A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 44: 1 turn offensive william

Remember for a second【】

Under Hagrid\'s chatter, the Williams knew Professor Kettleburn\'s story.

While Professor Keitelborn was teaching, Professor Dippet was the Headmaster.

But the old principal thought he was a bit reckless, so he went through a probationary period of 62 years before he became a professor.

Kettleborn, like Hagrid, loves dangerous magical creatures and works to introduce the cuties to more lovable students.

On the most dangerous occasion, he attempted to cast a spell on a fire grey snake to play a worm in the school play "Fountain of Good Fortune", which set the auditorium on fire.

"However, he is a rare good person. I like him very much. I have learned a lot about magical animals from him."

Hagrid was chattering, and even Professor Keitelborn tried it for sixty-two years, and he was worried about whether he could become a teacher of protecting magical creatures.

Hagrid was more worried about his criminal record, which might disqualify him as a professor.

The William looked at each other, and they really couldn\'t help with this.

If Dumbledore wanted Hagrid to be a professor, he would probably clear his case.

"Don\'t tell anyone yet, I\'m afraid I won\'t become a teacher of protecting magical creatures in the end," Hagrid warned.

Everyone nodded.

At this moment, the sound of Fang Fang came from outside the door.

Hagrid hurriedly threw the book in the high hanging basket.

"who is it?"

"It\'s us, Hagrid," Harry said. "Why is the door closed during the day?"

"Oh, it\'s Harry..."

Hagrid hurriedly opened the door and saw Harry and Ron walking in, followed by Hermione and Annie.

"Annie\'s here too?" Hagrid cheerfully brought her herring rock crust.

Hagrid and Roy are good friends, and he likes seeing the Stark children.

"Eat quickly, Annie, it\'s delicious," Hermione urged eagerly.

Wait... Hermione is so enthusiastically promoting her food during her summer vacation!

Annie blinked, took the rock skin cake, stared at the dark food, and glanced at everyone... None of them ate, she immediately became vigilant.

Hermione was a little disappointed.

"Why did you end the training so soon?" Qiu took the initiative to inquire about the information.

Harry hesitated, scratched his scalp, and didn\'t look normal.

"There\'s nothing to say, the Slytherin students are here!" Ron said angrily.

"Didn\'t you already apply for a venue with Mrs. Hooch?" Cedric asked. "How can they still come?"

"They\'ve got Snape\'s special ticket for training new ball hunters!"

"Slytherin hasn\'t been selected yet, so there\'s a new search ball?" Qiu frowned.

Lack of information...they don\'t know.

"Yeah, Lucius Malfoy donated Nimbus 2001 to Slytherin, so Malfoy was selected!" Ron said indignantly.

"It\'s amazing to be rich?!"

Qiu and Cedric didn\'t care about Ron\'s resentment, after all, the banknote ability was really amazing.

The two looked at each other with a heart-to-heart look, and began to weigh how much combat power would be added to Slytherin by the replacement of the broom.

This little interaction fell into Harry\'s eyes, like drinking 82 years of lemon juice.

So sour!

His sour cavernous body hurts!

But William looked at a few people and suddenly asked, "You had a conflict with Slytherin?"


"what happened?"

"I slapped Malfoy." Annie raised her head while holding the rock crust.

Both Cho and Cedric looked at Annie in shock.

"Why?" William asked calmly.

"Malfoy called Hermione \'Mudblood\'."


Hagrid looked indignant as he pinched the glass inside. "Is it true, that bad boy?"

"Yes," said Hermione, "but I don\'t know what that means. Of course, I could hear it was very rude..."

"That\'s insulting," Anne said softly. "Mudblood, an insulting term for a Muggle-born wizard."

"Yes, if I say it, that slap is really relieved." Ron agreed.

"How did you know that, Anne?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"Dumbledore gave me a copy of "The Story of Bedouin the Poet" as a bedtime story. After each story, there is his comment, which records this sentence." Anne explained.

In fact, the insulting words in the magical world are not only mudbloods, but also a series of combined words such as "shit eaters" and "dregs eaters", whose status is roughly equivalent to the national curse of the Chinese dynasty.

Although in the keyboard world of the Celestial Dynasty, the per capita Zuan, daily "key to come", is also accustomed to such insulting words.

