaggen immediately asked eagerly, did Harry Potter do it?

Trelawney confirmed his suspicions with a mysterious smile.

However, Qiu Dangtang questioned that there was no letter L in Harry\'s name.

Trelawney gave Qiu a hard look and taunted her for not possessing the qualities required to learn the noble art of divination.

The news spread, and Harry was so moved that he was excitedly holding Ron\'s sleeve to wipe his nose.

Qiu fights with the school professor for him...if that\'s not love, then what is love? !

Well, Qiu Chun-chun just doesn\'t like Trelawney, just looking for trouble every day, Harry is just a tool person.

But Harry didn\'t think so, vowing to clear his innocence, and was even more determined that Malfoy did it.

Because Malfoy had an L in his name.

An anti-Kazakh alliance soon appeared in the school. As long as they saw Harry, they would hide away and point at him.

Akali Mystery Shop products are on fire again.

At the suggestion of the twins, William made a batch of simple alchemical weapons overnight.

For example, the anti-curse hat has an iron armor spell on it. As long as someone casts a curse, the curse will bounce back.

There are also various anti-curse cloaks and anti-curse gloves, as long as they can play a little protective effect, they will be robbed by students.

William and they made a quick buck.

This does provide a new business opportunity for Akali Mystery Shop, they can improve this product and promote it to Diagon Alley.

After all, these anti-curse caps are too technical, and they are very prone to imitation.

In fact, this is just one of many little inspirations for the twins, who also have a whole book of great ideas.

In this atmosphere, one day in December, on the bulletin board in the foyer of the Ravenclaw common room, a piece of parchment was posted:

The Academy is hosting a duel club in the Great Hall!

"Will it be our Professor Flitwick? I heard that the Dean was the champion of the fighting competition when he was young." William\'s roommate Bradley said excitedly.

William shook his head: "It shouldn\'t be Professor Flitwick, I discussed a few spells with him yesterday, but he didn\'t say anything about it.

With so much fanfare and bells and whistles, I suspect Lockhart. "

"No way?"

Hearing William say this, the students onlookers were a little disappointed. Lockhart\'s reputation in Ravenclaw was already stinky.

At eight o\'clock in the evening, everyone came to the auditorium on time.

The long dining table disappeared, and along one wall appeared a gilded stage, lit by hundreds of candles floating above.

The ceiling was once again as dark as velvet, and almost all of the school came, everyone with their wand and excited faces.

Some students had already started fighting with wands, a few small spells fell, and many people fell off the stage.

"If there was a knife down there, it would be dead!" I saw Lockhart walking onto the stage, and he said earnestly to a few students, "It\'s not like this!"

Snape followed Lockhart, wearing black clothes that had not been washed in half a year, with a grim smile on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, Lockhart proposed to mentor Professor Flitwick, but Snape took the initiative to grab it.

He wanted to teach Lockhart a lesson for a long time, but he just didn\'t find the opportunity!

Lockhart waved everyone to silence, then shouted, "Come around, around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!"

"Well, Professor Dumbledore has given me permission to start a dueling club, to train everyone well in case you need to defend yourself one day, to protect yourself in the way I have used countless times - for details on this, see my publication s work."

"Let me introduce my little assistant, Professor Snape," Lockhart said, grinning. "He told me that he knew a little bit about dueling himself and wanted to have a practical exchange with me."

Snape sneered, and without further ado, took out his wand.

Lockhart bowed, flipping his hands in a lot of tricks, trying to be handsome there, almost missing his wand.

This kind of gimmicky action is absolutely taboo in combat, and Professor Flitwick\'s first lesson to William is: Hold the wand!

Sure enough, in the next second, a dazzling red light flashed in the air, and Lockhart flew backwards out of the stage, hit the wall, and then slid down and curled up on the floor.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said to William, "That\'s it...that\'s it? If I knew I wouldn\'t be here, the two of us could train in the Room of Requirement."

William folded his arms and nodded boredly.

"Training what?" Annie stared at the two of them badly.

"Why did you both go? It disappeared at night. I searched the campus several times and couldn\'t find it!"

William touched Annie\'s head and made her quiet. The girl hugged her brother\'s arm and didn\'t let go.

William has reached a stage of crazy development, and he is much taller than his peers, while Anne is two years younger than him and much shorter.

He raised his arm slightly, and the girl hung there comically.

Hermione laughed out loud, Annie listened especially harshly, and glared at each other: "What are you laughing at!"

Hermione made a face and said **** for tat: "I won\'t tell you!"

William sighed, his head hurting.

Otherwise, the two will fight on stage?

Whoever loses wins?

Professor Lockhart probably fell to his waist. He lay on the ground for a few seconds before he supported his waist and stood up staggeringly.

His hat fell off, and his wavy curls stood on end.

"The floor is slippery..." Lockhart made the worst excuse.

"The stage is so small." This was his second excuse.

Noticing everyone\'s eyes, he coughed again.

"Okay, everyone sees it! It\'s a disarming spell. However, Professor Snape, don\'t mind me saying this, your intention was obvious just now.

If I want to stop you, I don\'t have to. I think, in order to increase the students\' knowledge, let them see..."

Snape looked murderous~www.novelhall.com~ raised his wand again, and Lockhart hurriedly said: "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I will come among you and divide you into two groups..."

"Wait!" Professor Snape interrupted. "The game is over, Dumbledore wants the students to see a real duel, Stark... I think you don\'t mind?"

Snape smiled maliciously, then hooked his hands.

William laughed too.

During the time loop, he had played against Professor Snape many times, and he knew everything about the professor, but the other party knew nothing about him.

In the words of "Luo Wen": "Are you forcing me to killyouthere?"



(Ask for recommendation votes, everyone.

Thanks for the reward from the "Feng Ling 15" boss. )