A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 63: Unusual Ron

Professor Snape\'s defeat was inevitable.

Two time loops, William\'s learning in magic has reached a very high level.

He also has 24-hour personal tutoring from professors in various subjects, exclusive one-on-one private tutorials, and the help of Dumbledore and Nicole... It\'s almost an all-star luxury lineup!

William\'s combat experience is also very rich.

As for Professor Snape, his inability to use black magic limited part of his combat power.

He hadn\'t fought for a long time, and stayed at school all day teaching, brewing potions when he was idle, otherwise he would take the opportunity to molest and nurture Harry.

William, on the other hand, was in a time loop, fighting Snape many times, and had a deep understanding of his fighting style.

It was as if William could guess Snape\'s location... Because of the scene where the smoke blocked his view, there were no less than a few dozen times in the time loop.

Snape moved to the right every time, and it was a matter of fighting habit.

It was difficult for William not to know his position.

The faces of the Slytherin students were ashes, and the students from the other houses looked at William in awe.

Since he killed the basilisk, this is the first time he has made a move in public... The strength he has shown far exceeds that of an adult wizard!

William was only in the third year, and no surprise, he was sure to become a great wizard of Dumbledore style.

Lockhart came over enthusiastically and put his arms around William\'s shoulders affectionately, giving everyone the illusion of a good relationship between the two.

I don\'t know, I thought William was Lockhart\'s disciple!

Why can\'t it be?

Lockhart decided to add this paragraph to the new book when he went back, and he himself appeared in William\'s favorite teacher\'s way.

The book also mentions that Lockhart spends two hours alone with William every night!

Simply perfect.

"Okay, it\'s time to arrange practice for the students." Lockhart greeted Snape and matched everyone.

William and the others don\'t need pairing.

Cedric and Qiu were in a group, and the twins were in a group, which was fixed before training.

William was also teaching the four of them to fight, even before Hermione was taught.

Therefore, their strength is also much stronger than that of ordinary little wizards, especially Cedric... He is really a genius!

Cedric didn\'t go home for two summers, helping out in Ollivander\'s shop part-time and staying at school for the rest of the time, following Professor McGonagall\'s Animagos pace.

Annie was fighting William while Hermione walked towards a Slytherin girl.

She wanted to steal some hair and put it in the potion.

Harry was mad at Ron, he was about to invite Qiu, but was stopped by Ron!


"Come on, Harry, I\'ve learned a few new spells recently." Ron hugged him warmly. "Let you see how awesome I am!"

"No, I think the two of you should be separated." Snape stepped forward and sneered, "Weasley, you can make a pair with Finnigan.

As for Potter—"

Snape smiled playfully, "Malfoy, come here, you two fight, let\'s see the strength of the boy who survived."

Malfoy\'s hands trembled with excitement, and he trotted over with a smile of anticipation on his face.

"Face your partner!" Lockhart yelled back on stage, "Bow!"

Bowing sparsely, most of the students have already fought, and the scene was very chaotic for a time.

Marietta\'s wand accidentally ignited Bradley\'s clothes;

A cloud of green smoke filled the entire venue. Neville and Justin lay on the floor at the same time, looking at each other, panting;

Harry and Malfoy\'s wands fell on top, and the two embraced and began to wrestle.

Harry used a vicious monkey to catch bugs, but Malfoy narrowly escaped, he jumped high, and backhanded the crow to fly.

Thin Harry was no match at all, Malfoy rode on top of him, holding his hands and pulling at his robes.

"Merlin!" Lockhart jumped up and down the crowd, "Get up, Ernie...watch out, Miss Fawcett...pinch it hard and the blood will stop in no time.

Malfoy be gentle, don\'t be so rude..."

"I think it\'s better to ask students to demonstrate." Lockhart said to Snape in a panic.

If something happened, he didn\'t know how to explain to Dumbledore.

Snape apparently thought so too.

"Please volunteer for a couple—Longbottom and Finchley, how are you?" Lockhart suggested.

"That\'s a bad idea," said Snape. "Longbottom can wreak havoc with even the simplest spells, and we\'re going to put the remains of Finlay in a matchbox and take it to the hospital ward.

Potter...Malfoy, come up. "

Malfoy stopped tearing, picked up his wand and walked towards the stage, Snape muttering in his ear.

Harry tightened his trouser belt and touched the teeth marks on his neck again, reluctant to go up.

Snape must be teaching Malfoy some great spells.

Ron suddenly didn\'t know where the courage came from, and said loudly, "I\'ll fight for Harry!"

Before Harry could object, Ron had already climbed onto the stage.

Being surrounded by so many students, his hands trembled with excitement, and his face flushed.

Snape frowned and stared at Ron, but nodded and said sarcastically, "Since Potter doesn\'t dare to come up, let Weasley come..."

"Weasley...you want to be in the limelight?" Malfoy stepped forward and said in a low voice. "Still think you are my opponent?"

"You don\'t know yet, do you?" Malfoy didn\'t dare to provoke William, but he ignored Ron.

"My dad wrote to the Ministry of Magic recently asking for an investigation into the Director of the Misuse of Muggle Articles. Is that your dad?"

Malfoy said contemptuously, "Look at your family, what will you do if you don\'t have a job? Are you going to beg?"

Ron squeezed his wand in both hands. "Go to hell, Malfoy!"

His spell missed and hit the corner.

Malfoy raised his wand quickly and shouted, "Oolong out of the hole!"

A long black snake suddenly jumped out of it and landed heavily on the floor between them, then raised its head and prepared to attack.

The crowd screamed and quickly backed away to clear the space.

"Don\'t move, Weasley," Snape said languidly. "let me help you."

But Ron stared intently at Malfoy as he swung his wand, "Dark Light Bolt!"

A crossbow arrow formed by the black mist rushed out, shot through the snake\'s head, and landed on Malfoy without any loss of speed.

Malfoy\'s chest was gushing with blood, as if a crossbow arrow had passed through it.

He staggered back and fell to the ground with a thud, his wand falling from his limp right hand.

"No—not me—" Ron rushed over~www.novelhall.com~ and knelt down beside Malfoy.

Malfoy lay shivering uncontrollably in a pool of blood, his pale hands clutching at his blood-soaked chest, his eyes filled with terror.

Snape rushed in, his face ashen.

He pushed Ron aside roughly, knelt down in front of Malfoy, drew his wand and pointed it at the wound, chanting a singing incantation.

Bleeding seems to have subsided.

Snape took another bottle of hemostatic from his pocket and dripped it, and the wound quickly grew a lot of new flesh.

Snape turned to stare at Ron, as if he had known him for the first time.

The auditorium was dead silent.



(Thanks to the reward from the big brother "Fellow Daoist, please stay")