A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 37: When you look at the moon, call someone sweet

"She\'s an old liar!"

After the divination class was over, Qiu commented while walking on the road.

"I can\'t say that, I think she\'s still very good.

Like Heloise\'s prophecy, \'Beware of wizards with an L in their name\', right? \' retorted Marietta.

"What do you think, William?"

"I don\'t know either." William shrugged.

He never made too many evaluations in areas he didn\'t understand.

He is not a professional and is easily slapped in the face by others. He still understands this truth.

Generally speaking, everyone still holds a polarized attitude towards Professor Trelawney\'s level.

Some people think she\'s very powerful; some people think she\'s just running the train with a mouthful of mouth, and she\'s an old liar.

There is still a small part waiting and watching. After all, she made a lot of predictions in the first class, and everyone is waiting for it to be fulfilled.

As for Heloise...

She shivered, not only to be careful of the wizards with the letter L, but also to prevent being kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured...

"Are you coming next time?" Qiu asked.

"Forget it, I\'m going to take an arithmetic and divination class next class." William shook his head.

"This course is really like what Professor McGonagall said, just read a book."

William is now curious about the grades of Professor McGonagall\'s divination class.

She must not have learned how to lie, otherwise she could get a certificate in this class with her eyes closed.

While chatting, everyone walked through the hallway and was attracted by a group of sophomores.

They were covered in mud and came chatting.

Neville\'s four roommates even carried him pantingly and pantingly.

If it\'s night, this is just like a scene of picking up corpses in a nightclub, or the kind of plot full of big men.

Harry, who was hugging one of Neville\'s legs, saw Qiu next to William, with a sudden appearance of kidney deficiency, and motioned for everyone to take a break.

"Hi, William!" Hermione got away from her two roommates, walked over, and said hello. "The divination class is over?"

"It\'s over, what\'s the matter with your face?" William couldn\'t help laughing.

Hermione\'s face was covered in mud, she didn\'t know, she thought she had just participated in Lord Bei\'s Wilderness Survival.

"Mud? I didn\'t notice, we just finished Professor Sprout\'s herbal medicine class."

The girl raised her face, and William took out a tissue from his pocket and gently wiped her cheek.

Immediately, she stretched out her finger and flicked it on her forehead. She withdrew her hand and said with a smile, "What\'s wrong with Neville?"

"Neville\'s earmuffs weren\'t on, and he heard Mandrakes crying," Hermione explained.

The cry of Mandrakes was deadly, but when he was young, it could only knock the wizard into a coma for a few hours.

Obviously, Neville got caught.

Harry, who was not far away, held Neville\'s trouser leg in his left hand and straightened his messy hair in his right hand, trying to maintain a good image in front of Qiu.

If it wasn\'t Neville who carried him, he would probably throw him directly on the ground.

After all, he was hugging Neville\'s legs and was covered in mud, so he didn\'t look too handsome no matter what.

Autumn is slowly approaching...

Harry\'s heart was beating so fast that it was about to pop out of his chest. This was the scene he had dreamed of in his dreams!

What, is it going to happen?

Harry couldn\'t help raising his face, looking at Qiu with expectant eyes.

But Cho didn\'t look at Harry, his attention was on Neville.

She took her wand and poked Neville carefully, to see if he was still alive.

Harry suddenly envied Neville a little, wondering if he was pretending to pass out, whether Qiu would have artificial respiration or something.

Seeing Harry\'s raised face and looking expectant, such an obvious hint, Ron consciously wiped him with his muddy robe.

Harry gave Ron a stern look.

Ron was a little inexplicable and a little hurt. Harry didn\'t have such an attitude when he was whispering in bed last night!

Soon, the Gryffindor students continued to carry Neville to Madam Pomfrey.

William and the Ravenclaw students head towards the Transfiguration classroom.

The outside of the Transfiguration classroom was crowded with students. Everyone stood in the corridor, and no one entered.

This is unusual!

William and Qiu looked from the door, where Professor McGonagall was standing inside, talking to a very short, hunchbacked witch.

——Gusselda Marchban!

William recognized the witch immediately.

The two had met at the Merlin Medal awarding ceremony, and Dumbledore helped him widen his contacts.

After learning Animagus, she also wrote a congratulatory letter to William and asked for details.

Professor McGonagall was conversing with her respectfully. Professor Marchban was a little deaf, she was only a foot away from McGonagall, but she answered in a particularly loud voice.

"The journey is smooth, the journey is smooth, child," she said loudly. "You\'re still so pretty."

Calling Professor McGonagall a child... There\'s nothing wrong with calling him that.

Professor Marcheban was older than Dumbledore.

In fact, when Dumbledore took the N.E.W.Ts exam, it was Professor Marche class that took his Transfiguration and Charms.

And Dumbledore is now over a hundred years old, and it is normal for Professor Marchiebane to be one hundred thirty or four years old.

The maximum life expectancy of wizards is much longer than that of Muggles, even if they don\'t rely on items like the Philosopher\'s Stone.

"By the way, Albus, why didn\'t you come to see me? Did you avoid me on purpose?"

She looked around carefully, as if hoping that Dumbledore would suddenly appear from a corner.

Marchban admires Dumbledore!

The one I especially appreciate.

She suddenly saw William at the door, and quickly waved enthusiastically.

Under the gazes of all the students, William walked in.

"Hello, Professor Marchban, why are you here?" William said respectfully.

"Can\'t I come?" the old man laughed.

"On behalf of the Ministry of Magic, to register my Animagus?" William asked.

"That\'s only part of it. I came to you today with several responsibilities," Professor Marchban said.

"According to the registration process of the Ministry of Magic..." Professor Marchban waved his wand, and a scroll of parchment floated in the air.

"Are you thirteen now?"


The quill quickly registered.

"Did you learn Animagus at school?"

"Yes, I was taught by Professor McGonagall when I was in the second grade."

"It\'s really amazing!" Machiban praised~www.novelhall.com~ You can learn Animagos at your age...a genius!

This evaluation, I only told Albus back then. During the N.E.W.T. exam that year, I personally took his Transfiguration and Spells.

He is a seventeen-year-old boy, and the magic he uses with a wand is something I have never seen before, and I have been following him ever since. "

Don\'t think that Maggie Bam is much bigger than Dumbledore, but it seems to be his "little fan sister", and Dumbledore must be mentioned in two sentences.

Obviously, the principal was deliberately avoiding this overly enthusiastic grandmother by not showing up.

"Then, child, can you cast it and show it to me. I need to register your characteristics to make sure that you are not being cast by the blood magic spell."

The blood magic spell is a kind of vicious and complex black magic. Once you are caught in this kind of magic, you will eventually become an animal forever, and you will never be able to change back to a human form.

"Recently, that mysterious circus has started to operate quietly again?" Professor McGonagall said worriedly.

"Yes, they can always get bloodcursed orcs to perform, I doubt them..."

Professor Marchban stopped, obviously not wanting to talk more in front of William.

William was at a loss. It seemed that his gold medal spy was not very powerful, and he didn\'t get any information. He was going to go back and ask Nicole.

Under the expectations of Professor Marchban, William immediately turned into a sea eagle.

All the students gathered around the door and exclaimed.

There was applause from the crowd!



(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)

