A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 48: Charles 1 and Louis 16

As several permanent residents of Hogwarts, Myrtle is a well-known ghost.

She was a student at Hogwarts before she died, so she always wore her school uniform and maintained the appearance of a squat student.

She was also not good-looking, with pimples on her face, thick glasses and long, straight hair.

If there is a Harry Potter-related game, players just need to press f, and they will probably automatically become Myrtle.

In addition to being ugly, she was the least likable ghost besides Peeves.

She occupied a girls\' bathroom all the year round, so no one was near it, and it had been abandoned for a long time.

Hermione\'s proposal is very good, you can put these rotten food in the bathroom sink.

Anyway, no one will go there. If there is, he (she) must be preparing to do bad things, or on the way to do bad things.

Hermione told Myrtle of the proposal.

"That\'s my territory, don\'t put these foods in it!" Myrtle objected loudly.

"I have feelings too, you know, even though I\'m dead," she said with a weeping voice.

"Myrtle, no one\'s trying to make you sad," Hermione said, "just some food—"

"No one wants to make me sad! It\'s a big joke!" cried Myrtle, "I have no joy in my life here, only sadness.

Now that I\'m dead, you still don\'t let me go, put rotten food in my bathroom, is there any humanity? "


"However, you also have to attend the death anniversary party. These foods were originally prepared for you, so you should enjoy them in advance." Annie comforted. "Better than eating other people\'s leftovers."

"Hey, that makes sense." Myrtle rolled her eyes and wept bitterly. "I can promise, but..."

She set her eyes on William, and winked at him from behind the thick lenses.

"I need a male companion."

"Um... huh?" Hermione stared.

"This is the death anniversary party." Myrtle floated in mid-air, "I have never attended a party before, and I need a male companion, which will make me a lot happier.

William, you are just right, my favorite type. "

Myrtle landed beside William, her body close to him.

"No!" Hermione objected directly. "You are already dead, what kind of male companion do you need!"

"Exquisite...exquisite life! Bringing a male companion to the party, these are necessary. Even if I am dead, the sense of ritual cannot be lacking!"

Hermione and Annie looked at each other, and they whispered together, and soon reached an alliance agreement.

—Can\'t agree to such excessive demands of Myrtle.

"I can introduce you to two of my best friends, Harry and Ron, you can choose any of them!" Hermione smiled sweetly.

"My colleague Colin, he can take pictures and let him be his male companion. After the dinner is over, you can take him to your bathroom to take pictures of you!" Annie recommended.

William sat quietly beside him, he was very satisfied, that\'s right... a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

It is impossible for William to participate in the death anniversary party, and it is impossible for him to participate in this life, let alone to be Myrtle\'s male companion.

"Am I not pretty, William?"

As Myrtle spoke, tears fell swiftly from her small transparent eyes.

"...I missed this opportunity, but there will be no next time." Myrtle didn\'t give up.

"I heard that Charles I and Louis XVI will come too... don\'t you want to go and see?"

and many more……

who? !

William\'s dark green pupils lit up... If that\'s the case, attending the death anniversary party... doesn\'t seem to be impossible.

"Didn\'t they both be guillotined?" said Hermione suspiciously.

"Yeah, that\'s why they turned into ghosts and participated in the death anniversary party." Myrtle gave Hermione the look of being a fool.

"Where do they all live?" Annie asked curiously.

She had never seen a ghost outside of Hogwarts.

"Charles I had been wandering around Buckingham Palace, and he was the founder of the Headless Hunter.

As for Louis XVI...I don\'t know either. "

"He is the ghost of Babston School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in France." William said suddenly. "I heard a friend mention it."

"Babston\'s friend again..." Hermione squinted and glanced at William.

"So do you want to come..." Myrtle gasped.

"He needs to go to the Halloween dinner at Hogwarts with us, and he can\'t be your male companion!" Hermione said firmly.

Annie nodded. "My brother won\'t go!"

Well, the two have made a decision.

do not,

My Louis XVI.

William also wanted to chat with him about the French Revolution and tell some French jokes by the way.

Myrtle\'s tears streamed down her cheeks.

William sincerely suggested: "You can go to Cedric, he should agree to be a male partner, and he has always liked you."

"Are you sure?" Myrtle said in surprise.

"Really, just tell him that Mr. Ollivander\'s grandfather will come too." William grinned.

Myrtle blinked and walked through the wall to harass Cedric at Hufflepuff.

The three quickly packed up the rotten food, packed it in a large box, and prepared to transfer it to Myrtle\'s bathroom.

"Thank you so much." The house elf named Pooh took everyone to bow to William and the others.

As long as the kitchen is not clean, they will feel uncomfortable.

"Since I\'ve helped you like this, I\'ll ask you one thing, and you must tell me the truth," William said.

"House-elves never deceive wizards!" Pooh said excitedly.

"Do you know a house-elf named Dobby?"

"Dobby...I know!" said a little elf in a skirt weakly.

"What\'s your name?"

"My name is Dodo," said the house-elf in a trembling voice. "Did Dobby do something wrong?"

"No, I\'m just curious, who is Dobby\'s house elf? A friend of mine likes Dobby very much."

"It belongs to the Malfoy family. Dobby has been the elf of their family since his ancestors." Duoduo said in horror.

William and Hermione looked at each other, and Harry really guessed that Dobby was really the elf of the Malfoys.

Harry and Malfoy were really on the same page.

The three left the kitchen, walked across the hallway, and quickly came to Myrtle\'s bathroom.

It was the first time William entered the girls\' bathroom. He checked the map several times, and after confirming that there was no one around, he followed Hermione and Annie in.

It has been abandoned for too long and the environment is very bad.

Beneath a large, stained and cracked mirror is a row of stone pools with peeling surfaces.

The floor was wet, reflecting the dim light of the remaining candle heads on the brackets. The wooden doors of the single rooms had peeling paint and scratches; one door had come off its hinges and hung there precariously.

It\'s a good place to shoot ghost movies.

"We could throw the food in the sink," Hermione suggested.

"Ha, there is a small snake here." Annie looked around curiously for a moment, and found the carving of a small snake on the side of a copper dragon head.

But the faucet was broken and there was no water in it.

After she opened the box and threw it into the sink, the maggots on the lamb belly immediately filled the tap.

That\'s disgusting...but that\'s okay, no one\'s going to use this faucet anyway.

The three hurried out for a walk, not wanting to stay for a second.

"I don\'t know if Dobby was ordered by Malfoy to stop Harry, or if he really knew something."

Walking on the road, William analyzed gently.

"It was probably the one that prevented Harry and Ron from entering the station."

William waited for Hermione to speak, but she said, "Is that Fleur from Babston School of Witchcraft and Wizardry very beautiful?"

William grinned and pretended to be stupid, but he didn\'t answer the question.

some words,

It\'s wrong to speak,

Too much to say.

If you playfully answer "I\'m blind, I can\'t tell who is beautiful and who is not"...it is estimated that I will be stabbed 36 times in a row, and the knife will avoid the fatal point!

Annie secretly made a face, looking like she was watching the fun and didn\'t think it was a big deal, and said with a smile, "Brother~www.novelhall.com~ If you don\'t speak, you will acquiesce."

William took a deep breath, who is this sister?

He has the urge to kill his relatives righteously.

William didn\'t answer directly, but smiled softly: "Hermione looks better."

The corners of Hermione\'s mouth twitched, and she gently took his arm and walked slowly along the corridor.

cool breeze,

It is a good time to take a pleasant walk under the moon.



(Ask for recommendation tickets, happy April Fool\'s Day.)

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