A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 36: Trelawney's teaching accident

After Professor Trelawney had fooled everyone, there was a long silence, her long emerald earrings shimmering in the firelight.


She occasionally shook her head, occasionally nodded, and her facial expressions were extraordinarily rich, sometimes happy and sometimes sad.


I don\'t know, I thought she had DID and had thirty personalities.


Of course, it may also be pure water time, so that this lesson can be passed.


Just when everyone was about to get impatient, she suddenly said:


"I just took a look at the future with my Tianmu. This year we will learn various basic divination methods. The first semester is spent on interpreting tea leaves.


By the way, my dear. "


She said suddenly to Heloise of Gryffindor, "Watch out for wizards with an L in their name."


Heloise gave McLaggen a frightened look.


In first grade, McLaggen set her hair on fire in Transfiguration class, nearly disfiguring her.


Although it was similar to disfigurement now, a lot of pimples had begun to appear on Heloise\'s face.


Like a plowed field.


Heloise moved her chair away from McLaggen.


Professor Trelawney continued: "According to the past plan, we will finish interpreting tea leaves this semester.


Unfortunately, in October, a cold snap can cause a severe cold.


I would lose my voice and force the class to close.


Our classes resumed after a brief hiatus. "


"During the summer term," continued Professor Trelawney, "we will learn about fire omens and crystal balls.


At the end of the entire school year, Hui people leave everyone forever. Of course, I\'m not referring to the group of students who are about to graduate. "


Many students laughed out loud. Everyone knows that each class of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors can\'t serve for two years.


"Tsk tsk, if I were you, I wouldn\'t laugh. What I said was that the two of you will leave forever!"


After she said this, there was a tense silence in the classroom, but Professor Trelawney didn\'t seem to feel anything about it.


"I think, dear," she said suddenly to William.


"Can you bring me the teapot on the shelf?"


William nodded and stood up, took a huge teapot from the shelf and placed it on the table in front of Professor Trelawney.


"Thank you, dear. By the way, the thing you don\'t want to see—will happen before Christmas."


William raised his eyebrows.


"Now, I want you to work in groups of two. Take a cup from the shelf, come to me, and I\'ll pour tea into the cup.


Then he sat down and drank tea until only the tea leaves were left in the cup.


Shake the tea residue three times with your left hand, then turn the teacup over and buckle it on the cup holder; wait for the last bit of tea to flow out, and read your teacup to your partner.


You can use the content on pages 5 and 6 of the book "Poke the Fog and See the Future" to interpret the shape of the tea residue.


I will walk among you, help you, and instruct you. "


After William and Qiu\'s teacups were filled with tea, the two returned to their table.


William looked at the tea leaves floating on the boiling water, and frowned slightly.


It\'s meow!


There are actually white hairs on it, it\'s already moldy!


William took another look at Qiu\'s teacup, which was also moldy.


"What\'s the matter, child? Drink!"


Trelawney turned her gaze to William.


"Tea tasting is an art that requires meditation. This is a good tea that I have treasured for many years. Drink it well."


"Professor, I think you have kept this tea for too long, and it may have become moldy."


William\'s voice was not loud, but all the students heard it.




McLaggen squirted all the water out of his mouth. He had just felt thirsty and had several drinks.


He exerted too much force, and sprayed a sip of water on the opposite Heloise\'s face.


The girl was saddened and wished to pour the moldy tea leaves into McLaggen\'s mouth, poisoning him to death.


Everyone looked at Professor Trelawney in awe. Could she have seen all this with her "Tianmu"?


So the person with the L in the name really refers to McLaggen?


Professor Trelawney seemed to be calm, shaking the cloak on his shoulders, looking like a master.


"Son, it\'s not mold, it\'s just tea." She insisted.


William rolled his eyes.


The tea hair is the tiny fluff on the tip of the tea bud, and the middle part of the tea leaves is full of white threads.


Isn\'t this moldy?


Even if Professor Trelawney said so, no one dared to drink that tea again.


Professor Trelawney had no choice but to take out the new tea she had just bought a few days ago from the cupboard with heartache.


This tea is prepared to drink slowly when one is free.


