A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 46: The Last Supper

William took Hermione and Annie to the kitchen for a "brutal" confinement punishment on Saturday night.

Cruel indeed...they both need to clean the whole kitchen.

And Harry and Ron, who were accidentally caught driving a black car at school, received a much easier punishment.

Harry was asked to go by Lockhart in the name of writing back to fans.

This Defence Against the Dark Arts professor has been craving for a boy who survives for a long time, but he has never had the chance to be alone. Tonight has finally arrived.

So Harry\'s punishment is only one: make Lockhart comfortable!

This requires a pair of flexible right hands, and it may even be possible to move left and right. Otherwise, the high-intensity work that lasts for several hours will be too much for anyone.

Fortunately, Harry, as the youngest Seeker at Hogwarts in a century, has outstanding talent, countless snitches, and a strong and powerful arm... He is even nicknamed at Hogwarts— —Golden right hand.

Helping Lockhart wasn\'t easy.

Ron was more comfortable, and he needed to clean the silverware in the prize room with his bare hands.

As one of the few opportunities to play with precious silverware, Ron must cherish it.

He spent one night with those silverware, and he could do whatever he wanted, and even carry the silverware in his pocket and experience the feeling of sudden abundance.

Of course, when he left, he had to go back.

Ron also had the opportunity to receive re-education, to learn the outstanding deeds of the wizards who left their names at Hogwarts... This is a good opportunity to get rid of the vulgar taste and continue to sublimate himself.

The miserable William trio crossed a corridor and headed towards the kitchen.

"Isn\'t this Hufflepuff\'s common room?" Annie asked suspiciously.

When she had nothing to do, she took Ginny and Luna here to take risks, and saw the little badgers disappear in this corridor.

William nodded.

The kitchen at Hogwarts and the common room at Hufflepuff were in the hallway.

This shows Ms. Hufflepuff\'s foresight.

Other students eat three meals a day, and the little badgers eat four meals a day, which is a bit outrageous. There is no pressure to eat it seven or eight times a day.

Whether you study well or not is one thing, but you must be full!

Honey badgers are most afraid of starvation. They are extremely hungry, not to mention poisonous snakes and eagles, even lions dare to tease.

Therefore, the selection of the college\'s location is a matter of university. If the choice is not good, there is no sun, and various rheumatism problems have come.

The choice is made... After graduation, you are the fattest cub at Hogwarts.

"This is the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room."

The three walked a distance, and William pointed to something and said.

The portraits of Hufflepuff Gryffindors also don\'t have Ravenclaw\'s eagle knockers, they have more special door opening mechanisms.

- A stack of vats in a dark stone trough.

If you knock against the second bucket from the bottom up in the middle of the second row, and follow the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", the door will open.

This is a way of opening a door similar to Morse code.

Although William didn\'t know what Hufflepuff\'s rhythm was, he just followed it.

"What if I typed it wrong?" Hermione asked curiously.

"You can give it a try." Annie urged. "Hermione, don\'t you dare?"

"Knock and knock!" Hermione rolled her eyes and tapped the barrel with her wand fearlessly.

Annie, who had tried it for a long time, immediately took out a pink umbrella from the ring and put it on her head.

Sure enough, the next second, the wooden barrel made a grunting sound.

A large amount of liquid poured down and spilled on the narrow corridor.

Annie glanced at Hermione smugly, but the smile froze the next second.

Hermione did not panic, and even stood there unresponsively, continuing to study the barrels.

William waved his wand, conjuring an umbrella and covering them over their heads.

"Hermione, you are lying!" Annie said dissatisfiedly.

William ignored this little girl\'s video, and gently hugged Hermione\'s slender shoulders, and the two squeezed under the umbrella to prevent the liquid from splashing on them.

"what is that?"

"Vinegar, old mature vinegar, very old mature vinegar!"

Hermione raised her hand and stretched out into the rain screen. She really felt that the liquid was sticky, and there was a smell of sour and vinegar.

Hufflepuffs are really bad fun.

William took out his wand and tapped the barrel.

The vinegar disappeared, and the vat opened its lid, revealing an earthen sloping passage that contained the Hufflepuff Lounge.

William and the others did not go in, and the Hufflepuff students were probably dancing square dance at this point.

They usually have dinner and play, and under the leadership of the prefect, they will dance a set of shameful dances in the lounge, and then go to bed.

It is said that it is used to digest food and solve the problem of same-sex friendship by the way.

Cedric has always been popular and is said to be the prettiest cub in square dancing.

His male friends are also the most among William and the twins.

The three left the barrel and continued to the next stone stairs, which was not a dark and gloomy underground passage like the one leading to Snape\'s underground classroom.

Instead, it was a wide stone corridor, brightly lit by torches, and adorned with delightful pictures, mostly of food.

Those foods are also dynamic:

Such as a large plate of milky French snails;

A pot of disgusting bat sashimi;

There are also steaming Australian lobsters.

William doesn\'t like big lobster.

That kind of thing smells good, and eats it... even more fragrant.

Soon, the three came to a painting: a huge silver bowl full of fruit.

William stretched out his index finger and gently scratched the big green pear. Pear wriggled, giggling, and suddenly turned into a large green doorknob.

There are so many rooms at Hogwarts that if no one leads the way, many people can\'t find where the kitchen is.

William grabbed it, pulled the door open, and walked into the Hogwarts kitchen.

It was a great room with high ceilings, the size of the auditorium, surrounded by stone walls with many gleaming copper pots and basins, and a large brick fireplace at the other end of the room.

Above the fireplace, there is also a painting.

"The Last Supper"

The content of the painting is the last meal of the Big Four.

Hufflepuff held up the cup, a small double-handled gold cup.

Ravenclaw, wearing a crown and a bronze ring on his right hand, quietly flipped through a book made of bark in his hand.

Gryffindor is grilling.

He tugged at the wizard hat on his head and put the sword strung with dragon meat on a rough wooden goblet.

The cup immediately burst into flames.

Slytherin is playing snake alone.

There was a basilisk wrapped around his left hand~www.novelhall.com~ The basilisk was not big, only more than one meter long, and the snake pupil was staring at a snake wood wand in Slytherin\'s right hand.

On Slytherin\'s right hand was an ugly black gemstone ring.

There is also a plate on one side of the table.

The plate is clean,

just leave,

seven eggs.



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