A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 38: exposed lockhart

It was supposed to be a Transfiguration class, but it turned into an acting class.

Many little wizards came to hear the news, and the classroom was surrounded by water.

"Very good." Professor Marchban applauded enthusiastically.

"Son, you are already the eighth registered Animagus of this century, congratulations!"

"Then this certificate will also be given to you."

Marchban handed William a golden certificate.

I saw that it was written in gilt font: The Most Potential Newcomer Award!

William was stunned, and then took over the fourth award he had won so far.

He has also previously won the Merlin Medal and two \'Outstanding Contribution to Hogwarts\' awards.

"Don\'t be surprised, I\'m the editor-in-chief of "Transfiguration Today" magazine, but after a few years, it will be handed over to Minerva." Marchban laughed.

William took over the certificate. What he wanted to complain about was not this, but the certificate...Is it just handed out?

Professor McGonagall was very excited when he mentioned it, and William thought there would be a major award ceremony.

Not to mention that it is as formal as the Merlin Medal, at least it has a sense of ceremony, right?

Such a fluffy piece of paper was sent away, giving William a kind of confusion in a third-rate small workshop.

It\'s as if he handed over the gold bullion he found in his home to the government, and the other party gave him 500 yuan, and then spoke in an authentic dialect: "This is the pennant that the country gave you, fellow!"

Always feel something is not right.

Obviously, William thought too much.

Transfiguration Today is not an official journal, but an academically authoritative journal.

The "Most Promising Newcomer" award is also unofficial, only to encourage young wizards to excel in Transfiguration.

If Machiban didn\'t know William, the certificate would have been sent directly by an owl, and it would have been delivered in person.

In addition to honors, this award does not involve a little Galleon, nor does it hold a so-called ceremony.

After all, other people\'s magazines follow the high-end academic route, and their sales are far inferior to the Daily Prophet. Where can I find the spare money to do some fancy things.

"With this award, the school will help you apply for the International Wizarding Youth Scholarship." Professor McGonagall said beside.

Oh, William came to a realization.

The Most Promising Newcomer Award is one of the certificates certified by the International Conference of Wizards and Wizards. With this honor, one can apply for an international scholarship.

This scholarship is awarded by the International Confederation of Wizards.

The Federation is an intergovernmental organization in the wizarding world, roughly equivalent to the United Nations in the Muggle world.

Think about it, what is the gold content of the scholarship the federation gives you?

It is no exaggeration to say that with this certificate, William can go to any department of the Ministry of Magic, the kind that does not require assessment.

Most importantly, Dumbledore is president of the International Confederation of Wizards.

In line with the philosophy that fat and water do not flow to outsiders\' fields, William\'s scholarship level will undoubtedly be the highest level.

This would be a considerable amount of money!

Therefore, as long as the grades are good enough, not only do you not need to spend any money to go to school, but you can even make a small profit when you graduate.

Dumbledore took this route back then. When he graduated, he won all the awards he could win.

Sometimes, influence is built little by little.

Dumbledore was helping William build his influence.

"Let\'s take a photo, the next issue of "Transfiguration Today" will publish your paper and your award." Marchban said, motioning for a photographer next to him to take a photo.

"What\'s going on, what\'s going on?"

Suddenly there was a sound from the crowd, and Lockhart squeezed through the crowd and strode toward them, turquoise robes fluttering behind him.

"Which newspaper is interviewing, why don\'t I know?" Lockhart was a little excited.

Lockhart entered the classroom, put an arm around William\'s shoulder, and exclaimed cheerfully, "William, don\'t ask! We meet again, William!"

"How about you told me that I don\'t want to be interviewed by reporters during the summer vacation?" Lockhart put his arms around William\'s shoulders intimately.

"Seeing all my pictures in the papers makes you jealous? That kind of fame, doesn\'t it?" Lockhart said. "So you can\'t wait to get a reporter?"

"Come on, Mr. Reporter," Lockhart greeted with a grin, "two-person photo, it\'s a great deal, we\'re going to make the headlines!"