The price is too old!


This time it was really good tea. William took two sips and could tell it was a high-quality black iced tea from Lipton.


When it comes to tea, many people are accustomed to thinking that the tea they drink abroad is from the Celestial Dynasty.


It wasn\'t until William came to England that he discovered that this was not the case.


The United Kingdom does not produce tea, but it has the most famous tea brand in the world.


The Celestial Dynasty is the hometown of tea and the largest country in production and consumption, but it does not have an international tea brand.


There has always been a popular saying in the industry: "80,000 tea companies in China lost to one Lipton".


In China, which has a market of 100 billion yuan, the annual sales of 20 to 3 billion yuan is already a large-scale tea company, but in the United Kingdom, which does not produce tea, the annual sales of a "Lipton" is as high as more than 20 billion yuan.


Of course, if the Camellia ladies of WeChat can unite, they will be able to form the tea company with the largest market value in minutes.


William quickly finished his tea.


As Professor Trelawney taught, he shook his little hand and threw the liquid out of it.


In a sense, the inside has completely changed into the shape of William.


He and Qiu exchanged tea cups.


"Okay," Qiu asked. "What did you see in my teacup?"


"Hmm..." William tried his best to look at the lump of tea leaves in the cup to discern what pattern it was.


Even a soul painter draws pictures, and William really can\'t understand the pattern of what\'s in the cup.


"It seems to be a nebula, that\'s right, the m78 nebula! This means that with the help of a man named Bumpman, you will find the right direction and reach the pinnacle of your life." William said nonsense.


Qiu glanced suspiciously at William, and also stared at William\'s teacup.


"Oh, Merlin! One ball - Quaffle!" Qiu exclaimed, "This means that Ravenclaw will continue to win the Quidditch Cup under your leadership!"


"It makes sense. If you go to take the fortune-telling exam now, you can probably get an O." William laughed.


William exchanged cups with other students. He imitated Professor Trelawney, like a magic stick, helping everyone predict.


William suddenly discovered that he could open a fortune-telling booth at Hogwarts to help people calculate marriages, and he would definitely make a fortune.


Professor Trelawney slept for five minutes and was awakened by the noise.


She came over from the darkness, and she stared at William badly.


The reason for her unhappiness is probably that she is reluctant to part with her precious tea, or she has the urge to get up.


"Son, show me, I\'ll help you see your future!" Professor Trelawney took the cup from William\'s hand.


Professor Trelawney stared at the teacup, turning it counterclockwise.


"Grape... my dear, you are about to encounter the biggest crisis in your life!" Professor Trelawney exclaimed.


"Professor, that..."


Professor Trelawney ignored William and continued: "The big stick... an attack. My dear, my dear, this is not a lucky teacup..."


Everyone stared at Professor Trelawney, who finally turned the teacup one more time, gasped, and screamed.


Professor Trelawney slumped into an empty armchair, her shiny hands caressing her heart, eyes closed.


"My dear boy—Mr. Stark—my poor, dear boy—no—it would be better not to say it—no—don\'t ask me..."


"What\'s the matter, Professor?" McLaggen said immediately.


"My dear," Professor Trelawney\'s large eyes opened dramatically, staring at William.


"You have a bad omen!"


"Bad omen?"


"\'Ominous\', my dear, \'Great Omen\'!" cried Professor Trelawney.


"Leather whips, handcuffs, candles!" Professor Trelawney threateningly stared at William. "It means that you will be kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured!"


Heloise raised her hand weakly, with a sad face.


"Professor, that... William is holding my cup!"


Professor Trelawney suddenly stopped talking and sat on a chair, seemingly asleep.


There is a hint of embarrassment in the air~www.novelhall.com~Merlin, a teaching accident has occurred.


William remembered a language teacher from a previous life.


In class, she explained to option B, and finally found out that the answer was wrong. Actually, she chose C.


The most amazing thing is that she gave a reasonable explanation.


William even doubted that if she changed the answer, she would be able to explain it wisely.


There are talents everywhere.


Professor Trelawney is such a talent.






(Ask for a recommendation ticket, everyone)

