A Magical Hogwarts



An eerie East Greenland cold snap hits Hogwarts Castle.

Because of the cold snap, there was a sudden outbreak of a cold among the students and professors, causing Madam Pomfrey to be in a hurry.

Not only Professor Snape, but even William was pulled by her to be a strong man to help brew the potion.

They need to brew a refreshing potion, which has an immediate effect, but whoever drinks this potion will have smoke in their ears for hours on end.

The warm-up badges made by William suddenly became popular.

He sold the stock made last year and made a big profit.

Lockhart jumped around repeatedly in the school hospital, shouting that he would provide a few magic medicine "home remedies" for colds, and told everyone not to worry.

He claimed: "No one knows this cold better than I do!"

But because of his continuous contact with the patient, he was finally infected... he caught a cold,

And seriously.

This made Madam Pomfrey particularly happy, and she specially sent Professor Snape\'s "specially" refresher to him.

In the words of Professor Snape: "I added a little of my special essence, which can nourish Lockhart\'s body and make him feel alive again."

It\'s a pity... After Professor Lockhart drank it, his cold was cured, but his stomach started to hurt, and he didn\'t want to open his mouth to speak.

Occasionally, it is accompanied by adverse symptoms such as nausea, retching, and craving for acid.

Professor Snape gave him another milky potion, which Lockhart refused to drink.

For the little wizards in the third grade, Trelawney\'s divination class suddenly became a huge hit.

Everyone loves divination lessons.

Who asked her to accurately predict the mass cold in October in the first class?

See what a Great Prophet is and what a Master Diviner is! (tactical lean back)

William had to tell the twins a little to find out that Professor Trelawney had also predicted the arrival of a cold in his first class in fourth grade.

But the time is...November!

She is also in other grades, predicting January, March, and May next year.

According to the historical record, these times are all flu seasons.

With such a high-intensity prediction, how could it have to happen to hit once and successfully fool a grade?

No wonder she was called a liar.

Professor Trelawney was born to eat this bowl of rice!

Of course, according to Professor Trelawney\'s prediction in the first lesson of the third grade, her voice was rightly lost.

But this did not affect his status in the minds of the third-year little wizards, on the contrary, he grew taller.

As for whether or not he pretended to lose his voice, William didn\'t dare to say, and he didn\'t dare to ask.

However, even when she was sick and lying on the bed, Trelawney shouted out with her hoarse vocal cords: Paid vacation!

So, Professor McGonagall gave her a zhang red... ahem, a bottle of potion.

The kind with the essence of Professor Snape added.

With Lockhart as an example, Professor Trelawney didn\'t even drink, and her voice miraculously returned to normal.

Simply a medical miracle!

So, Professor Snape is forever!

Dedicated to all kinds of dissatisfaction at Hogwarts!

The weather was also particularly bad with the cold snap.

Hogwarts seems to have entered the rainy season at once.

Raindrops as big as bullets crackled against the castle windows and did not stop for days.

The water of the Black Lake rose, and there was a mud flow in the flower bed, and the pumpkins that Hagrid planted swelled to the size of the flower shed.

He was going to hang in the auditorium for Halloween.

Soon, Halloween will come.

Hogwarts is particularly gorgeously decorated, and the auditorium has been decorated with live bats like a festival.

Huge pumpkins from Hagrid were also carved into lanterns, big enough to fit three people in them.

Pumpkin lanterns are hung in the auditorium, like boxes one by one, with a strong festive atmosphere!

Anne told William that Dumbledore had booked a Red Skull dance company to dance striptease at night to cheer everyone up.

A bunch of skeletons... What\'s so good about being full of spare ribs, not to mention striptease, it\'s just pole dancing, and you can still jump out of flowers?

William was also speechless, and Dumbledore liked all the bells and whistles and didn\'t know what the students were saying.

In the afternoon, William skipped Professor Trelawney\'s divination class and went to Professor Setima Victor\'s arithmetic divination class.

Arithmetic divination refers to the use of numbers to explain people\'s character and fate, or to predict the future.

Another name for it is "numerical esotericism".

The divination taught by Professor Trelawney is based on interpreting vague images from crystal balls, tea leaves, or palmistry, or from random graphics or random written words to summarize the inner meaning of things.

Arithmetic divination, on the other hand, is based on a series of rules and rigorous mathematical operations.

The basic claim of divination is that the world is built on the power of numbers.

After explaining some courses a little, and seeing that everyone\'s interest was absent-minded, Professor Victor put away "Digital Divination and Graphics" and began to teach everyone how to calculate luck.

Professor Victor could be called a flower at Hogwarts, wearing a knee-high cream Irish sweater just above her black leather boots.

Her thick, wine-colored hair fell naturally over her shoulders, and she had a face that looked like Lily Collins.

William understood why everyone fell in love with Professor Victor\'s divination lessons.

With such a beautiful professor, can the grades be bad?

Professor Victor tapped the wall with his wand and turned out a large blackboard with a set of numerical comparison tables on it.

"Don\'t forget the 3 n\'s I taught - \'event numbers\', \'quantification numbers\' and \'result numbers\'."

Professor Victor\'s crisp female voice made her even more attractive, and many students described her voice as chocolate for the ears.

William follows the rules and chooses three things he likes and dislikes, and turns them into numbers.

The set of arithmetic divination given by Professor Victor is to convert the letters into the ancient Latin alphabet in the order of abc, and then correspond to the numbers 1 to 9 for divination.

William quickly calculated his number to be... 777.

"Ah, this is not a good result, Mr. Stark." Professor Victor frowned and took William\'s note.

Everyone was staring at William as if he was going to die in the next second.

"As we all know, seven is a magic number," Professor Victor said.

This sentence is true. In William\'s previous life, 7 was a magical number, and in arithmetic and divination, 7 also has magic power.

The thirteenth-century mathematician and soothsayer Bridget Wenlock, who was the first wizard to discover the magical properties of the number 7, then wrote a related article to illustrate this point.

Professor Victor analyzed:

"The first 7 means the danger is getting closer; the second 7 is a quantitative number...it could be seven times, it could be seven; the last 7 means failure!"

William frowned.

Professor Trelawney told him in the first class that what he was worried about would happen before Christmas.

Professor Victor also told him that the danger was getting closer.

And the second 7, does it mean that the danger will happen seven times~www.novelhall.com~ or is it meant by seven enemies?

The final failure...is it William\'s failure, or is it a dangerous failure?

Sure enough... divination is an ambiguous thing!

William thought it would be most reliable for him to prepare some Flux.

After all, the law that something will happen to Halloween, and the curse that Defense Against the Dark Arts cannot teach for more than a year, are all weapons of causality!

The kind that cannot be avoided.

William...a little panic.



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