A Magical Hogwarts

v3 Chapter 35: Ninety-nine year nondisclosure agreement

The first class of the third grade is divination, and the classroom is on the top of the north tower.

Professor Trelawney has lived in this slightly remote place since he came to Hogwarts.

Ten minutes before class, William, Cho, and Marietta came to a platform.

A group of people are waiting on the platform.

It turned out that there were no stairs nearby, and the door to the divination classroom was on the ceiling, where there was a trapdoor.

Chic classroom!

At this moment, the trapdoor suddenly opened, and a silver ladder fell down.

Everyone started to line up and slowly ascended the silver stairs.

Thanks to Professor Trelawney\'s "good reputation", many students took this course, and everyone regarded it as a compulsory course for mixed grades.

William climbed the ladder and entered a quirky classroom.

In fact, it\'s not a classroom at all, it\'s more like a mixture of a loft and an old-fashioned teahouse.

If there are still melon seeds and an old man with gavel wood for storytelling, it would be more like it.

There are at least twenty small round tables crammed into this classroom. Around each table are calico armchairs and bulging little cushions.

Everything was illuminated by a dim scarlet light; the curtains were drawn, and the many lamps had scarlet shades.

In terms of decoration style, it is very similar to what William has seen in his previous life, those special places located in some deep alleys, unknown but always found.

William also specifically researched why to dress in red.

The red light is eye-catching. In the dark night, a red light is like a lighthouse in the sea, warm and fascinating.

The red light also gives a mysterious tinge, urging one to enter that dark place...explore.

William looked around, and like most single women\'s rooms, it was a mess.

The circular walls are surrounded by shelves filled with dusty feathers, candle heads, worn playing cards, countless silver crystal balls, and a huge pile of tea sets.

Looks like it hasn\'t been cleaned up in years.

When everyone entered the classroom, a voice suddenly came from the shadows, the kind of trance, vague voice.

Kind of like Luna\'s style.

"Welcome," said the voice, "it\'s good to see you in the visible world."

Professor Trelawney walked into the place where the fire was shining. She was very thin and wore large glasses.

She wore a shimmering shawl like a light sheer gauze around her shoulders, a myriad of necklaces and beads around her slender neck, and bracelets and rings on her arms and hands.

It looks like an antique!

Of course it could be fake.

"Sit, my children, all sit." Trelawney seemed happy to see so many students.

"To be honest, I\'m very happy and sad that you guys are here."

"I am happy that you are all willing to follow me into the world of prophecy. Sadly..."

Professor Trelawney suddenly choked up and wiped his nose with a floral handkerchief.

"Sorry, I\'m a little rude."

"Professor, what happened?" Judy Crouch of Slytherin House asked boldly.

"You\'re sick, we don\'t have to go to this class?" Jon Hart guessed excitedly.

"You were expelled by Professor Dumbledore?" Elena Kaslina said excitedly.

"You\'re fired, I won\'t be fired." Professor Trelawney glared at her, then sighed.

"Well, trust me, ignorance is a blessing, boys, you wouldn\'t want to know."

Professor Trelawney said this, and everyone was even more curious.

"I can\'t tell you, really!" Professor Trelawney shook his head, "It\'s about a prophecy, a millennial prophecy.

Back in 1999, wizards would sign nondisclosure agreements about this... don\'t ask, I can\'t say, even though it\'s only \'92!

Saying it out will affect the future timeline and cause unpredictable disasters.

Maybe everyone will die! "

Everyone looked at each other, listening to what she meant, it seemed that the year 2000 was the end of the world.

William raised his eyebrows. Could it be the famous Earth defense battle in his previous life?

But one thing to say, Professor Trelawney is really like a magician, especially in attracting the attention of the little wizard, he is really good at it!

Trelawney sat down in an armchair in front of the fireplace when she was done fooling everyone, her eyes tightly closed, her voice erratic.

"Don\'t worry about the future, welcome to my divination class.

Being able to choose this course means that everyone has some wisdom. will go farther than those who go to other programs. "

William and Qiu looked at each other and listened to Professor Trelawney\'s tone. The students who didn\'t come to her class were all idiots.

Professor Trelawney rearranged the shawl meticulously, and continued: "You have taken the divination class, and you should be enlightened, this will be the most difficult class of all the magical arts you will face.

Yes, I noticed that many students brought "Intermediate Transfiguration". I must say that the difficulty of this class is far beyond Transfiguration.

Even Minerva had to admit it. "

Everyone looked suspicious. They didn\'t know if Transfiguration was difficult, but divination was notoriously better.

Just a little bit of a knack for lying.

And this ability is innate to many people, especially witches.

"I know everyone is suspicious. After class, you can ask Professor McGonagall what grades she got in her divination class in the o.w.ls grade exam."

Professor Trelawney continued: "Before the class, I must remind you: If you don\'t have a \'vision\', then there is very little I can teach you, which requires talent.

I have no intention of boasting, but in this day and age, there are very few prophets with a broad horizon like me.

Otherwise, why would Professor Dumbledore invite me to teach this class?

By the way, he even gave me a salary increase last year just to keep me, even though I had seen it with my Tianmu long ago. "

Regarding this issue, everyone also wants to know that many senior students believe that Professor Trelawney is Dumbledore\'s illegitimate daughter.

She walked around the classroom like a ghost.

"Many witches and wizards ~www.novelhall.com~, despite their genius at making violent bangs, smells, and sudden invisibility, can\'t see through the mists of the future."

Professor Trelawney went on, her huge glowing eyes wandering through the crowd.

"There are only a few people with that kind of talent. You, child—" she said suddenly to Judy Crouch, "how is your uncle?"

"I think it\'s good." Judy shrugged.

"Oh, I don\'t think so. He\'s going to be in big trouble."

Professor Trelawney threatened and flickered, and finally mobilized everyone\'s attention.



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