"Who are you?" said Professor Marchban impatiently.

"Sorry, you don\'t know me? I\'m Lockhart, the famous wizard."

Machiban shook his head, expressing that he didn\'t know this handsome man, and even felt a little disgusted in his heart.

She gets sick when she sees a sissy.

What she prefers is Dumbledore\'s, which is masculine!

Lockhart saw the certificate in William\'s hand. He stared at the content and read: "Because of the outstanding Animagus attainments..."

"Animagus... I am familiar with this magic. In fact, I used this magic when dealing with the Byron ghost." Lockhart couldn\'t wait to boast.

"So you\'re an illegal Animagus?" Professor Marchban squinted.

Illegal Animagus is a crime, the kind that needs to go to Azkaban.

Although Lockhart didn\'t know what Animagus was, it didn\'t prevent him from hearing the word "illegal".

He hesitated for a moment, looked at William, and asked:

"Which newspaper are they?"

"Today\'s Transfiguration."

"Today\'s Transfiguration? Never heard of it. It seems to be a small newspaper." Lockhart\'s back straightened again.

As long as it\'s not a big newspaper, he\'s not afraid.

There was a commotion in the crowd, all staring at Lockhart.

It’s fine if the younger wizards don’t know about it. A wizard of Lockhart’s level doesn’t even know about “Transfiguration of the Day”?

William was also a little stunned.

This is the same as graduating with a Ph.D., but not even knowing CNKI.

Could it be that Lockhart\'s real identity is actually Dr. Lowe?

Sure enough, reality is more magical than fiction!

Lockhart also felt that he might have made a serious low-level mistake. He muttered twice, made an excuse, and left in a hurry.

"Where did Albus find such an ignorant guy..." Marchban\'s voice was particularly loud.

Everyone talked a lot and doubted the level of Professor Lockhart.



Soon, the magazine "Transfiguration Today" became popular at Hogwarts.

Walking on the campus, almost every little wizard has a copy.

At noon, Harry and Ron sat down at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione, her Transfiguration of the Day spread out on a milk jug.

She was watching carefully while eating, and occasionally picked up a pen to sketch.

"I said Hermione, can you stop holding that magazine all the time!" said Ron impatiently, "Walking down the road, you can see everyone reading it everywhere.

I really don\'t understand, what\'s so good about it. "

"That\'s why you don\'t understand!" Hermione retorted sharply: "If you are high enough, you will find a lot of interesting content.

In particular, the article published by William has many thought-provoking methods that cannot be learned in textbooks. "

"Didn\'t you study with William in the library every day, didn\'t he teach you?" Harry wondered.

"That\'s different, William hasn\'t talked to me about such high-end content yet, so I\'ll learn about it myself in advance.

The content of his article is very deep, and even Professor McGonagall appreciates it. There is no harm in taking a look at it in advance. "

"That\'s because William wrote at the beginning of the article - \'Thanks to Professor McGonagall for teaching me Animagus\'." Ron said sourly, "If it were me, I would greatly appreciate that article."

Harry nudged Ron.

Ron said unhappily: "What\'s wrong? Am I right?!"

"Of course not! I\'m just recommending this article from the academic field, nothing else!" Professor McGonagall\'s voice sounded.

Holding the textbook, she stood behind Ron, pursing her lips tightly and looking cold.

"Ah!" Ron\'s sponge body softened with fright, and he almost fell off the chair.

"Mr. Weasley, if I were you, I wouldn\'t speak ill of others behind their backs, especially my own dean!"

Professor McGonagall said angrily.

"Sorry~www.novelhall.com~Professor, I\'m not..."

Professor McGonagall interrupted with a stern face, "You two, go to Mr. Filch this Saturday! As punishment for stealing a car into the school!"

"What are we going to do, Professor?" Harry asked hastily.

"Ask Mr. Filch yourself, I don\'t know!"

Professor McGonagall said coldly, then turned and left.

She originally went to Filch to intercede to make the punishment lighter, but now it seems... let\'s not forget it.



(Thanks to the reward from the "Taotie Yaodao" boss)

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