A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 43: Hermione's style is a bit crooked

From Malfoy scolding, to Annie rushing up to give him a slap, everything was so unexpected.

The son of the team\'s sponsor father was beaten, and the Slytherin players should have rushed up and kicked him.

Cough cough... Of course it wasn\'t to kick Malfoy, but in the end they held back and didn\'t make a move.

Anne\'s sentence "My brother is William Stark" seemed arrogant, but it did act as a deterrent.

Otherwise Draco wouldn\'t be talking about his dad very often.

Do it?

It is impossible to do it in this life!

That\'s Stark\'s sister, you go up there and give it a try?

Do you really think that William was a scumbag at school for the past two years?

Although his influence was not as exaggerated as Dumbledore was about to break through the atmosphere, it was established after all.

Scholar\'s halo is only the lowest level... William caught a Death Eater who had attacked the Ministry of Magic and became the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal.

In front of everyone\'s eyes, he killed a basilisk with his own hands.

This can\'t be fake!

Even Dean Snape repeatedly told everyone not to provoke that little **** Shit Tucker.

What\'s more, in the Quidditch match a few months ago, Slytherin was slaughtered by William by a big score.

In the style of Slytherin, did no one take foul tactics against him during the game?

Of course not. William\'s fouls are even more powerful and secretive, like a veteran who has played Quidditch for more than ten years.

With a few iron elbows, he almost destroyed the Slytherin students who attacked him.

Can\'t fight but can\'t run, can\'t run... Who is free to provoke Sister Stark?

That\'s why Malfoy was stunned, scolding Mudbloods if he dared to open his mouth.

You deserve to be beaten.

But Malfoy\'s two little henchmen were different.

Although Crabbe and Goyle are Slytherins, they didn\'t inherit that kind of cunning, but their IQs were worrying.

In layman\'s terms: their brains are not good.

When they were young, their father also explained that when he saw Draco, he didn\'t need to say anything else, just one word - lick!

So they rushed towards Annie.

Hermione didn\'t understand the meaning of Mudblood, but it didn\'t prevent her from seeing Goyle and Crabbe rushing over.

Hermione took a step and raised her right hand, her wand firmly in her palm.

"There are many obstacles!"

A ray of light shot out quickly, and when Goyle was two steps away from Annie, he stopped abruptly and fell to the ground.

It was like an invisible wall between him and Annie.

Anne\'s figure was agile and short, avoiding Crabbe\'s fist.

Hermione\'s wand swung again, and Crabbe was hung upside down in the air.

Malfoy took out his wand and shouted at Hermione, "Tarantera!"

But Hermione reacted too quickly, and before Malfoy\'s voice fell, she shouted, "Exclude your weapons!"

A dazzling red light flashed in the air, and Malfoy was struck to the ground. He swooped backwards, hit the Quidditch pole, and curled up on the grass.

Within ten seconds of the whole process, Hermione completed the three kills by herself.

Seeing everyone stunned, is this still Hermione?

Are you sure you didn\'t get the wrong script, the style of painting is too crooked?

Wouldn\'t it be William who pretended to drink the compound decoction?

The two sides didn\'t use their wands just now, but since the fight has already started, the Slytherin students won\'t sit idly by.

A few people pulled out their wands and pointed them at Hermione. They had no burden, after all, this was not Sister Stark.

How did Stark get so many sisters and sisters?

But Hermione has too much fighting experience, or rather, two hours of fighting with William every night...

Pain from the beginning,

The pain is so painful that I can\'t walk,

To the exhaustion after proficiency,


You can fall asleep while lying on the ground,

And then to the expectation and satisfaction of every day...

After all, William made Hermione grow up.

From a Muggle girl to a real witch.

The girl didn\'t forcibly resist a bunch of magic spells, which was the most unwise way to fight. She spun her wand at herself.

"Hang the golden hook upside down!"

If Professor Flitwick was here, he would probably be in a trance: This fighting style is really similar to William...

All the spells failed, Hermione hung upside down in mid-air, wand waving.

The tiny invisible red rope spurted out, like a poisonous snake in the grass, jumping up and tying everyone\'s legs.

Unpredictable, the rope pulled gently and tripped the Slytherin student to the ground.

Sterling lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, and sighed indistinctly, as if he had provoked some incredible monster.

this time,

Lost the adults!

Are you going to tell Professor Snape?

Do not say,

I can\'t take this breath!

tell me,

How to say?

Beaten up by a second-year Muggle-born wizard?

Or seven in a dozen?

so hard!



William, Cedric, and Autumn crossed the grass to Hagrid\'s cottage.

Hagrid was sitting in the room, holding a book and looking at it carefully.

Oh my god, Hagrid actually read a book.

What kind of book did he read last time..."The Encyclopedia of Fire Dragon Breeding in England", and the last time it was "On Egg-cutting Skills for Three-Headed Dogs".

Every time he reads a book, Hagrid adopts a little cutie to be his son (daughter).

"Hey, Hagrid, what are you looking at?" Qiu asked from the window.

"Ah, nothing, just look at books about life, philosophy, etc." Hagrid hurriedly stuffed his book under the bed.

"Hagrid, what book is that?"

The three walked into the room, and Qiu asked in a sweet voice.

"You won\'t adopt another magical creature, right? The animals you adopted are all... cute, let\'s see?" Qiu lied.

"Do you think so too?" Hagrid giggled and said ~www.novelhall.com~ but there were no small animals this time. "

Hagrid looked mysterious.

"I\'ll show you, don\'t tell anyone." Hagrid said nervously.

All three nodded hurriedly.

Hagrid walked to the door, threw Fang Ya out, let it look outside, and closed the wooden door.

Hagrid took out the book and saw that it read - "On the Self-cultivation of the Beast"

"Hagrid, you want to be a teacher?" Cedric asked suspiciously.

"No." Hagrid opened the book.

"That day, Professor Keitelborn chatted with me. All the bugs he raised died. He was a little sad. He didn\'t want to continue to be a professor. He wanted to retire. He also asked me if I was interested."

"Professor Keitelborn is really going to retire?" William raised his eyebrows.

and many more……

William suddenly thought of Professor Trelawney\'s prophecy.

According to an indescribable curse, Lockhart will definitely leave next year.

If Professor Kettleburn also retires and goes home... just two people are going to leave forever.

Could it be that Professor Trelawney had already figured it all out?

Or was she well-informed and knew in advance that Professor Kettleburn was going to retire, so she said that on purpose?

This professor of prophecy... has something.

No wonder Dumbledore keeps raising her as if she were raising her daughter!

It has also been raised for thirteen years!

Emotions are not "nurturing", but "supporting".