But if someone really wants to scold others like this in public... being beaten is probably light.

Anne quickly described what happened next, including Hermione\'s wand beating down the Slytherin students.

"Well, I don\'t blame you for hitting him." Hagrid looked at Annie and Hermione worriedly.

"But maybe Lucius Malfoy will come to the school aggressively. He\'s the school manager."

William took a sip of Hagrid\'s pine needle tea and said calmly, "It\'s okay, Malfoy doesn\'t dare to come,

^0^ One second to remember【】

As long as Dumbledore was at Hogwarts for a day. "

Malfoy was too busy now, and the Auror went to search his house several times, and he had no time to come to the school to trouble Dumbledore for this kind of thing.

Expel students?

That is the principal\'s right, and the school administrators are just taking advantage of the money.

The only thing worth caring about is the school rules. After all, attacking classmates with magic is actually a very bad thing.

The school rules do not stipulate that you can\'t curse, but it stipulates that you can\'t use magic to attack your classmates.

Fighting is not allowed under any circumstances.

This thing can be big or small!

"Let\'s go." William stood up.

"Why?" Annie asked suspiciously.

"You don\'t think this is over, do you?" William shook his head.

"You guys, na?ve!"

"Students who hit Slytherin, they\'ll probably go to Professor Snape to complain, we\'ll go to Professor McGonagall."

Malfoy would definitely sue, otherwise he wouldn\'t talk about "my dad" every day.

William didn\'t let everyone go. When Harry was around, Professor Snape was usually very excited... It was not easy to handle with him.

William took Hermione and Annie towards Professor McGonagall\'s office.

He guessed right, Malfoy really went to Professor Snape.

And Snape was in Professor McGonagall\'s office asking for guilt.

Malfoy stood next to him, a white bandage deliberately wrapped around his head, looking particularly badly injured.

"Stark, Miss Granger, you came just in time, Professor Snape said, you played Slytherin students on the field?" Professor McGonagall stared sternly.

"Yes, I slapped Malfoy," Annie admitted quickly, without shirking responsibility. "It\'s nothing to do with Hermione, though."

"Related! This mud... She attacked me with a Disarming Charm and made me hit the Quidditch cue." Malfoy said bitterly.

"She also attacked six other members of the Slytherin Quidditch team, and two of my best friends!"

Malfoy didn\'t mention his insults, he cut his head and tail, pretended to be a victim, and got beaten up.

"Gee, I\'m so disappointed." Snape\'s thin lips twisted into a horrible smile.

"Using magic to attack students in the school, and attacking so many? Tsk tsk, Professor McGonagall, I think this kind of violent student can be expelled!"

Snape hated school violence the most.

"That\'s right, Professor Snape, very well said," William said. "I think it\'s time to expel all the students from the Slytherin Quidditch team."

"What did you say?" Snape stared at William.

"Malfoy just said that Hermione beat up the Slytherins and their two good friends...I really don\'t get it."

William showed just the right amount of doubt.

"How did Hermione, a second-year wizard, beat up ten Slytherin students by herself, especially how many senior students there are?"

William stared at Snape, "Just kidding, but such an obvious lie, wouldn\'t a fool really believe it?"

"Or, let me put it another way... ten students of Slytherin, beat up Hermione, a second-year little witch, and then bite back now?"

William turned the offensive and buckled his hat.

"We didn\'t hit her!" Malfoy growled.

They really didn\'t fight, and before they could react, they were all knocked down.

But who would believe it if you didn\'t see it with your own eyes?

Sure enough, Professor McGonagall glanced suspiciously at Malfoy.

Snape opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He just really ignored the question.

Snape knew that Dumbledore wasn\'t going to fire Granger, so he was just here to disgust Stark.

Who let his sister and Hermione be involved in this~www.novelhall.com~ The worst result is nothing more than punishment and deduction of Gryffindor\'s house points.

But believe it?

If this is spread out, Slytherin will not be ridiculed by the students of other colleges?

If you can\'t beat a dozen or ten, go home and raise pigs!

Snape is a decent man, and he really wants this face, otherwise he wouldn\'t be begging to win the Academy Cup every year!

Snape quickly thought of another piece of news: at the last Quidditch World Cup, 20 Russian fans beat 200 British fans.

Why hasn\'t this been reported?

What a shame!



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^