A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 45: Squeeze 1 squeeze, always have it!

Is Slytherin\'s face more important, or is it more important to deduct Gryffindor\'s house points?

This is not too difficult a multiple choice question.

Although Snape is shameless every day, this time...he wanted a face!

Otherwise, Hogwarts is likely to have a lot of Slytherin jokes.

Snape no longer mentioned the fact that Hermione had beaten the entire Slytherin team, and did not want William and the others to mention it.

"You two attack Malfoy, always?"

Snape tugged at Malfoy\'s head, brutally showing the wound to everyone.

"Look at what happened? He\'s still a child!"

In fact, there were no wounds, only a large bag, which was wrapped around and around by bandages. Those who didn\'t know it thought it was Lucius\' pigeon eggs.

"Beating Malfoy, we admit it," William said softly.

"But when Malfoy called Hermione a \'mudblood\', it wasn\'t too much for Annie to hit him lightly.

As for Hermione\'s attack on Malfoy, it was because he attacked my sister, and when Hermione was stopping her, she accidentally... hurt him.

This is normal but justifiable defense! "

Snape\'s yellow skin was the color of bad milk, and he turned his head suddenly, staring at Malfoy.

"You scolded Granger... Mudblood?"

Malfoy wanted to deny it, but Snape\'s black pupils stared at him.

Malfoy took two steps back in fear, then nodded.

Snape whispered:

"Draco, you should go to the forests of Albania and play push sumo wrestling with mountain trolls... Maybe your brain will clear up with that slap in the face!"

"Let\'s go!"

Professor Snape shook his black robe, grabbed Malfoy by the collar, and dragged him away.

He looked like he was carrying a bag of garbage on the ground.

William was slightly stunned. He was waiting for Snape to mess around and mess around... That\'s it, that\'s it?

Weird Professor Snape.

Wait... William remembered Snape\'s letters again... to Lily.

He probably hated the word mudblood because of that.

When Snape was far away, Professor McGonagall looked at Hermione and Anne sternly.

Both bowed their heads, obediently waiting for Professor McGonagall to reprimand.

"I don\'t think there is anything wrong with either of them, Professor." William stood in front of them.

"Pure-blood families have been discriminating against Muggle wizards for a day or two, but few of them are verbally abused in public.

Malfoy needs to be taught what to say and what not to say! "

"However, you can\'t attack your classmates with magic at any time, right, William?" Professor McGonagall sighed.

"I\'m sorry about that, because Granger and Miss Stark attacked Malfoy, and according to school rules, I have to take sixty points from Gryffindor and be in confinement."

William stood there calmly, and as we all know, before the \'but\', what a person said was basically negligible.

"But... if it was me, I probably wouldn\'t be able to resist giving him a slap." Professor McGonagall trembled with anger. "It\'s abominable!"

"I would advise Professor Dumbledore to include the prohibition of insulting words into our school rules."

Hermione and Annie looked at Professor McGonagall in surprise.

Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Miss Stark, to encourage you to protect the reputation of your classmates, give Gryffindor thirty points.

Thirty points to Gryffindor for your protection from classmates, Miss Granger. Of course, your confinement cannot be less. "

"What confinement?" Anne asked weakly.

"Go and clean the Hogwarts kitchen," said Professor McGonagall sternly.

William laughed.

The punishment is a joke... If house-elves don\'t clean the kitchen more than ten times a day, they punish themselves severely and feel incompetent.

The house-elf kitchen is probably the cleanest place in Hogwarts.

Seeing William laugh out loud, Professor McGonagall glared at him.

Apparently, William often sneaked into the kitchen against school rules.

William smiled. Professor McGonagall was not rigid at all.

He waited for a while... Hey, he didn\'t give Ravenclaw extra points?

It\'s all science.

Well, William retracts the evaluation just now.

Professor McGonagall said softly: "You can go back, and stop fighting in the future."

"And, William, I don\'t want you to go to Malfoy again!"

William nodded lightly, imitating Cedric to show a straight and honest smile.

Cedric often began to think of ways to trick people after showing this smile.

The little badger is so deceptive... honest people can\'t be bullied the most.

As for Professor McGonagall\'s request... William certainly wouldn\'t take a wand, rush into the Slytherin common room, and slap Malfoy.

That\'s the lowest and most ineffective way to do it, and it will trap himself... William has a way to get Malfoy to apologize.

As for the students of the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Ha ha…

After leaving the office.

Annie bowed her head and said apologetically, "Brother, I caused you trouble just a week after school started."

William stretched out his hand to squeeze her cheek, and sighed softly: "The next time you fight, don\'t rush up first, you must learn to make a fortune in silence, even if you have black feet behind your back."

"It\'s the same sentence, Hogwarts has thousands of rules, and the first rule is not found."

William, Cedric, and the twins break school rules and never get caught.

Students who are not discovered are good students!

"I know, I went to Dumbledore to apologize, goodbye Hermione!" Anne said and ran away.

William walked slowly down the long corridor with his hands in his pockets.

Hermione followed behind William, not far or near, always keeping a step away.

After the two walked for a while, William did not turn his head and suddenly asked, "How do you feel, fighting another little wizard for the first time?"

"They seem a little weak," Hermione said softly.

"That\'s because you\'ve become stronger." William said with a smile, "You\'re already much stronger than your peers, whether it\'s combat skills or the use of magic."

"But I still can\'t beat you."

"It\'s normal."

"Will UU continue to read www.uukanshu.com for two hours every night?"


"Do you have the time and energy?"

"That kind of thing is gone for others, but for you, there is always a squeeze."

Hermione raised a smile, suddenly stretched out her arm, and gently grabbed one of William\'s sleeves.

Hermione took a step forward, and William drew his hands from his pockets and took her right hand naturally.

Both are speechless,

Walking side by side in this long corridor.

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