A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 50: halloween dinner

"Someone stole our food!"

Walking on the road after class, William was stopped by the ghost of Gryffindor - \'Nick Headless\'.

"I don\'t think normal people would steal your so-called \'food\'." William shook his head.

That\'s not food, it\'s about to turn into swill, who would steal that stuff!

Even...William didn\'t even want to go to Myrtle\'s bathroom, and if he just walked around, he could be contaminated with a suffocating stench that he couldn\'t even wash off.

"But there was a lot less food, the lamb belly carrion on the faucet was gone, and the food in the pool was still thrown on the ground.

Most importantly, the maggots in the bathroom are gone, someone must have eaten it. \' Nearly headless Nick swore.

"Could it become...\'Butterfly\' and fly away?"

"Of course not! I only checked it at noon. Someone must have stolen the food." Nick said angrily.

"Could it be Peeves?"

"It\'s not him, I promised Peeves to attend my death party, and he wouldn\'t make trouble."

"Since you checked at noon, it should have happened between the afternoon and now."

William held his chin and analyzed it carefully.

This is a strange thing. The thief threw the food in the pool on the ground, took away the most disgusting lamb belly carrion, and cleaned the maggots in the toilet...

This thief has something, and even William can\'t guess what he is thinking.

It wasn\'t Dumbledore who did it, was it? As a surprise for a Halloween party!

It was collected by Snape as a material for some unpopular potion...

"Isn\'t there a lack of food? Does it have too much impact?" William asked again.

"Of course it has an impact. 108 dishes, this is the standard for a royal state banquet... If the number is small, I will be very embarrassed, especially if there are no maggots, everyone will think the food is fresh."

"Don\'t say it..." William resisted nausea and used Occlumency to clear his brain, otherwise the image would haunt him.

William and Nick discuss for a while, and Nick decides to ask Hagrid for some caterpillars for the scene.

This is the same as checking with leaders and painting a white wall.

"William, come to my death party, this is my 500th anniversary, I would be very honored if you can attend." Nick, who was almost headless, invited.

William bet he said this, and he has said it to countless people.

Casting nets generally, focusing on fishing... If you can deceive one, one is the other, it\'s an old routine.

"But I\'m going to the Academy\'s Halloween party tonight, and Annie said Dumbledore had the Red Skull Dance Company.

Maybe there\'s also the Alliance of the Patriarchs. "

"What\'s so good about a pile of spare ribs?" Nick said dismissively.

"Hey, Cedric, are you going? Myrtle goes around telling people you\'re her boyfriend!" Nick exclaimed suddenly.

It turned out that not far from the corridor, Cedric and Qiu Zheng were walking towards here together.

"Myrtle\'s male companion, really?" Qiu looked at Cedric meaningfully.

"Nothing!" Cedric exclaimed angrily. "I don\'t know who gave Myrtle the idea to ask her to find me as her boyfriend and haunt me every night.

Myrtle also told me that Ollivander\'s grandfather was coming...his grandfather didn\'t turn into a ghost at all and tried to lie to me.

It must be an idea from an acquaintance, otherwise she would not have mentioned Mr. Ollivander! "

William scratched his hair, coughed unnaturally, and said, "Cedric, maybe the students of Gryffindor came up with the idea, they usually like to do this kind of thing."

Cedric nodded, and sure enough, he suspected the twins.

Nick was a little disappointed to hear that Cedric was not going, and he looked at Qiu again.

Qiu quickly changed the subject, "William, Professor Trelawney has made a prediction for you again in this class. She said that if you don\'t go to her class again, something will happen this semester."

"..." Is this a threat?

Several people entered the auditorium and met Harry and Hermione, who were looking for something.

"Hey, Harry, don\'t forget to see you in the basement at seven o\'clock in the evening," said Nick, who was almost headless.

When Nick was far away, Harry sighed and said, "I forgot about the death anniversary party."

It turned out that Harry was the only big fool who was fooled by Nick.

"Can I not go and say I have a stomachache," Harry said.

He regretted his promise to Nick.

The thought of going to the cold basement to spend the night with a bunch of ghosts at the Halloween party made him sick.

Is it the house-elves\' food that doesn\'t taste good, or is it that Dumbledore\'s jokes aren\'t cold enough?

The most important thing is that he can see Qiu from time to time in the auditorium, which is the happiest thing.

"Harry, since you promised, you must keep your promise." Hermione reminded.

"It\'s easy to say, you don\'t have to go." Harry muttered.

"We didn\'t agree again!" Hermione took William\'s arm. "Isn\'t it?"

William nodded and asked, "What were you looking for just now?"

"Looking for Ron," said Harry worriedly. "He said he went to the bathroom, and it\'s been almost an hour. I\'m afraid he\'ll fall in there."

Harry thought it would be a good idea to take Ron to the party.

"You don\'t have to look for Ron."

At this time, the twins came from a distance.

"We just saw him being taken away by Filch, and Ron was soaking wet, like he fell into a black lake," Fred said.

"Didn\'t Weasley go to the toilet? Why did he fall into the Black Lake?" Qiu said suspiciously.

How many people can\'t think of their sister, did Ron solve the problem in the reeds next to the Black Lake?

Now that Ron was taken away by Filch, Harry had to go to the death party alone.

William and the others walked happily towards the auditorium.

Hagrid\'s big pumpkins hung in the air like boxes.

Apparently, Hagrid secretly cast a swelling spell on these pumpkins, which caused the pumpkins to grow so large.

Annie wore a hat carved from a small pumpkin, stuck her head out of the big pumpkin\'s mouth, and waved her hand.

"Brother, come up quickly!"

Luna and Ginny stuck their heads out together, and they both wore the same melon hats as Annie.

The three melon sisters!

"So, we\'re going to spend our Halloween party on pumpkins this year?" George whistled.

"It\'s really fun!" said Fred happily.

He was about to release his sniff and dig a hole under the Slytherin student\'s pumpkin.

Cedric looked around, looking for a smaller pumpkin... one that could only hold two people!

Well, Hagrid obviously hadn\'t thought about it for Cedric.

Farewell, his double room dream!

As the night rolls in, the Halloween Eve Dinner at Hogwarts officially begins.

Dumbledore took a group of teachers and got into the largest pumpkin. The other students also came in groups of three or five and found a pumpkin to go in.

As Dumbledore announced the start of the banquet, a tattered pirate ghost ship came in from the castle wall.

Suddenly, Professor Kettleburn threw the salamander.

The salamander jumped into the air, spinning wildly in the auditorium, crackling sparks, and accompanied by some loud noises, the salamander spewed orange-red stars from its mouth, which was very beautiful and spectacular.

Hermione would peel the orange flesh and put one piece into her mouth and the other into William\'s mouth.

She raised her face and laughed softly: "It turns out that the Halloween dinner is so interesting."

William smiled.

The year before ~www.novelhall.com~ Professor Snape was captured by the Ministry of Magic; last year, trolls invaded Hogwarts...

Therefore, this kind of bland dinner is the campus life that William is looking forward to.

William bit the orange flesh...I don\'t know where the house elf bought the orange.

So sweet!

Hermione stared blankly at William, she suddenly reached out and stroked the tip of the boy\'s smiling eyebrows.

So lovely!



(Thanks to the reward from the big guy "Name was eaten by Yuan-devouring beast")

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