A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 47: Made a cat

Legend has it that the painting hanging in the kitchen was once lost.

One night, a wizard broke through the window and stole the painting.

This is a thief with feelings, this is a thief who understands art, this is a thief who pays tribute to the Big Four.

this thief,


But William had heard of it in his previous life.

For example, in Europe swept by the **** virus, in such a dangerous environment, a certain Van Gogh lover had to go out to work and chose to steal "Spring Garden" on the day of Van Gogh\'s 1st birthday.

A true fan without a doubt.

In a way, the value of a painting is largely determined by whether it has been lost.

Before the "Mona Lisa" was stolen, it was not the treasure of the Louvre Museum, and it has no value today.

After a legendary experience, it has its current status.

William was still admiring the painting, he had seen it many times, his eyes wandering skillfully in several places.

At this point, Hermione tugged at his sleeve.

"What\'s wrong?"

William followed her direction and saw that the house-elves were lining up.

At the end of the line, is a table.

Bobo tea and Mrs. Norris squatted on it.

Each elf will make its own food on a plate, and if the two cats like it, they can **** the cat.

Even... hugging for a while is allowed.

The house elf is playing with the cat!

can you believe it? !

And Bobo Tea and Mrs. Norris will actually take the initiative to open business!

You can sacrifice anything for food.

"Did Mrs Norris gain weight?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

Every time I saw Mrs. Norris before, it was bony and withered.

It seems to be rounded up now.

"Bobocha won\'t kill a cat, right?" William was taken aback.

and many more……

Bobo Tea and Mrs. Norris hadn\'t seen each other for a summer vacation. The pregnancy period of ordinary cats is usually only two months, and now they are mellow... I guess they are not Bobo Tea\'s children.

William seemed to have seen Bobo Tea change from an orange cat to a green cat.

Hard to say...

Because William suddenly remembered one thing, Mrs. Norris is different from ordinary cats, it is obviously of cat raccoon blood.

The cat raccoon is a magical creature that looks like a cat. The cat raccoon is very intelligent, likes to be alone, and has a certain aggressiveness.

It also has an uncanny ability to pay special attention to the suspicious and untrusted.

Therefore, Mrs. Norris can follow Filch on patrol every day.

Mrs. Norris is a hybrid creature, and the pregnancy period is different from that of ordinary cats.

Well, Bobo Tea\'s head is not so green again.

After the two cats had finished eating, Mrs. Norris shook her hair gracefully and meowed twice, as if she wanted Bobo Tea to digest food and do some vigorous exercise.

Bobo Tea saw the three of William, remembering that it still has cat slaves, and coldly expressed refusal.

Moreover, it seems that it doesn\'t really want to pay attention to Mrs. Norris when it is full of food and drink.

Holy crap... this scumbag!

What a scum!

Apparently, Hermione thought so too, looking at William strangely.

What look is this?

It\'s not what he taught!

When I go back, I will give Bobo tea a permanent cure.

Seeing the little wizard coming, the house-elves came over enthusiastically.

More than a hundred elves stood in the kitchen, laughing, bowing and curtsey.

Each elf wears the same uniform: a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest.

"Oh, Hogwarts has oppressed so many elves." Hermione said sadly.

She told the house-elves less urgently to fight for their freedom.

Their servility is too strong, and that effect is too small.

Under William\'s teaching, Hermione knew to take it slow...like, set a small goal.

Start an organization...the House Elf Advocate. (s.p.e.w.)

Then hold the first meeting of the promotion association, first determine the organization\'s goals and basic policies, and at the same time discuss the development of members, the establishment of local and core institutions and other organizational systems, both the program and the articles of association.

It is best to have the core guiding ideology, the highest program and the lowest program, otherwise the organization movement will inevitably fail.

Regarding this kind of thing, William was very familiar with it. How could he say that in his previous life, he was also a man who was familiar with the five volumes of "Dragon Slaying".

Seeing William and the others coming, the house elf was very enthusiastic, and immediately came over with a large silver tray.

On it was a teapot, milk and a large plate of pastries.

After the three had eaten and drank enough, they remembered Professor McGonagall\'s punishment.

"How do I clean it, this place seems to be cleaner than my room." Annie touched the tabletop.

This tabletop is so clean... Flies fly up and do the splits! Mosquitoes fly up and slip!

"Is there any place that is not very clean here?" William asked.

"Here it is!" an elf named Pooh shrieked at once.

"The ghosts are having a death party on Halloween, and Nick, who was almost headless, asked us to put some food here."

The house-elves denounced the ghosts\' behavior, seemingly preventing them from progressing.

Led by Pooh, William, Hermione and Anne walked towards a small remote corner.

"Death anniversary party?" Hermione said excitedly, "I didn\'t expect the ghost to hold such an event, we can go to it!

I bet there aren\'t many people alive who can say they\'ve been to a party like this - it must be amazing..."

She shut up quickly.

Stopped in horror.

For in that corner lay large, rotten pieces of fish; a cake that was dark and charred; and a haggis that was beginning to grow maggots, a piece of cheese covered in green hair.

Hermione fought back the nausea, regretting that she had just eaten so much.

As for the death anniversary party, go to hell!

"The ghosts probably put the food here on purpose to let them rot naturally, so as to make the atmosphere of the party stronger." William analyzed.

It seems that Professor McGonagall asked them to clean up these things. After all, rotten food is really unsanitary in the kitchen.

William\'s wand tapped Hermione\'s and Annie\'s heads, respectively, and used the Bubble Charm on them.

The three turned into dragons and began to clean up the food.

"But where did we get it?" Annie asked.

"Those ghosts still need food for the party, are we throwing them in the trash?"

This is a problem.

These foods can\'t be thrown away, but they can\'t continue to ferment in the kitchen until Halloween... By then, it is estimated that the whole kitchen will stink.

The Room of Requirement will not work either. William needs to use it on a daily basis. Even if he cannot see it, he will be reluctant to think about it.

"Oh, I thought of a good place." Hermione said with a smile.

"We can put this stinky food in Myrtle\'s bathroom, which has been in a state of abandonment and no one will go!"

"Even if a real person goes to ~www.novelhall.com~ it\'s probably not a good thing!"

"What are you mumbling about?" Myrtle suddenly emerged from the wall.

Hermione shuddered with fright and almost threw the rotten fish on Annie.

"I just heard someone say my name, I hope it\'s not talking about me behind my back!"

Myrtle was crying.

Pear blossoms with rain.



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